- The Shogi Championship is organized by the Italian
Shogi Association (AIS) in the framework of Giochi
Sforzeschi 2000: The Italian Mind Sports Olympiad, which
features over 60 Mind Sports including Chess, Go, Draughts, Esoteric
Chess, Mah Jong, Risk, Backgammon and Othello. Giochi Sforzeschi
2000 runs from Thursday 7 through Sunday 10 December 2000.
- This year is the first time that the Italian Championship
is part of the European Shogi Grand Prix (organized under the
auspices of the Federation
of European Shogi Associations, FESA).
- In addition to Giochi Sforzeschi 2000 and its Shogi Championship,
Milano has quite a bit to offer. The Cathedral, Cimitero Monumentale,
Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper", Castello Sforzescho
and the nightlife in the Navigli district are major tourist attractions.
- Conference Centre Palazzo
delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 61, 20123 Milano. Phone: +39-02-481-8431.
Fax: +39-02-4851-9097. The Shogi Championship will take place
in Sala G. The venue is easily reached by underground: Cadorna
on the Red (1) and Green (2) lines; S. Ambrogio on the Red (1)
line. For details refer to the map
(gif format, 40 kB).
Saturday 9 December
9:00 registration
9:30 round 1
11:30 round 2
15:00 round 3
17:00 round 4
Sunday 10 December
9:30 round 5
11:30 round 6
14:00 prize giving ceremony
- Time limits: 40 minutes + 40 seconds byoyomi. No handicaps.
Swiss, possibly McMahon, pairing system.
- Participation is completely free of charge and the
tournament is open to everybody. As last year showed, even rank
beginners will have a very enjoyable time. Norwegian, German,
Italian, Belgian, Dutch and Japanese players have already confirmed
their participation, so it promises to be a very nice tournament.
If you plan to participate, please register with Pieter Stouten.
- Participants of "Giochi Sforzeschi 2000" are eligble
for discounted accommodation right at the playing venue Palazzo
delle Stelline. The costs per room per night (including breakfast)
are: ITL 210,000 (109 Euro) for a double room; ITL 150,000 (77
Euro) for a single room. A limited number of rooms is available,
so please book as soon as possible by sending e-mail to MSO Italy,
mentioning the name(s) of the person(s), and the arrival and
departure dates.
- Cheaper hotels (about 15 minutes by underground from the
playing venue) are available upon request. Contact MSO Italy
for more information.
The second Italian Open Championship was held over the weekend
of 9 and 10 December in Milan. It was part of the Italian Mind
Sports Olympiad, which attracted about 2,000 mind sports fans.
The location and ambiance were exceptional. The large Startrek
exposition with its lifesize cardboard characters, a real warpcore
and even a Dr. Beverly Crusher-lookalike, and the various wargames
that were displayed and played in the arcade around the courtyard
made for a very special atmosphere.
The Shogi event was won in perfect style by Terje Christoffersen.
It was his first tournament victory outside his native Norway,
and probably the first time a kyu player won an international
tournament with dan player opposition. Somehow, I doubt Terje
will remain a kyu player much longer.
The title of Italian national champion went to Giuseppe Baggio,
who scored the same number of wins as Enrico Tognoni, but had
a better sum of opponents' scores.
Name Cou Rounds S Bu MB SB
------------------------- --- ------------------------ - -- -- --
1 Christoffersen Terje NOR 10+ 4+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 6+ 6 21
2 Tatsutomi Hiroyuki JPN 5+ 6+ 1- 7+ 3+ 4- 4 23
3 Stouten Pieter NED 8+ 9+ 4+ 1- 2- 11+ 4 20
4 Secelle Hans BEL 7+ 1- 3- 12+ 8+ 2+ 4 19
5 Rapmund Antje GER 2- 12+ 8+ 9+ 1- 7+ 4 17
6 Heeffer Albrecht BEL 12+ 2- 7- 8+ 9+ 1- 3 17
7 Baggio Giuseppe ITA 4- 10+ 6+ 2- 11- 5- 2 19 13 5
8 Korsner Sven SWE 3- 11+ 5- 6- 4- 10+ 2 19 13 4
9 Tognoni Enrico ITA 11+ 3- 10+ 5- 6- --- 2 15 11
10 Tatsutomi Hirokazu JPN 1- 7- 9- 11+ 12+ 8- 2 15 8
11 Boettcher Hans-Joachim GER 9- 8- 12+ 10- 7+ 3- 2 13
12 Durante Marco ITA 6- 5- 11- 4- 10- 13+ 1 15
13 De Leo Maurizio ITA --- --- --- --- --- 12- 0 1
Cou = country of citizenship; S = score; Bu = Bucholtz score
(sum of opponents' scores); MB = median Bucholz (highest and
lowest opponent's score ignored); SB = Sonneborn-Berger score
(sum of defeated opponents' scores).
This page was last updated Wednesday
1 November 2000