Tsumeshogi Challenge

Solution to Problem 72

Solution: 1. G*2b K-1c
2. G*1b Lx1b
3. Gx1b Kx1b
4. G*1a Kx1a
5. L*1c Nx1c
6. B*3c K-1b
7. B-2b+ mate (13 moves)

  • 1. G*1c Kx1c and now:
    • 2. B*3a K-1d! 3. G*2e K-2c 4. G-3e K-3b! 5. L-2b+ K-4c 6. G*5c K-3c
    • 2. B*2b K-1d!

  • This problem turned out to be harder than I expected.
    Many solvers sent in solutions based on 1. G*1c, which does not mate. - PD

Correct Solvers

Reijer Grimbergen         Japan
Eric Cheymol              France
Kai Wan Leung             Hong Kong
Mike Facer                USA

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97 December 18

Patrick Davin
davin [at] shogi [dot] net