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For your imformation, out of the recent ten thousand-odd professional
games, only four were played with this strategy by black players, while
20 were played by white players. I have to add that the White's winning
rate was not very good.
Next I will present what could be called a model game for a black player
against white's Masuda-shiki. It was a final match of the TV Haya-zashi
Championship Tournament, played by Yoshiharu Habu and Kenji Waki. I might
add that although Masuda used it in Meijin-sen, a very long game, the strategy
is now more frequently used in a match like Haya-zashi, because the strategy
is better fit for a quick game. Haya-zashi is a very quick game, in which
each move has to be made within 30 seconds.
Masuda's Ishida-ryu : a model game (6)
The diagram below is from the final match of Haya-zashi Tournament, played
by Waki(b) and Habu(w), on 20 Feb., 1993. The last move was bS-7h, by Waki.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +--------------------------------------------+ Habu in hand: | wL | wN | wS | wG | | wG | | wN | wL | a +------------------+ +--------------------------------------------+ | B | | | | wK | | | | | wS | | b | | +--------------------------------------------+ +------------------+ | wP | wP | wP | wP | wP | wP | | wP | wP | c +--------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | wR | | | d +--------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | wP | | | e +--------------------------------------------+ | bP | | bP | | | bP | | | | f +--------------------------------------------+ | | bP | | bP | bP | bS | bP | bP | bP | g +--------------------------------------------+ Waki in hand: | | | bS | bK | | | | bR | | h +------------------+ +--------------------------------------------+ | B | | bL | bN | | bG | | bG | | bN | bL | i | | +--------------------------------------------+ +------------------+
After this: (from White)
P-9d; P-6f, G-3b; S-6g, K-8b; K-7h, S-7b; P-2f, P-1d; P-1f, S-3c; G4i-5h, S-4d; P-2e, S-5e; G6i-6h, N-3c; P-6e,
The very beginning of the game was bP-7f, wP-3d, bP-9f, which could have been a Masuda-shiki black-version. We can see Waki has taken extra precautions in building up his formation. He postponed pushing a Pawn up to 2e, in order to prepare for White's B*1d or P-2d.
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