From: Pieter Stouten CHEMSCI1 ES DUPONT COM> Date: 21 mar 1994 Subject: SHOGI-L archives updated. A gaijin patch for GNU Shogi for the Macintosh 1.1-1.10E has been added to the archives. When applied to GNU Shogi the patch provides pieces with the original kanji, but with small western characters in one corner. The patch is written by Andrew Barnert usc edu>. WARNING: one needs ResEdit to install the patch !! GNU Shogi itself and the gaijin patch can be retrieved by sending to either LISTSERV TECHNION BITNET or LISTSERV TECHNION TECHNION AC IL the commands: GET SHOGI GNU11E GET SHOGI GNUPAT Alternatively, one can get the program and the patch through anonymous FTP from the Macintosh archives at The full paths are: /info-mac/game/brd/gnu-shogi-11e.hqx /info-mac/game/brd/gnu-shogi-us-11e-patch.hqx File size are 323 kB and 12 kB, respectively. Enjoy ! Pieter Stouten, co-owner Shogi-L E-mail: stoutepf chemsci1 es dupont com Internet Shogi Server: kzinti