From: Colin Paul Adams COLINA DEMON CO UK> Date: 4 feb 1998 Subject: Shogi Variants server: testers wanted Due to an accident 10 days ago, I have written an Internet server for playing Shogi variants. I haven't yet got it to actually play Chu Shogi, that will take another week or two (I did most of the work for that back in the summer, I just have to convert it to Java now), but in the meantime, I need to check out a possible operating system dependency or two. So I am appealing for users of Microsoft 32-bit Windows operating systems (Windows 95, NT, and whatever else might be appearing), and Mac OS (and any other non-Unix operating systems that are capable of running Java) to do just a very little bit of testing for me. You will need the Java Runtime Environment (or the Java Development Kit) for Java 1.1 installed on your machine. Microsoft 32-bit Windows users can download it from: I'm not sure about Mac OS - no doubt if this is what you use, you can find out. Please email me at: colin colina demon co uk (or telephone on +44-1772-498247 if you prefer), if you are willing to help with the testing. It won't take very long. As an aside, when the server and client are sufficiently well developed, I shall be running a copy of the server here. But I will normally only be online when I want to play. Best for everyone would be a permanently online server. But that will need a volunteer to host it. Please contact me if you think you will be able to do so. -- Colin Paul Adams Preston Lancashire