Hans Geuns' Basic Shogi Vocabulary

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  1. General Terms
    1. Shogi and Shogi variants
    2. Playing equipment
      1. Shogi set and other utensils
      2. Artisans and materials
      3. Script
    3. The Shogi board
    4. Pieces
    5. Games
    6. Victory and defeat
    7. Abbreviations in game scores
  2. Tsume Shogi
    1. Mate and brinkmate
    2. Tsume Shogi
    3. Mate compositions
      1. Compositions
      2. Special techniques
      3. Classics
  3. Moves and movements
    1. Moves
    2. Movements
      1. Simple movements and actions
      2. Drops and promotion
      3. Single pieces
      4. Capture, exchange and sacrifices
  4. Strategy and tactics
    1. General terms
    2. Systems and variations
    3. Opening strategies
      1. Static rook
      2. Ranging rook
      3. Yagura
      4. Surprise openings
    4. Castles
      1. Mino group
      2. Yagura group
      3. Other castles
    5. Tesuji
  5. Position and development
    1. Position
      1. Overall position
      2. Single points
      3. Single pieces
    2. Development
      1. Begin, middle, end
      2. Developments
      3. Opportunity and danger
      4. Success and failure
  6. Attack and defence
    1. Attack
    2. Defence
  7. Analysis
    1. Common terms
    2. Diagrams
    3. Comparison
    4. Evaluation
      1. Positive
      2. Negative
  8. Psychology
    1. Feelings
    2. Thoughts
  9. Professional Shogi
    1. Organization
    2. Periodicals of the J.S.F
    3. Teacher and pupil
    4. Ranking
    5. Title matches and tournaments
      1. Major matches and tournaments
      2. Setting
      3. Time keeping
    6. Special awards
  10. Shogi proverbs
    1. Gyoku/King
    2. Fu/Pawn
    3. Kei to kyoo/Knight and Lance
    4. Kin to gin/Gold and Silver
    5. Hi to kaku/Rook and Bishop
    6. Other
  1. Index
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iv intransitive verb
iv:tv verb pair, the first verb intransitive, the second transitive
Jap. Japanese
JSF Japan Shogi Federation
lit. literally
n noun
obs. obsolete
opp. opposite
p. page; piece
posth. posthumous
v verb
ZK Shoogi Zukoo, problem number --
(-) dummy verb "suru" can be added

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1) General Terms

1.1) Shogi and Shogi variants

将棋shoogi Shogi; game; style
象戯shoogiShogi (old way of writing this word)
将棋を指すshoogi o sasuplay Shogi
将棋道shoogidoothe Way of Shogi
将棋道場shoogidoojooShogi playing hall
将棋の日shoogi no hiShogi day (November 17th)
中将棋chuu shoogiMiddle Shogi (12x12 board, 92 pieces)
大将棋dai shoogiGreat Shogi (15x15 board, 130 pieces)
大大将棋dai-dai shoogiGreat-Great Shogi (17x17 board, 92 pieces)
マカ大大将棋 maka dai-dai shoogi Ultra-Great-Great Shogi (19x19 board, 192 pieces)
太将棋 tai shoogi Grand Shogi (25x25 board, 354 pieces; the biggest existing chesstype game)
鳥将棋 tori shoogi Tori (Bird) Shogi (7x7 board, 32 pieces)
天竺将棋 tenjiku shoogi Tenjiku (Indian) Shogi (16x16 board, 156 pieces)
早指し将棋 hayasashishoogi quick Shogi
超早指し将棋 choosoosashishoogi lightning Shogi
リレー将棋 riree shoogi relay Shogi (4 players)
ついたて将棋 tsuitate shoogi screen Shogi (blind Shogi)
通信将棋 tsuushin shoogi postal Shogi
棋界 kikai the Shogi world
棋士 kishi Shogi player (pro)
棋敵 kiteki opponent
棋譜 kifu game record
棋風 kifuu Shogi style
棋力 kiryoku Shogi strength
棋理 kiri Shogi theory
アマ, アマチュア ama, amachua amateur
プロ, プロフェシォナル puro, purofeshonaru pro, professional
初心者 shoshinsha beginner
初級者 shokyuusha beginning kyu player
有段者 yuudansha dan player
一級~九級 ikkyuu-kyuukyuu 1st-9th kyu (player) (lower grades)
初段~九段 shodan-kudan 1st-9th dan (player) (higher grades)

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1.2) Playing equipment

1.2.1) Shogi set and other utensils

棋具 kigu playing equipment
将棋盤セット shoogiban setto the Shogi board and set
ban board
koma piece(s)
駒台 komadai stand
駒袋 komafukuro bag for pieces
駒箱 komahako box for pieces
脇息 kyoosoku armrest
桐蓋 kiributa paulownia cover (for big board)
時計 tokei clock
チェスクロック chesu-kurokku chess clock

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1.2.2) Artisans and materials

駒師 komashi master woodworker
駒銘 komamei signature of artisan (at the side of the king)
書家 shoka calligrapher
-zai -wood
本つげ hontsuge real Japanese boxwood
さつまつげ Satsuma tsuge Satsuma boxwood
みくら島つげ Mikurajima tsuge boxwood from Mikurajima (a very small island 200 km south of Tokyo)
かや kaya kaya (Torreya nucifera)
本場物 hombamono the real thing (kaya from Miyazaki prefecture)
椿 tsubaki camellia
銀杏 ichoo gingko, maidenhair tree (Gingka bilboa)
katsura Japanese Judas tree (Cercidiphyllum Jap.)
けやき keyaki keyaki (Zelkova serrata)
kiri paulownia
kuwa mulberry
まさ(目) masa(me) straight grain
板目 itame curved grain
赤まさ akamasa red grain
天地まさ tenchimasa Heaven-and-Earth grain
糸まさ itosama fine grain (smaller than 1mm)
虎ふ torafu tiger stripes (thick, wavy, reddish lines)
彫駒 horigoma engraved pieces
彫まい駒 choomai-goma pieces engraved and filled with lacquer
盛上 moriage intaglio repeatedly filled with lacquer
バンタロ駒 bantarogoma pieces on which the name is written with brush (inferior)

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1.2.3) Script

書体 shotai (style of) script
書せき shoseki handwriting (specimen)
錦旗 kinki imperial standard
水無瀬 minase minase
源平 genpei genpei (genji and heike; (name black; promotion name red)
源兵衛清安 genbei kiyoyasu genbei kiyoyasu
細字の清安 saiji no kiyoyasu small character kiyoyasu
巻のりょう湖 maki no ryooko maki no ryooko (famous calligrapher in latter Tokugawa days)
長ろく chooroku chooroku

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1.3) The Shogi board

盤面、譜面 banmen, fumen board (surface)
マス目 masume square
地点 chiten field, square
四天王 shitennoo the four Heavenly Kings (the four dots on the Shogi board)
自陣 jijin own camp
敵陣 tekijin opponent`s camp
dan rank (horizontal)
中段 chuudan centre rank(s)
下段 gedan back rank
一段目~九段目 ichidamme-kyuudamme 1st rank - 9th rank
suji file; diagonal
一筋~九筋 ichi suji-kyuu suji 1st file - 9th file
中央 chuuoo centre
hashi edge
スミ(隅) sumi corner
セっチン setchin corner square(s) (lit. watercloset)
飛(車)先 hi(sha)saki rook file; rook pawn
角筋、角道 kakusuji, kakumichi bishop`s diagonal

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1.4) Pieces

王将、王 ooshoo, oo king
玉将、玉 gyokushoo, gyoku king (Jade General)
飛車、飛 hisha, hi Rook (Flying Chariot)
角行、角 kakugyoo, kaku Bishop (Horned Chariot)
金将、金 kinshoo, kin Gold (Gold General)
銀将、銀 ginshoo, gin Silver (Silver General)
桂馬、桂 keima, kei Knight (Laurel Horse)
香車、香 kyoosha, kyoo Lance (Fragrant Chariot)
歩兵、歩 fuhyoo, fu Pawn (Foot soldier)
成~、ナリ~ nari- promoted-
と金、と tokin, to tokin, promoted pawn
竜王、竜 ryuuoo, ryuu Dragon (Dragon King), promoted rook
竜馬、馬 ryuume, uma Horse (Dragon Horse), promoted bishop
持駒、手駒 mochigoma, tegoma pieces in hand
置駒、盤駒 okigoma, bangoma pieces on the board
大駒 oogoma major pieces (rook and bishop)
小駒 kogoma minor pieces (all pieces except king, rook and bishop)
跳駒 tobigoma long range pices (rook, bishop, knight, lance)
~枚 -mai counter for pieces
~丁 -choo counter for rooks

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1.5) Games

局、対局 kyoku, taikyoku game
お好み対局 o-konomi taikyoku friendly game
指導対局 shidoo taikyoku teaching game, simultaneous game
練習対局 renshuu taikyoku practise game
戦、対戦 sen, taisen game, fight; match
相手、敵 aite, teki opponent
振り駒 furigoma toss (by throwing five pawns)
先手 sente Black; sente, the initiative
後手 gote White; gote, giving the initiative to the opponent
手番 teban turn to play
平手戦 hiratesen even game
駒落戦 koma'ochisen handicap game
~落ち -ochi -handicap
二枚落ち nimai ochi two piece handicap
平香交落 hira-kyoo-majiriochi alternating even game with lance handicap (obs.)
上手 uwate handicap giver
下手 shitate handicap taker

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1.6) Victory and defeat

詰む tsumu mate (v.)
即詰み sokuzumi forced mate
千日手 sennichite draw by repetition of moves
入玉 nyuugyoku entering king
持将棋 jishoogi impasse
勝つ katsu win
勝ち、勝利 kachi, shoori victory
勝負 shoobu victory or defeat, a game
勝負手 shoobute an interesting move in a disadvantageous position on which one wagers the outcome of the game
勝敗 shoohai victory or defeat, the issue (of the game)
必勝 hisshoo sure win
完勝 kanshoo complete victory
楽勝、快勝 rakushoo, kaishoo easy, quick victory
連勝 renshoo winning streak
勝率 shooritsu winning percentage
勝機 shooki opportunity to win
勝目(なし) kachime (nashi) (there are no) chances of winning
勝星 kachiboshi winning mark (O in the table of results)
辛勝 shinshoo narrow victory
優勝を飾る yuushoo o kazaru win the championship
勝因 shoo'in cause of victory
負ける makeru loss, be defeated
負け make loss, defeat
反則負け hansoku make loss because of an illegal move
勿論負け mochiron make automatic loss (illegal move)
負かす makasu defeat (v)
敗(戦) hai(sen) defeat
敗北(-) haiboku defeat
敗着 haichaku losing move
敗因 hai'in cause of defeat
敗る yaburu defeat (vt)
形作り katachizukuri settling the shape, finding a place to resign
あきらめる akirameru give up; resign
投了(-) tooryoo resignation
投げ場 nageba point of resigning
降伏(-) koofuku resignation
降る;降す kudaru; kudasu surrender; defeat (vi; vt)

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1.7) Abbreviations in game scores

uchi drops
nari promotes
不成 narazu does not promote
narazu does not promote
agaru moves up
hiku draws back
hidari from the left
migi from the right
yoru moves sideways (horizontal)
sugu moves straight (vertical)
hairu enters the promotionzone
doo takes (and moves to the square just mentioned)
au; ai interposes any piece (only used in solutions of Tsume Shogi)

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2) Tsume Shogi

2.1) Mate and brinkmate

詰む tsumu mate(v), be checkmated
詰み tsumi mate(n)
詰み上がり tsumi-agari checkmating
即詰み sokuzumi forced mate
打歩詰み uchifuzumi mate with pawn drop (illegal)
突歩詰み tsukifuzumi mate with pawn push
詰ます tsumasu mate (v)
詰めろ (詰めよ) tsumero (tsume yo) threatmate
詰めろをかける tsumero o kakeru threaten mate
詰め tsume tsume, mating problem
詰手、着手 tsumete, chakushu the first checking move
不詰 fuzume, tsumazu (there is) no mate
必死 hisshi brinkmate, hisshi
必死がかかる hisshi ga kakeru set up a brinkmate
死ぬ shinu die
トン死 tonshi sudden death
残る nokoru remain, be spared

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2.2) Tsume Shogi

詰将棋 tsume shoogi Tsume Shogi, checkmate problems
指将棋 sashi shoogi game Shogi (as opposite of Tsume Shogi)
趣向詰将棋 shukoo tsume shoogi mate compositions (with additional restrictions or special devices)
大道詰将棋 daidoo tsume shoogi Street Tsume Shogi (e.g. in popular city districts)
実戦型詰 jissenkei tsume actual game type problem
構想型詰 koosookei tsume ideal type problem (opp. of actual game type)
詰物、図式 tsumemono, zushiki checkmate problem
作物 tsukurimono checkmate problem
古典図式 koten zushiki classic problem
古作物 kosakubutsu ancient problem (usually without known author)
作者 sakusha maker, author
作品、創作 sakuhin, soosaku work, product, creation
完全作 kanzensaku complete (indefective) problem
不完全作 fukanzensaku defective problem
盗作 toosaku stolen problem, plagiarism
類似作 ruijisaku similar problem (strongly resembling an existing problem)
作意 sakui the intended mating sequence
問、問題 mon, mondai problem
候補手 koohote candidate moves
解答 kaitoo answer, solution
正解 seikai correct solution
解説 kaisetsu explanation
詰上り図 tsumi-agarizu mate diagram
玉方、受方 gyokugate, ukekata the king's side, defending side
攻方 semekata the attacking side
初形 shokei original position
駒配り komakubari startposition of the pieces
置駒、盤駒 okigoma, bangoma pieces on the board
持駒、手駒 mochigoma, tegoma pieces in hand
飾り駒 kazarigoma embellishing pieces (without function in the mating sequence)
手数 tesuu number of moves
手一枚 te-ippai using all pieces in hand
手余り te-amari still having pieces in hand (after mating)
駒余り koma-amari id.
伏線手 fukusenshu preparation move
即詰め、追い詰め sokuzume, oizume straight and (too) simple mate (problem)
本詰、本手順 honzume, hontejun the proper mating sequence
別詰 betsuzume different mate
余詰 yozume additional mate (defective problem)
早詰 hayazume earlier mate (flawed problem or wrong solution)
変化 henka variation
変化長手数 henka chootesuu longer variation (mate delayed by interposing pieces, but actual mate is the same)
変更 henkoo variation (alternative first move; should not result in mate)

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2.3) Mate compositions

2.3.1) Compositions

曲詰 kyokuzume mate composition
盤面曲詰 bammen kyokuzume Board Composition (problem diagr. shows a character, figure or letter)
アブリ出し曲詰 aburidashi kyokuzume Invisible Ink Composition (mating diagr. shows a figure or letter)
立体詰 rittaizume Three dimensional Tsume (both bammen en aburidashi kyokuzume {rare})
裸玉 ragyoku, hadakagyoku Naked King (first example by Ito Kanju, Z.K. 98)
還元玉 kangengyoku Original Position King (king is mated on his original square)
煙詰 kemurizume Smoke Tsume (problem shows 39 p. on the board; solution shows only 3 p.) (first example by Ito Kanju, Z.K. 99) (very rare)
駒一揃い詰 komahitosoroizume One of Each (problem shown one of each of the p., attacking side has no pieces in hand)
都詰 miyakozume Mate in the Capital (5e)
たすき詰 tasukizume X Tsume (mating diagr. shows X-shape; tasuki, a cord used for tucking up kimono sleeves)
豆腐図式 toofu zushiki Tofu Problem (problem diagr. shows only king, pawns and tokins)
飛角図式 hikaku zushiki Rook and Bishop Problem
小駒図式 kogoma zushiki Minor Pieces Problem
金銀図式 kingin zushiki Gold and Silver Problem
貧乏図式 bimboo zushiki Poor Man`s Problem (without any gold or silver)
無防備図式 muboobi zushiki No Defence Problem (problem diagr. shows only king and p. of the attacking side)
無仕掛図式 mushikake zushiki No Foothold Problem (attacking side has no pieces on the board; extreme version is the Naked King)
無掛図式 mugakari zushiki id.
石垣図式 ishigaki zushiki Stone Wall Problem (king completely walled in in the mating diagr.)
陣型図式 jinkei zushiki Original Formation Problem (all White's p. on the first rank occupy the same position as at the start of a game) (first example by Ito Kanju, Z.K. 97) (very rare)
完全実戦初形 kanzen jissen shokei Complete Original Formation Problem (all White's p. occupy the same position as at the start of a game) (first example by Naito Kunio) (extremely rare)

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2.3.2) Special techniques

剥し hagashi rip off (the device of over and again taking away pieces around the king at the same squares)
連取り rentori successively taking pieces with rook or bishop (at different squares)
持駒変換 mochigoma-henkan exchanging pieces in hand for pieces on the board
馬ノコ(鋸) uma-noko(giri) Horse Saw (moving zig-zag in order to take a piece at the other side of the board, while continuing to give check)
竜追い ryuu-oi Dragon Chase (hunting the king all over the board with the dragon)

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2.3.3) Classics

三代伊藤宗看 Sandai Itoo Sookan Ito Sokan III (7th Meijin) (1706-1761)
伊藤看寿 Itoo Kanju Ito Kanju (posth. Meijin) (1719-1760), younger brother of Ito Sokan III
将棋無双 Shoogi Musoo Unparalleled Shogi Problems (Ito Sokan III's classical masterpiece, in 1735 offered to the shogun as Shoogi Tsukurimono, Shogi Problems)
詰むや詰まざるや Tsumu ya tsumazaru ya Mate or No Mate? (alternative, popular title of Shoogi Musoo)
将棋図巧 Shoogi Zukoo Ingenious Shogi Problems (Ito Kanju`s genial masterpiece in 1756 offered to the shogun as Shoogi Zushiki, Shogi Problems)
寿 Kotobuki Long Life (Z.K. 100, a 611 move tsume, made by Kanju when he was 13 years old; not surpassed until 1955)

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3) Moves and movements

3.1) Moves

te move; tempo
一手 itte a move; the only move; one tempo
一手の一手 itte no itte move-by-move (endgame)
次の一手 tsugi no itte the next move; next move problem
狙いの一手 nerai no itte the intended move
三手一組 san-te hitokumi a three move combination
一手スキ itte suki one move (tempo) breathing space (endgame)
手番 teban turn to play
手数 tesuu number of moves
手応、応手 tegotae, ooshu answer
手順 tejun sequence of moves
手順前後 tejun zengo reverse order of moves (usually wrong)
手筋、筋 tesuji, suji tactics, tactical move, (standard) combination
手抜き tenuki move elsewhere
手作り tezukuri creating moves
手詰まり tezumari Zugzwang, being short of moves
手拍子 tebyooshi reflex moves
手待ち temachi waiting move
手勝ち tekachi winning by one move (tempo), winning the semeai
手得 tedoku gain of tempo
手損 tezon loss of tempo
手遅れ teokure lagging a move behind
初手 shote first move
禁手 kinte illegal move
封じ手 fuujite sealed move
防手 booshu defence move
攻手 kooshu attacking move
王手 oote check
開き王手 aki-oote discovered check
王手飛車 ootebisha fork on king and rook
準王手飛車 jun-ootebisha indirect fork on king and rook (bishop pinning down the rook)
連続王手 renzoku oote successive checks
両王手 ryoo-oote double check
本手 honte the proper move
勝負手 shoobute the game move (interesting move in a disadvantageous position on which one wagers the outcome of the game)
新手 shinshu new move
常識手 jooshiki te common sense move
しゃれた手 shareta te stylish move
秘手 hishu concealed, hidden move
絶対手 zettaishu forced move
好手 kooshu good move
悪手 akushu bad move
大悪手 daiakushu blunder
最善手 saizenshu the best move
絶好の一手 kekkoo no itte the best move
軽手 keishu light move
強手 kyooshu forcing move; strong move
巧手 kooshu ingenious move
ハメ手 hamete trick move, trap
鬼手 kishu devilish move
妙手 myooshu splendid, brilliant move
微妙手 bimyooshu (very) subtle move
絶妙手 zetsumyooshu absolutely brilliant move
奇手 kishu strange (dubious) move; surprise move
疑問手 gimonte dubious (bad) move
俗手 zoku-te vulgar move
緩い手 yurui te slack, weak move
着、一着 chaku, itchaku (one) move
正着 seichaku the correct move
敗着 haichaku losing move
勝着 shoochaku winning move

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3.2) Movements

3.2.1) Simple movements and actions

指す sasu play; move
指し手、差し手sashite move (n)
指し回しsashimawashiplaying (around), actions
指し方 sashikataway of playing
指し切りsashikiribeing out of moves
指し直すsashinaosuplay a new game (after a sennichite)
指せる saseru have a satisfactory game (better than opponent)
動く ugoku move; come into action
動き ugoki move(ment); action
行動(-)koodoo movements, action
出動(-)shutsudoomobilization, action
立つ tatsu set up, place
据える sueru place
据えつけるsuetsukeruplace, set up
かかる;かけるkakaru; kakeruplace, start, attack, move (vi; vt)
並ぶ narabu line up (the pieces at the beginning of a game)
居る iru remain, stay
行く iku go
来る kuru come
上がる;上げるagaru; agerugo up; take, bring up (vi; vt)
下がる;下げるsagaru; sagerugo down; bring down (vi; vt)
下ろす orosu bring, pull down
落ちる;落とすochiru; otosucome down; bring down (vi; vt)
寄る yoru move sideways; approach the king, bring the king near mate
出る;出すderu; dasugo out; send out (vi; vt)
入る;入れるhairu; irerugo in, enter; send, put in (vi; vt)
~出す -dasu (verb)-out
~込む -komu (verb)-in
進む susumu advance, develop
引く hiku retreat, pull back
戻る;戻すmodoru; modosureturn (vi; vt)
引き戻すhikimodosureturn to
退く hiku; shirizokuretreat
退出するtaishutsu sururetreat
後退するkootai sururetreat
近づく chikazukuapproach, come closer
近づけるchikazukerulet (make) approach
遠ざかるtoozakarustay at a distance, stay away from
遠ざけるtoozakerukeep (put) at a distance
へこます(凹ます) hekomasudent, make hollow
詰まる;詰めるtsumaru; tsumeru become shorter; shorten (the edge by pushing the pawn to the 6th rank) (vi; vt)
盛り上げるmoriagerubuild up (high)
釣り上げるtsuri-agerudraw up, hook up
吊り出すtsuri-dasuentice out, lure out
引っ張るhipparu draw, pull
引っ張り出すhippari-dasudraw, pull out (into)
抜く nuku pull out; move elsewhere (also: take, capture)
抜け出るnuke-derucome out (of)
追う ou chase, follow, pursue
追い出す;追いやる oidasu; oiyaruchase off
逃げる nigeru run away, escape
逃れる nogareruescape
向う mukau confront, oppose
合わせるawaseru oppose (drop a pawn right in front of opponent's pawn)
中合するchuuai suruinterpose, block
止める tomeru stop, block
通す toosu let pass, pass through; open
通じる tsuujirupass, be opened
ぶつかる;ぶつける butsukaru; butsukeru collide (oppose a piece with the same kind of piece) (vi; vt)
包む tsutsumusurround
包囲するhooi suruencircle, siege
しばる shibaru squeeze, restrict
はさむ hasamu pincer, attack from two sides
釘付けにするkugizuke ni suru pin down, tie down
釘を打つkugi o utsupin down (lit. pound in a nail)
クサビを打ち込む kusabi o utchikomu drive in a wedge
移る;移すutsuru; utsusushift, transfer (vi; vt)
移行するikoo suruswitch over (to)
転じる;転ずるtenjiru; tenzuru turn (around), be transferred
転換するtenkan suruconvert, switch, transpose
転用するtenyoo suruconvert

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3.2.2) Drops and promotion

打つ utsu drop
打ち uchi drop (n)
打ち込むuchikomudrop inside the promotion zone, invade
一打 ichida a blow, a drop
連打 renda successive drops
痛打 tsuuda painful blow, drop
割打ち wari-uchistab-in-the-back (silver drop forking two pieces from behind)
重ね打ちkasane-uchidrop-on-top (e.g. a lance drop above the lance on the board)
手放す tebanasulet go, drop (also: give away a piece)
投入するtoonyuu suruthrow into, drop
成る naru promote
成り nari promotion; promoted-
不成り funari- unpromoted-
カラ成り(空成り) karanariempty promotion (not capturing a piece)
成り込むnari-komuenter and promote

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3.2.3) Single pieces

玉を囲うgyoku o kakoucastle the king
玉と入城するgyoku to nyuujoo suru bring the king inside the castle
突く tsuku push (pawn) (also: thrust, attack)
突き込むtsuki-komupush and enter (the promotionzone)
突き越すtsuki-kosupush on
突き合うtsuki-aupush (pawns) mutually (on the same file)
突き違いtsuki-chigaicounterpush (on another file)
突き捨てるtsuki-suterupush and sacrifice
突っ切りtsukkiri(pawn) sacrifice push
伸す;延ばすnobasu extend (with pawn push)
タタク (叩く) tataku strike (drop a pawn right in front of an enemy piece)
タラす(垂らす) tarasu dangle (drop a pawn before the target field, threatening promotion next)
繰り出すkuridasusend out (a general)
飛ぶ tobu fly, rush (rook)
跳ぶ tobu jump (knight)
跳ねる haneru jump (knight)
ハネ hane knight move
走る hashiru rush (forwards) (rook, lance)
回る (廻る);回す mawaru; mawasuturn (sidewards, around) (rook)
ひねる hineru twist, switch over (to the other side) (rook)
振る furu range (to and fro, on the same rank) (rook)
のぞく nozoku peep (bishop)

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3.2.4) Capture, exchange and sacrifices

取る toru (threaten to) take (also: take up a position)
~取り -tori threat to capture-, fork
両取り ryootorifork
タダで取るtada de torusimply capture (and gain a piece)
取り合いtoriai exchange, mutual capture
取り込むtorikomutake and approach, take and enter
取り返すtorikaesutake back
掠め取るkasumetorutake away, pocket
入手するnyuushu suruget in hand
払う harau wipe off
剥す hagasu tear off
はずす hazusu take off
捕獲するhokaku surucapture
抜く nuku take
素抜けるsunukerucan take simply (without any loss)
素抜き sunuki pure, clean profit
排除するhaijo sururemove
清算(-)seisan liquidation, cleaning up
どける dokeru remove (obstacle), get (obstacle) out of the way
換わる;換えるkawaru; kaeruexchange (pieces or moves) (vi; vt)
換わり kawari exchange (n)
~換え -kae (gae)exchange of-
二枚換えnimaigaetwo-for-one, exchanging one (major) piece for two (minor) pieces
交換(-)kookan exchange (n)
替える、代えるkaeru exchange; change; substitute
捨てる suteru sacrifice
見捨てるmi-suteruabandon, forsake
渡す watasu hand over (pieces or the initiative)
ギセイ(犠牲)にする gisei ni surumake a sacrifice
犠打 gida sacrifice drop
切る kiru sacrifice, exchange, get (own piece) out of the way (usually: sacrifice the exchange, i.e. exchange a major piece for a minor piece)
見切る mi-kiru abandon
角切る kakukiriexchanging the bishop for a minor piece
飛切り hikiri exchanging the rook for a minor piece
浮く uku float, stand loose
浮き駒 ukigoma loose piece, floating piece
離れる hanareruseperate, get loose
離れ駒 hanaregomaloose piece
質駒 shichigomahostage piece (to be captured any time)
当たる;当てるataru; ateruthreaten to take (vi; vt)
当たり atari threat to capture
かわす kawasu dodge
ヒモ(紐)をつける himo o tsukeruprotect, defend (a piece)
代償 daishoo compensation
駒割 komawaribalance of material

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4) Strategy and tactics

4.1) General terms

sen fight; game; match
戦う tatakau fight (v)
戦い、闘いtatakai fight (n)
実戦 jissen actual game
感想戦 kansoosenpost mortem
急戦 kyuusen quick attack, early fight
持久戦 jikyuusenslow game
決戦 kessen decisive fight
苦戦 kusen hard, difficult game
難戦 nansen difficult game
乱戦 ransen wild, rough game
大混戦 taikonsenchaotic battle
大熱戦 oo-atsusenfierce, heated fight
戦法 sempoo opening (strategy)
作戦、策戦sakusen strategy
作戦勝ちsakusenkachistrategical victory
作戦負けsakusenmakestrategical loss
陽動作戦yoodoosakusenfeint strategy
戦略 senryakustrategy (plan)
戦術 senjutsustrategy (art)
高等戦術kootoo-senjutsuhigher strategy
戦端 sentan hostilities
戦端を開くsentan o hirakustart hostilities
戦線 sensen front, battle line
戦線を広げるsensen o hirogeru broaden the front
戦場 senjou place of the fight, front
狙う、目指すnerau, mezasuaim at
狙い筋 neraisujithe move or tesuji one aimed at, the intended move
目的、的mokuteki, matoaim, object
目標 mokuhyootarget
仕方、方法shikata. hoohoomethod, way
攻め方 semekatathe way to attack
受け方 ukekata the way to defend
手段 shudan means, measures, way
常套手段jootooshudancommon means, old trick
策(-) saku plan, stratagem
対策 taisaku counter-plan
得策 tokusakuprofitable, wise plan
秘策 hissaku secret plan
窮余の一策kyuuyo no issaku the last (desperate) resort
手順、順tejun, junsequence (of moves)
手順前後tejun-zengoreverse order of moves (usually wrong)
順序 junjo (right) order of moves
定跡 jooseki standard (opening) sequence of moves
手筋、筋tesuji, sujitesuji, tactic, tactical move or sequence, petite combinasion
筋の良いsuji no yoitactically good
筋の悪いsuji no waruitactically bad
本筋 honsuji the proper move
無理筋 murisujiunreasonable move
切れ筋 kiresujifailed move, failed tactics
寄り筋 yorisujiendgame tesuji (bringing the king near mate)
はめる hameru ensnare, trap
ハメテ hamete trap, trick move
ワナ(罠)にはまる wana ni hamaruwalk into a trap
ワナにかけるwana ni kakerutrap
術中 jutchuu trap (n)
術中に陥るjutchuu ni ochiiru fall into a trap
落し穴 otoshianatrap, pitfall
陥れる otoshiireruensnare, fall into a trap
トリックtorikku trick
エサ(餌)esa bait, lure(n)
エジキ(餌食)ejiki prey, victim
katachi (good) shape; formation, position
好形、良い形kookei, yoi katachi good shape
悪形 akukei bad shape
基本形 kihon katachibasic position
凝り形 korikatachistiff, inflexible, overconcentrated shape
おかしい形okashii katachifunny (ridiculous) shape
寄り形 yorikatachinear mate position
形作り katachizukurisettling the shape, finding a place to resign
厚み、厚味atsumi thickness (solid shape)
連絡(-)renraku connection (between pieces)
連絡の(ない)renraku no (nai) (un)connected
合作(-)gassaku cooperation
協力 kyooryokucooperation
aji potential (for attack) (lit. flavour, taste)
味の良いaji no yoihaving good aji
味消し ajikeshielimiating aji
嫌味 iyami unpleasant, nasty aji
イヤ(嫌)な味iya na ajiunpleasant, nasty aji
スピードsupiido speed
速度 sokudo speed
ペース peesu pace, upperhand. initiative
主導権 shudookeninitiative
主導権を握るshudooken o nigiru take hold of the initiative
逆先 gyakusenwinning back the initiative
バランスbaransu balance (between Black and White, attack and defence, right side and left side etc.)
バランスを取るbaransu o toruretain the balance
バランスを持つbaransu o motsukeep the balance
つり合いtsuriai balance
兼ね合い、均衡kaneai, kinkoobalance
waza technique; art; skill
荒技 arawaza wild, fierce technique
技術 gijutsu art; technique; skill
妙技 myoogi beautiful technique
特技 tokugi special ability (of a piece)
芸当 geitoo art; feat
コツ kotsu knack, special skill
調子 chooshi manner, way, style, condition (also: condition of a player)
調子がいいchooshi ga iiin good style; with good prospects; in good condition
好調に koochoo nifavourably, smoothly

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4.2) Systems and variations

~型 -kei (kata)-formation, -line
~式 -shiki -systems, -style
~流 -ryuu -style, -school, way of-
流れ nagare flow
我流 garyuu one's own way (depreciatory)
田舎流 inaka-ryuuboorish style
自然流 shizenryuunatural style (Nakahara Makoto`s style)
手将棋 te-shoogifree Shogi (avoiding established joseki patterns)
力将棋 chikara shoogipower Shogi
マネ将棋mane shoogimirror Shogi
ヘボ将棋hebo shoogicrackpot Shogi (absolute beginner`s)
本譜、本局hompu, honkyokuthe main line, the game
変化、変更henka, henkoovariation
変型 henkei irregular formation
変調 henchoo variation; irregularity
変わる;変えるkawaru; kaeruchange, play a variation (vi; vt)
ライン rainu line
スタイルsutairu style
パターンpataan pattern
一本道 ippommichione straight way
一直線 itchokusenone straight line
岐路 kiro crossroads
岐れ道;分かれ道 wakaremichicrossroads, branch, variation
分かれるwakarerudivide (into)
分かれ目wakaremeturning point

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4.3) Opening strategies

4.3.1) Static rook

居飛車 ibisha Static Rook
相懸り(戦法)aigakari (sempoo) Double Wing Attack (opening)
相掛り aigakariDouble Wing Attack (opening)
(相)浮飛車(ai)ukibisha(Double) Floating Rook
(相)下段飛車(ai)gedanbisha(Double) Back Rank Rook
腰掛銀 koshikakeginReclining Silver
ガッチャン銀gatchan ginClanging Silvers
駅馬車定跡ekibisha jooseki Stagecoach Joseki
凹凸型 oo-totsu-keiHump-Slump System
鎖鎌銀 kusarikama-ginSickle-and-chain Silver
筋違角 sujichigai-kakuWrong Diagonal Bishop
なまくら筋違角namakura suji-chigai kaku Blunt Wrong Diagonal Bishop
横歩取りyokofudoriSide Pawn
変則横歩取りhensoku yokofudori Irregular Side Pawn
空中戦 kuuchuusenAereal Fight
縦歩取りtatefudoriRook on Pawn
純粋縦歩取りjunsui tatefudori Pure Rook on Pawn
ネコの縦歩取りneko no tatefudori the Cat's Rook on Pawn
ひねり飛車hineribishaTwisting Rook
たこ金 takokin Kite Gold (Masuda`s counter against the Twisting Rook)
棒銀 boogin Climbing Silver
原始棒銀genshi booginPrimitive Climbing Silver
角換り kakugawariBishop Exchange
地下鉄飛車chikatetsubishaSubway Rook (contra rightside king in Bishop Exchange)
袖飛車 sodebishaSleeve Rook
居飛車穴熊ibisha anagumaStatic Rook Bear-in-the-hole
玉頭位取りgyokutooguraidori King`s Head Vanguard Pawn
5筋位取りgo-suji kuraidori Central Vanguard Pawn
雁木 gangi Snowroof
鷺宮定跡saginomiya jooseki Heron Palace Joseki
山田流 Yamada-ryuuYamada System

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4.3.2) Ranging rook

振飛車 furibishaRanging Rook
中飛車 nakabishaCentral Rook
原始中飛車genshi nakabisha Primitive Central Rook
平目 hirame Flatfish
風車 kazegurumaWindmill
ツノ銀 tsunoginSilver on the Horns
四間飛車shikenbishaFourth File Rook
右四間飛車migi shikenbisha Right Side Fourth File Rook
三間飛車sangenbishaThird File Rook
石田流升田式Ishida-ryuu Masuda-shikiMasuda Style Ishida (System)
向飛車 mukaibishaOpposing Rook
升田式向飛車Masuda-shiki mukaibishaMasuda Style Opposing Rook
相振飛車aifuribishaDouble Ranging Rook
振飛車穴熊furibisha anaguma Ranging Rook Bear in the Hole

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4.3.3) Yagura

矢倉(戦法)yagura (sempoo)Yagura (opening) (yagura, arrow depository)
急戦矢倉kyuusen yaguraQuick Attack Yagura
矢倉腰掛銀yagura koshikakegin Yagura Reclining Silver
矢倉中飛車yagura nakabisha Yagura Central Rook
矢倉袖飛車yagura sodebisha Yagura Sleeve Rook
米長矢倉Yonenaga yaguraYonenaga Yagura
同型矢倉dookei yaguraSymmetrical Yagura
雀刺し suzumezashiSpearing the Sparrow
飛先不突hisaki-fuzukiNot Pushing the Rook Pawn
カニカニ銀kanikaniginCrab Silver
二十八手組みnijuuhattegumithe 14-Move Set (a well-known joseki resulting in a symmetrical position)
四手角 yonte kakuthe 4-Move Bishop (7i-6h-5i-2f)

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4.3.4) Surprise openings

奇襲 kishuu surprise attack
鬼殺し onikoroshiDemon Killer
鬼殺し封じonikoroshi fuuji Demon Killer Block
可章馬 kashoomaDemon Killer
女(流)殺しドッカン飛車onna koroshi(joryuu koroshi)Lady Killer Rushing Rook
角頭歩突きkakutoo-fuzukiBishop`s Head Pawn Push
金開き kin-hirakiSpread-out Golds
珍玉 chin gyokuStrange King
森安流棒玉穴熊Moriyasu-ryuu boogyoku anaguma Moriyasu Style Climbing King Bear in the Hole

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4.4) Castles

4.4.1) Mino group

美濃囲いminoo-gakoiMino castle
片美濃 kata-minooIncomplete Mino
銀美濃 gin-minooSilver Mino
金美濃 kin-minooGold Mino
四枚美濃yo(m)mai-minooFour Generals Mino
木村美濃Kimura minooKimura's Mino
チョンマゲ美濃chommage minooTopknot Mino (usually the result of a feinting static rook)
銀冠 ginkanmuriSilver Crown
高美濃 taka-minooHigh Mino
左美濃 hidari minooLeft(side) Mino
逆美濃 gyaku minooReverse Mino
天守閣美濃tenshukaku minoo Castle Tower Mino

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4.4.2) Yagura group

矢倉囲いyagura-gakoiYagura Castle
金矢倉 kin-yaguraGold Yagura (Common Yagura)
銀矢倉 gin-yaguraSilver Yagura
片矢倉 kata-yaguraIncomplete Yagura
総矢倉 soo-yaguraComplete Yagura
流れ矢倉nagare yaguraFlow Yagura
銀立ち矢倉gintachi-yaguraHigh Silver Yagura
しゃがみ矢倉shagami-yaguraCrouching Yagura

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4.4.3) Other castles

舟囲い funagakoiBoat Castle
カニ囲いkanigakoiCrab Castle
箱入り娘hakoiri musumeDaddy's Dearest (Well-protected Daughter)
銀雲雀 gin-hinariSilver Skylark
雁木 gangi Snowroof
菱囲い hishi-gakoiLozenge Castle
穴熊 anaguma Bear-in-the-Hole
原田流穴熊Harada-ryuu anaguma Harada Style Bear-in-the-Hole
銀冠穴熊ginkanmuri anaguma Silver Crown Bear-in-the-Hole
空中穴熊kuuchuu anagumaAir Castle (Bear-in-the-Air) (in the middle of the board, floating like)
二枚金 nimai-kinDouble-Gold
銀多伝 gintadenSilver Tandem (a castle in 2-piece handicap)

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4.5) Tesuji

タレ(垂れ)歩tarefu (tesuji)dangling pawn (tesuji) (drop one square before the target square in the promotionzone)
継ぎ歩 tsugifu joining pawns
タタキ(叩き)歩tataki no fustriking pawn (drop)
連打の歩renda no fusuccessive (striking) pawn drops
合わせの歩awase no fuopposing pawn (drop)
成り捨ての歩narisute no fupawn sacrfice promotion
突き捨ての歩tsukisute no fusacrifice push
突き違うの歩tsukichigai no fu counter-push (on another file)
飛車止めの歩hishadome no furook block
中合いの歩chuuai no fuinterposed pawn
焦点の歩shooten no fufocal point pawn (drop)
好型を崩す歩kookei o kuzusu fu pawn demolishing the good shape (e.g. shooten no fu)
銀バサミの歩ginbasami no fusilver-pincer pawn (push or drop)
高とびの桂takatobi no keiadvanced (high jumping) knight
控えの桂hikae no keiknight (drop) towards the rear
つなぎ桂tsunagi-keiconnected, linked knights
つぎ桂 tsugi-keijoining knights
ハネ違い桂hanechigai no kei counter-jump (not taking the opponent's knight)
しばりの桂shibari no keisqueezing knight
手懸かりの桂tegakari no keiknight foothold
歩頭桂 futoo-keiknight (sacrifice) at the head of the pawn (endgame)
金頭の桂kintoo no keiknight (sacrifice) at the head of the gold
重ねの香kasane no kyoopiled-up lances
歩の代りの香fu no kawari no kyoo lance exchange for a pawn
割打の銀wariuchi no ginstab-in-the-back (silver drop forking two pieces from behind)
桂先の銀keisaki no ginsilver at the head of the knight
しばりの金shibari no kinsqueezing gold
送りの金okuri no kinsend-off gold
しかり(叱り)の金 shikari no kinreproving gold (chasing off a major piece that gave check, thus gaining a tempo)
頭金 atama-kingold at the head (of the king, checkmating)
自陣角(馬)jijin-kaku (uma) bishop (horse) in the own camp
十字飛車juujibishacorssroads rook (forking two pieces horizontally and vertically)
離し飛車hanashibishadetached rook (drop) (coming closer and promoting on the next move) (endgame)
米長玉 Yonenaga gyokuYonenaga king (edge king)
焦点の捨て駒shooten no sutegoma sacrifice (drop) at the focal point
退路への捨て駒tairo no sutegoma sacrifice at the loophole (of the king) (endgame)
限界点の捨て駒genkaiten no sutegoma id.
穴ふさぎanafusagisealing off the loophole
逃げ場の先着nigeba ni senchaku arriving first at the loophole (by sacrificing a piece letting the opponent plug up the king's escape route)
詰めろを逃れの詰めろ tsumero o nogare no tsumero threatmate to escape threatmate
必死を逃れの必死 hisshi o nogare no hisshi hisshi (brinkmate) to escape hisshi

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5) Position and development

5.1) Position

5.1.1) Overall position

盤面全体bammen zentaithe whole board
盤面全部bammen zenbuthe whole board
上部 joubu upper part
下部 kabu lower part
中央 chuuoo centre
左翼 sayoku left flank
右翼 uyoku right flank
自陣 jijin own camp, formation
敵陣 tekijin enemy camp, formation
方、方面kata, hoomendirection
方向 hookoo direction, course
八方 happoo all directions
そっぽ soppo wrong direction, out of play
周辺、辺りshuuhen, atarineighbourhood
からめてkarametefrom the rear, from behind
地帯 chitai zone, region
危険地帯kiken chitaidanger zone
安全地帯anzen chitaisafety zone
大海 taikai, ooumithe wide sea, the open board
~様 -- yoo position, shape of --
王様 ooyoo position of the king, the king's formation
模様 moyoo pattern, structure, situation
様子 yoosu situation, circumstance
様子を見るyoosu o mirusound out the situation, see how the opponent will react
~型 -- kei, -- kata-- system, -- position
理想型 risookeiideal shape
大局 taikyokutotal position
大局観 taikyokusanwhole-board perception
大勢 taisei total position
局面、局勢kyokumen, kyokusei position
棋勢、形成kisei, keiseiposition
優勢 yuusei better position, better prospects, advantage
劣勢 ressei inferior position
勝勢 shoosei won position
非勢 hisei bad position
敗勢 haisei lost position
陣容、陣立てjinyoo, jindateformation, position
布陣 fujin formation, position
利く(効く)kiku act on, bear down on; work, be effective
利かす kikasu force, effectuate
利かし kikashi forcing move
横効き(横利き)yokogikisideways effect, action (rook)
効き目 kikime effectivity, acting on
ニラむ niramu bear down on (with bishop) (lit. stare at)
連絡(-)renraku connection (between pieces)
連絡がつくrenraku ga tsuku connect
働く hatarakuwork, be active, be activated
遊ぶ asobu idle, be out of play
響く hibiku influence (v)
響き、影響hibiki, eikyooinfluence (n)
威力 iryoku power, might, influence
勢力 seiryokupower, influence, force
勢力範囲seiryoku han`isphere of influence
勢力争いseiryoku arasoipower struggle, fight for positional advantage
中央制圧chuuoo-seiatsucontrol of the centre
圧する assuru apply pressure, oppress, overwhelm
圧力 atsuryokupressure
圧迫(-)appaku pressure, coercion
重圧 juuatsu heavy pressure
プレシャーを与える pureshaa o ataeru apply pressure

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5.1.2) Single points

-- too, atamahead of --
小ビン kobin ears (lit. side locks)
コメカミkomekai the temple
hara belly
脇(の下)waki (no shita)armpits
背中 senaka back
玉頭 gyokutoohead of the king
角頭 kakutoo head of the bishop
玉のフトコロgyoku no futukoro the king's bosom (free space around the king)
地点 chiten point, square
拠点 kyoten basis (for attack)
焦点 shooten focal point (the point on which most pieces work)
位地、位置ichi position
基地 kichi basis
ところ(所)tokoro place
場所 basho place
急所 kyuusho vital point
要所 yooshoo important,strategical point
中住所 chuujuushocentral position (king at 5a or 5b/5i or 5h)
いき場 ikiba place to go to
足場 ashiba basis, foothold
攻め足 seme-ashifoothold for the attack
天王山 Tennoozanthe Tenno Mountain; vantage point (usually 5e)
かなめ(要)kaname rivet (critical point)
美濃かなめMinoo-kanamethe rivet of the Mino (the gold on 6a)
ana hole
空間 kuukan empty square(s), space
欠点 ketten weakness
欠陥 kekkan weakness, insufficiency
キズ(傷)kizu weakness, defect, flaw
スキ(隙)suki hole (weakness; loophole; a tempo breathing space)
間隙 kangeki hole
弱点 jakuten weak point
手薄 teusu weakness
泣きどころnakidokorovulnerable point

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5.1.3) Single pieces

合駒 aigoma interposed piece
合わせ駒awasegomaopposing piece (pawn)
邪魔駒 jamagomaobstacle, blocking piece
浮き駒 ukigoma floating piece
離れ駒 hanaregomaloose piece
孤立した駒koritsu shita koma isolated piece
ごとく駒gotokugomaisolated piece
質駒 shichigomapawned piece (can be taken anytime)
ナマ(生)駒namagomaraw piece (just standing somewhere without function)
遊び駒 asobigomaidling, inactive piece
居玉 igyoku sitting king, sitting duck
右玉 migigyokurightside king
裸玉 ragyoku (hadaka gyoku) naked king
入玉 nyuugyokuentering king
kurai vanguard pawn (position)
位を張るkurai o harutake up a vanguard position
底歩 sokofu anchor pawn
金底の歩kinsoko no fupawn-anchored gold
歩切れ fugire out of pawns, no pawns in hand
壁金(銀)kabekin (gin)wall gold (silver)
棒銀(金)boogin (kin)climbing silver (gold)
早繰り銀hayakuriginrushing silver
歩越し銀fukoshiginsilver in front of its pawns
単駒銀 tangomaginlone silver
銀バサミ(挟み)ginbasamisilver pincer
頭金 atamakingold at the head (of the king, checkmating)
マムシのと金mamushi no tokin viperous tokin, snake in the grass
居角 ikaku static bishop
引角 hikaku retreating bishop (B7i or B3a)
遠見の角toomi no kakuwatchtower bishop

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5.2) Development

5.2.1) Begin, middle, end

序盤 joban opening
中盤 chuuban middlegame
終盤 shuuban end-game
開戦(-)kaisen start of the fight
終戦(-)shuusen end of the fight
仕掛けるshikakeruinitiate a fight, start of the middle game
仕掛け shikake the first fight, start of the middle game
早仕掛けhayashikakeearly fight, early start of the middle game
寄せる yoseru approach the king
寄せ切るyosekirufinish off the king
寄せ yose getting access to the king, bringing the king near mate, (late) endgame
寄せ合いyoseai mate race
道程 dootei, michinori process, path
始める hajimerubegin
着手(-)chakushustart (n)
開始(-)kaishi start, begin
継ぐ tsugu follow
続く;続けるtsuzuku; tsuzukeru continue (vi; vt)
継続(-)keizoku continuation
連続 renzoku succession, series
次の、後続のtsugi no, koozoku no following, next
終る owaru end
終始 shuushi from start to end; beginning and end
済む sumu end; do without, avoid
済ます sumasu finish up, settle; make do
止まる;止めるtomaru, tomerustop (vi; vt)
打ち切るuchikiruend, close, discontinue
収束するshuusoku surutie up (the game)

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5.2.2) Developments

進む;進めるsusumu; susumeru advance, progress; develop (vi; vt)
進行、進歩(-)shinkoo, shimpoadvance
進出 shinshutsuadvance, expansion
進展 shinten development
退く hiku, shirizokuretreat
退ける shirizokerudrive away
退治するtaiji surusubjugate, control, exterminate
後退(-)kootai retreat
展開にするtenkai ni surudevelop
展開になるtenkai ni narube developed
組む kumu build, arrange
組上がるkumi-agarubuild up, develop (vi)
組み立てるkumi-taterubuild up, erect
組み直すkumi-naosurearrange, reposition
組み合わせるkumi-awaserucombine, dovetail, join together
築く kizuku build
構える kamaeru build up
盛り上げるmori-agerubuild up (high) (vt)
囲う kakou enclose, castle
捌く sabaku achieve sabaki, develop, dispose of, disentangle
捌き sabaki sabaki, development, disposing of pieces (by exchanging them getting them in hand)
押える(抑える)osaeru restrain, contain, hold down, constrain (opposite of sabaku)
押え込むosae-komurestrain, suppress
押し込むoshikomurestrain, shut up in, push down in
事前工作jizen koosakupreparations
前提工作zentei koosakupreparations
整う;整えるtotonou; totonoeru be prepared, be arranged; prepare, arrange, settle (vi; vt)
用意するyooi suruprepare, take care
不用意なfuyooi naunprepared, uncareful
満を持するman o jissuruwatch for an opportunity, be in full readiness
運び hakobi arrangements, paving the way, progress
完成するkansei suru(make) complete
完了するkanryoo suru(make) complete
充実するjuujitsu suru(make) complete
生きてくるikite kurucome to live, become effective, be activated
活かす、生かすikasu revive (e.g. aji)
活動するkatsudoo suruactivate, deploy
活用するkatsuyoo suruactivate, bring into play
活躍するkatsuyaku suruactivate, bring into play
消える;消すkieru; kesudisappear, go away; make disappear, neutralize (bad aji) (vi; vt)
広がる;広げるhirogaru; hirogeru extend, reach to; expand, widen (vi; vt)
狭まる;狭めるsebamaru; sebameru become narrow; narrow down (vi; vt)
窮屈するkyuukutsu surube cramped
窮する kyuusurube cornered; suffer
伸ばす(延す)nobasu extend (e.g. the edge by a pawn push)
詰まる;詰めるtsumaru; tsumeru be shortened; shorten (the edge file) (vi; vt)
強まる;強めるtsuyomaru; tsuyomeru become stronger; strengthen (vi; vt)
弱まる;弱めるyowamaru; yowameru become weaker; weaken, undermine (vi; vt)
弱る yowaru weaken
力を溜めるchikara o tameru gather strength, assemble (more) force
補強するhokyoo surustrengthen
強化するkyooka surustrengthen
固める;堅めるkatamerustrengthen, stabilize
確保するkakuho surusecure, maintain, ensure
整備するseibi suruconsolidate
治まる osamaru become settled, fixed
まとめるmatomerusettle, fix (e.g. the shape)
緩む yurumu be weak
薄れる usureru become thin, become weaker
集中するshuuchuu surucentralize, concentrate
制圧するseiatsu suru(bring under) control, suppress
間に合うma ni aube in time
遅れる okureru be (too) late, be slow
遅らせるokuraserudefer, delay
保留するhoryuu surureserve, defer
待つ matsu wait
ユーヨ、ユウヨyuuyo delay, postponement
ためらうtamerau hesitate
一息をつくhito-iki o tsuku take a pause
一段落 ichidan-rakua pause
長びかせるnagabikaseruslow down, draw out
ぐずぐずできない guzuguzu dekinai one cannot be irresolute, one should not lose time
急ぐ、急すisogu, sekasuhurry, make haste
急がせるisogaseruhurry (somebody), press
焦せる aseru be in a hurry, be (too) eager for
迫まる semaru urge, push on, force
催促するsaisoku surupress for, urge on, speed up
よどむ yodomu stagnate
立ち往生するtachi-oojoo suru come to a standstill
頓挫するtonza surucome to a deadlock
省く、省略するhabuku, shooryaku suru omit
放る hooru leave (as it is)
放置するhoochi suruleave (standing as it is), ignore
無視するmushi suruignore, disregard
だまる(黙る)damaru keep quiet, do nothing
控える hikaeru refrain from; hold back, wait
迎える mukaeru wellcome
誘う sasou invite, induce
誘い出すsasoidasulure away, lure out
誘導するyuudoo suruinduce, entice
許す yurusu permit, allow
拒否するkyohi sururefuse, reject
かわす kawasu dodge
避ける sakeru, yokeruavoid, evade
回避するkaihi suruavoid, dodge
忌避するkihi suruavoid, dodge
変わる;変えるkawaru; kaeruchange (vi; vt)
変更するhenkoo suruchange, modify, play a variation
代える kaeru exchange, substitute
改める;改まるaratameru, aratamaru correct, renew (vi; vt)
転じる tenjiru shift, be transferred, change
逆転 gyakuten(sudden) reversal, turnover (of an advantageous position in a disadvantageous position by a mistake in the late middle-game or end-game)
逆用(-)gyakuyoo suruuse against
ウッチャリutchari reversal (at the last moment)
切り返しkirigaeshiswitch back, rebound (n)
跳ね返る;~返す hane-kaeru; hane-kaesu rebound, spring back; kick back (vi; vt)
やぶえびになるyabuebi ni naruboomerang, rebound
シッペー返し(-) shippeegaeshiretaliation
~に対して-- ni taishiteagainst --, in answer to
~に応じて-- ni oojitein reponse to
応じる;応えるoojiru, kotaeruanswer, respond
応対するootai surudeal with, respond to
手応え tegotae answer, resistance

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5.2.3) Opportunity and danger

試す;試みるtamesu, kokoromiru try
可能になるkanoo ni narubecome impossible
不可能 fukanoo impossible
必要、必然hitsuyoo, hitsuzen necessity
要る、要するiru, yoosuruneed, be necessary
求める motomeruseek
尋ねる tazuneruseek, ask for
つかむ tsukamu grab, take hold of
つけこむtsukekomutake advantage of
余裕 yoyuu opportunity, scope, room
余裕を与えるyoyuu o ataerugive (the opponent) the opportunity to
機、機会ki, kikaichance
待機するtaiki suruwait for one's chance
好機に kooki niat the right moment, when the opportunity arrives
チャンスchansu chance
チャンスを窺うchance o ukagaulook for a chance
糸口、アヤitoguchi, ayaclue
アヤを求めるaya o motomerulook for a clue, seek complications
急務 kyuumu urgent task, first priority
危険 kiken danger
危機 kiki crisis, emergency
綱渡り tsunawataridanger, tightrope walking
厄介(千万)yakkai (semban)(ten million) difficulties
難局 nankyokudifficult, tough position (or: game)
窮地 kyuuchi dilemma, predicament
面倒 mendoo trouble
困難 konnan trouble
困まる komaru have trouble
煩う wazurau have trouble
迷惑 meiwaku trouble
もつれ motsure tangle, difficulty
もつれるmotsureruget tangled
うき目 ukime misery, misfortune
うき目を見るukime o miruhave trouble

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5.2.4) Success and failure

成否 seihi success and/or failure
成功(-)seikoo success
功績 kooseki success, merit, achievement
実る minoru bear fruit, be successful
達する tassuru attain, realize; be experienced
達成するtassei suruachieve, attain
奏功(-)sookoo success, fruition
見つかる;見つける mitsukaru; mitsukeru be found, discovered; find, discover (vi; vt)
見出す midasu discover, find out
見当る mi-atarunotice, be found
見逃す minogasuoverlook, let pass
見損なうmisokonaumiss, misjudge
見落す mi-otosumiss, overlook
発見(-)hakken discovery
発揮(-)hakki realization
不発 fuhatsu misfire
逃す nogasu, nigasumiss; let escape
逸する issuru miss
逸機 ikki missed chance, missed opportunity
手落ち te'ochi oversight
盲点 mooten blind spot
ミス misu a miss, oversight, failure
ミソ miso a mess, failure (also: the point)
失敗 shippai mistake
ポカ poka blunder (cock-up)
破綻 hatan failure
挫折(-)zasetsu failure, collapse, set-back
災い wazawai calamity, disaster
自滅 jimetsu suicide
間違えるmachigaerumake a mistake
誤る ayamaru err, mistake
仕損う shisokonaublunder (v)
誤算(-)gosan miscalculation
犯す okasu commit (a mistake)
咎める togamerupunish (a mistake)
罪する tsumi surupunish
迷う mayou lose one's way, be at a loss
迷い mayoi delusion
目がくらむme ga kuramube blinded by
紛れる magirerudistract, mislead, confuse
紛れ magire confusing move
錯覚 sakkaku hallucination

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6) Attack and defence

6.1) Attack

攻める semeru attack
攻め seme attack (n)
攻め口 semguchiopening, clue for the attack
攻め足 semeashifoothold for the attack
攻め合いsemeai semeai, mutual attack, attacking race
攻防 kooboo attack and defence
攻勢 koosei the offensive, attacking formation
攻略 kooryakuinvasion, capture
先制攻撃sensei-koogekifirst strike
速攻 sokukoo quick, speedy attack
猛攻 mookoo wild, furious attack
襲う osou attack
襲い掛かるosoi-kakarurush on, swoop down on
奇襲 kishuu surprise attack
強襲(-)kyooshuuassault, storming
逆襲 gyakushuucounter attack
撃つ utsu attack, destroy
迎え撃つmukae-utsuambush, await and attack the approaching enemy
迎撃 geigeki ambush
反撃、逆攻撃hangeki, gyakukoo-geki counter attack
突く tsuku attack, thrust (also: push a pawn)
突入するtotsunyuu sururush in, plunge into
突破(-)toppa breakthrough
衝突 shoototsuclash, collision
激突 gekitotsuclash, collision
激闘 gekitoo hard fight
争う arasou contend, contest, compete
競争(-)kyoosoo competition, contest
競り合うseri-au compete, vie for, contend with
けんか(-)kenka fight, quarrel
挑む idomu challenge
挑戦するchoosen suruchallenge, provoke
いじめるijimeru tease, bully
いびる ibiru tease
悩ます nayamasutrouble, annoy
見せる miseru threaten (to take a piece; to play)
威す、脅すodosu threaten
威し、脅しodoshi threat, bluff
威迫、威嚇ihaku, ikakuthreat
脅い kyooi threat
脅かす obiyaksuthreaten, force
強いる shiiru (en)force, press for
強要するkyooyoo suruenforce, coerce
迫まる semaru force, press for, enroach upon
害(-)、被害(-)gai, higaidamage (n)
害う sokonau damage (v)
パンチ panchi punch, hit
一発、一弾ippatsu, ichidan a shot, a charge
奪う ubau take away
奪回(-)dakkai recapture, recover
奪還(-)dakkan recapture, recover
打開するdakai surubreak open
打ち込むuchi komuinvade; drop inside the promotionzone
侵入するshinnyuu suruinvade
閉め込むshime komushut in
はさむ(挟む)hasamu pincer, attack from both sides
挟み撃ちhasami-uchipincer attack
絞る shiboru squeeze
包む tsutsumusurround, encircle
追う、追いかける ou, oi kakeruchase, pursue
追い回すoi mawasuchase around
追い討ちoi-uchi pursuit, attack
追撃 tsuigekipursuit, attack
破る yaburu break, destroy; defeat
破壊力 hakairyokudestructive power
打破(-)daha destruction
打ち砕くuchikudakusmash, crush
崩す kuzusu demolish
崩壊 hookai collapse
潰す tsubusu crush
こわれる;こわす kowareru; kowasu break, destroy (vi; vt)
乱す;乱るmidasu; midaruput in disorder, tear apart
乱れる midarerube disorganized, be torn apart
乱暴 ramboo violence
ごちゃごちゃする gochagochasurumake into a mess, jumble up
混乱 konran chaos, confusion
腕力 wanryokubrute force. muscle
暴れる abareru rage, rave
食いつくkuitsukufasten one's teeth on
殺す korosu kill
殺到するsattoo sururush in, storm, swoop down on
斬る kiru kill
小刻み kokizamimincing, choppping into little pieces
止めを刺すtodome o sasugive the coup de grace, finish off

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6.2) Defence

受ける ukeru defend; parry
受け uke defence
受けなしuke nashithere is no defence
先受 sakiuke defence in advance
受け身の態勢ukemi no taiseidefensive position
受け身になるukemi ni narube pushed into the defensive
受かる ukaru be able to defend
防ぐ、拒ぐfusegu defend against, prevent, keep off
防御、防衛boogyo, booeidefence, protection
守る mamoru defend, protect
守備 shubi defence, protection
守勢 shusei the defensive (position)
備える sonaeru prepare against
応戦するoosen suruaccept the challenge
反応 hannoo reaction
反する hansuru resist, go against
反発(-)hampatsurepulsion, resistance
反発力 hampatsuryokurepulsive force
反対(-)hantai resistance
対抗(-)taikoo resistance
抵抗(-)teikoo resistance
対応策 taioosakucounter-measures
助ける、援けるtasukeruhelp, support, save
一助 ichijo a support
支える sasaeru support
支え切れないsasaekirenaicannot be saved
援軍を送るengun o okurusend support troops
止める tomeru block, shut off, stop
封じる fuujiru block, seal off
封じ込むfuuji-komushut in, seal in
封鎖(-)fuusa blockade
完封(-)kampuu blockade
断る、断つkotowaru, tatsucut off; refuse, decline
断ち切るtachikirucut off, block
遮る saegiru interrupt, block
遮断するshadan suruinterrupt, block
支障 shishoo obstacle
阻む habamu prevent, keep off
阻止するshoshi suruprevent, keep off
押し返すoshi-kaesupush back
押し戻すoshi-modosupush back
制する seisuru control, keep under control
牽制するkensei surucheck, restrain, constrain
収拾するshuushuu surucontrol; save the situation
追う ou pursue, chase (away, off)
追い出す、追いやる oi-dasu, oiyaruchase off
避ける yokeru, sakeruprevent, avoid, dodge
回避(-)kaihi evasion, avoiding, dodging
かわす kawasu avoid, dodge
逃げる、逃れるnigeru, nogareru run away, escape
逃げ道 nigemichiescape route
早逃げ hayanigeearly escape (of king)
退路 tairo escape (retreat) route
免れる manugareruescape from, avoid
脱する dassuru escape, break free
脱け出す、抜け出す nuke-dasuescape, break free
脱け道 nukemichiescape route, loophole
脱出(-)dasshutsuescape (n)
上部脱出joobu dasshutsuescape up the board
浴びる abiru be flooded with
食う、喫するkuu, kissuruget blows, have to swallow
凌ぐ shinogu endure, weather (the attack), tide over
いい凌ぎii shinogigood endurance, tiding it (the attack) over well
救出(-)kyuushutsurescue, deliverance
救い出すsukui-dasuhelp, rescue
死ぬ shinu die (be captured)
起死回生kishi kaiseirevival
残る;残すnokoru; nokosuremain, be spared; leave behind (vi; vt)
余されるamasarerube saved, remain
粘る nebaru stick to, persist, keep putting up some resistance
頑張る gambaru do one's best, persist, do not resign (against all the odds)

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7) Analysis

7.1) Common terms

紹介(-)shookai introduction
解説(-)kaisetsuexplanation, commentary
説明(-)setsumeiexplanation, elucidation
分析(-)bunseki analysis
研究(-)kenkyuu investigation
検討(-)kentoo investigation, experiment
調べる shiraberuinvestigate
探る saguru investigate
掘り下げるhorisagerudig out
理論 riron theory
理解(-)rikai understanding
理由 riyuu reason
棋理 kiri Shogi theory
結論 ketsuronconclusion
結果論 kekkarondiscussion about results; post-mortem
結果 kekka result, effect
評価(-)hyooka evaluation
棋譜 kifu game record
実戦譜 jissenfurecord of an actual game
本譜 hompu this game, the game
会心譜 kaishimpufavourite game
自戦記 jisenki commentary of own game
観戦記 kansenkicommentary of other's game
読む yomu read; analysis, see ahead

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7.2) Diagrams

zu diagram
問題図 mondaizuproblem diagram
基本図 kihonzu basic diagram
参考図 sankoozureference diagram
途中図 tochuuzuintermediate diagram
再掲図 saikeizurepeat diagram
投了図 tooryoozuresign diagram
図までの指してzu made o sashite moves up to the diagram
図以下の指してzu ikka no sashite move from the diagram onwards
上下逆にしたjooge gyaku ni shita with Black and White reversed

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7.3) Comparison

比する hisuru compare
比較(-)hikaku comparison
比較検討hikaku-kentoocomparitive analysis
区別(-)kubetsu difference
似る niru resemble
異なる kotonarudiffer from; be wrong
違う chigau differ from; be wrong
同じの onaji nothe same
別の betsu noother, different
ほかの(他の)hoka no other alternative
sa difference
大差 taisa big difference
微差 bisa slight difference
優劣 yuuretsusuperiority and inferiority, better and/or worse
優る masaru be better
劣る otoru be worse
優勢 yuusei better position
劣勢 ressei worse position
有利 yuuri advantage, profit
不利 furi disadvantage
利点 riten advantage
一利一害ichiri-ichigaiadvantages and disadvantages
プラス purasu plus point
マイナスmainasu minus point
互角 gokaku equal, balanced
いい勝負ii shoobua good game, equal chances
これからの将棋kore kara no shoogi equal position
toku profit, gain (of material)
son loss
丸得 marudokupure profit
丸損 maruzon pure loss
得る eru get, gain
得する tokusuruprofit, gain
得意の tokui nofavourite
損ずる sonzuru loss
損う sokonau injure, spoil, miss (an opportunity)
失う ushinau lose
なくす nakusu lose, get rid of
保つ tamotsu keep

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7.4) Evaluation

7.4.1) Positive

良い、いいyoi, ii good
大きい ookii big
うまい umai skillful, good
巧みな takumi naingenious, smart
強い tsuyoi strong
有力な yuuryoku napowerful
有利な yuuri naprofitable, advantageous
有効な yuukoo naeffective
手際よいtegiwa yoiefficient
厳しい kibishiisevere
激しい hageshiisevere, violent
正しい tadashiicorrect, right
正当な seitoo nacorrect
適当な tekitoo nasuitable, proper
至当な shitoo nasuitable, reasonable
相当な sootoo naadequate, suitable
十分な、充分なjuubun nasufficient
満足な manzoku nasatisfactory, sufficient
大切な、大事なtaisetsu na, daiji na important
肝心な kanjin naessential
肝要な kanyoo nanecessary
必要な hitsuyoo nanecessary
早い、速いhayai early, quick
軽い karui light
柔らかい、軟らかい yawarakaigentle, flexible
厚い atsui thick, solid
重厚な juukoo nathick, solid
太い futoi thick, massive
堅い、手固いkatai, tegataisolid, strong
綺麗な kirei nanice, pretty
見事な migoto nabeautiful
立派な rippa naexcellent
絶妙な zetsumyoo nasublime, brilliant
微妙な bimyoo nasubtle
渋い shibui shibui (quiet, sober, plain and yet elegant)
しゃれたshareta stylish, smart
面白い omoshiroiinteresting, favorable
楽しい、愉快なtanoshii, yukai na pleasant
明るい、明らかな akarui, akiraka na clear
簡単な kantan naeasy. simple
容易い、容易なtayasui, yooi na easy
自然の shizen nonatural
当然の toozen nonatural, proper
大丈夫なdaijoobu nasafe, alright, o.k.
無事な buji na safe, uneventful
安全な anzen nasafe, secure
穏やかなodayaka nacalm
おとなしいotonashiicalm (mature)
着実な chakujitsu nacalm, steady
沈着な chinchaku nacalm, selfcomposed
静かな shizukanaquiet
冷静な reisei nacool, cold-blooded
落ち着いたochitsuitacalm, quiet
慎重な shinchoo nacareful
用心な yoojin nacareful
自重な jichoo naprudent, careful
丁寧な teinei nacareful
粘り強いnebarizuyoitenacious, tough, persistent
心強い kokorozuyoiencouraging
大胆な daitan nacourageous
果敢な kakan nabold, resolute
思い切ったomoikittadetermined, bold, drastic
機敏な kibin nashrewd, clever
軽妙な keimyoo nasmart
巧妙な koomyoo naingenious
積極的なsekkyokuteki napositive, active

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7.4.2) Negative

悪い warui bad
小さい chiisai small
うまくいかないumaku ikanaiis not skillful, won't do
まずい mazui poor, bad
弱い yowai weak
無力な muryoku napowerless, impotent
無利な muri na unprofitable, unreasonable
甘い amai (too) lenient, lax, slack
緩い yurui weak, slack
素直な sunao nameek, tame
ダメ(駄目)なdame na bad
疑問の gimon nodubious, questionable
疑わしいutagawashiidoubtful, dubious
間違ったmachigattamistaken, wrong
誤った ayamattamistaken, wrong
ぱっとしないpatto shinaiunsatisfactory
不満な fuman naunsatisfactory, insufficient
不要な fuyoo nanot necessary
無用な muyoo nanot necessary, no use, futile
ムダ(無駄)なmuda na futile
遅い osoi slow, late
重い omoi (omotai)heavy (clumsy)
薄い、手薄いusui, teusuithin, not solid (also: scarce, short of)
もろい moroi vulnerable, fragile
ひどい hidoi terrible
大変な taihen naterrible
目障りなmezawari navery ugly
つまらないtsumaranaiboring, trifling, stupid
厄介な yakkai natroublesome
面倒な mendoo natroublesome, difficult, unpleasant
うるさいurusai irritating, annoying
不愉快なfuyukai naunpleasant
イヤな、嫌いなiya na, kirai na unpleasant
痛い itai painful
辛い tsurai painful, hard, bitter
苦しい kurushiipainful, hard, strained
難しい muzukashiidifficult
複雑な fukuzatsu nacomplicated
難解な nankai nadifficult
危い abunai dangerous
危険な kiken nadangerous
際どい kiwadoi narrow, close; dangerous, adventurous
不気味なfukimi naominous, uncanny
軽率な keisotsu narash, hasty
無謀な muboo nareckless, thoughtless
うかつなukatsu nacareless, silly
懸命な kenmei nodesperate, eager
メチャクチャなmechakucha naunreasonable, incoherent
ムチャクチャなmuchakucha nacrazy, disordered
命取の inochitori nofatal
怖い kowai fearful, frightening
臆病な okubyoo nacowardish, timid
ぐずぐずなguzuguzu nairresolute, wavering, slow
バカ(馬鹿)なbaka na stupid
消極的なshookyokuteki na passive, negative

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8) Psychology

8.1) Feelings

ki mind, mood, spirit
気にするki ni surumind, care, take to heart
気になるki ni naruweigh on the mind, get on one`s nerves
気がつくki ga tsukube aware of, notice
気をつけるki o tsukerube attentive of, take care of
気が抜けるki ga nukerube discouraged
気持 kimochi feeling, mood
気合い kiai feeling, temper
強気 tsuyoki braveness, strong spirit
弱気 yowaki fearfulness, weak spirit
感じる kanjiru feel, sense, have the impression that
感動 kandoo impression, emotion
感覚 kankaku feeling, sensation
感心 kanshin admiration, wonder
好む konomu like
~が好きだ-- ga suki dalike, be fond of
嫌う kirau dislike
楽しむ tanoshimuenjoy
楽しみになるtanoshimi ni naru look forward to
願う negau hope, wish
望む nozomu hope, wish
希望(-)、待望(-) kiboo, taiboohope, expectation
待ち望むmachinozomuexpect, look forward to
失望(-)shitsuboodisappointment, despair
欲望(-)yokuboo desire, appetite
欲張る yokubarube covetous, be greedy
~がほしいだ-- ga hoshii dawant --
満足(-)manzoku satisfaction
不満 fuman dissatisfaction
収まる osamaru be satisfied
威張る ibaru be proud, swagger
悔やむ kuyamu regret
後悔(-)kookai regret (n)
残念(-)zannen regret, chagrin
口悔しいkuyashiifrustrating, regrettable
恥ずかしいhazukashiiashamed, shameful
驚く odoroku be surprised, frightened
ビックリするbikkuri surube surprised, frightened
はっとするhatto surube surprised, frightened
意表 ihyoo surprise (n)
意表をつけるihyoo o tsukerusurprise (v)
恐れる osoreru fear
恐怖 kyoofu fear
怖がる kowagarufear
怖い kowai frightening, fearful
心配(-)shimpai worry, apprehension
不安(-)fuan uneasiness, anxiety
安心(-)anshin relief
慌てる awateru be nervous, panic, hurry
困る komaru have problems, be in trouble
困難 konnan troubles
悩む nayamu suffer, be annoyed
辛抱(-)shimboo patience
我慢 gaman patience, endurance
凌ぐ shinogu endure, weather, tide over

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8.2) Thoughts

心境 shinkyoomental attitude
初心 shoshin the beginner's heart, the original attitude or intentions
苦心 kushin trouble, toils, pains
用心(-)yooshin care, caution
決心(-)kesshin determination, resolution
思う omou think, have the opinion that
思い出 omoide memory, remembrance
思想 shisoo thought
考える kangaeruthink (about), consider
長考 chookoo long deliberation (thinking long about a move, usually longer than about 30 minutes)
熟考(-)jukukoo, jukkoodue consideration, mature reflection
熟慮(-)jukuryo id.
工夫(-)kufuu surucontrive, think of (a new plan, a new move)
分かる wakaru be clear; understand
知っているshitte iruknow
i idea, thought, meaning
意味 imi meaning
意志 ishi will
意地 ichi will-power, perseverance
意見 iken opinion
注意(-), 注目(-) chuui, chuumokuattention
用意(-)yooi care, preparation
留意(-)ryuui serious consideration
戦意 seni fighting spirit
意図、企図ito, kitoplan
信じる shinjirutrust, believe
信用(-)shinyoo trust, confidence
自信(がない)jishin (ga nai)(have no) (self-)confidence
疑う utagau doubt
想像 soozoo imagination
感想 kansoo impression
着想 chakusooidea
理想 risoo ideal
予想 yosoo expectation
予想外 yosoogaiunexpected
予定 yotei plan, expectation
予定通りyotei-doorias expected
はかる hakaru plan
判断するhandan surudecide, judge, conclude
形勢判断keisei-handanpositional judgement
決まる;決めるkimaru; kimerube decided, be fixed; decide, settle, fix (vi; vt)
決する kessuru decide, judge, settle
重視するjuushi surutake into serious consideration
軽視するkeishi suruslight, ignore, neglect
怠る okotaru neglect, be off guard
ボンヤリするbonyari surube inattentive, careless
構う kamau care about, pay attention to
覚悟(-)kakugo insight, expectation, resignation
察する sasuru guess, sense
察知 satchi deduction
推察(-)suisatsuguess, deduction
動機 dooki motive

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9) Professional Shogi

9.1) Organization

将棋所 shoogidokoro(Head of) the Board of Shogi (1612-1866)
一世名人ichi-yo meijinFirst Lifetime Meijin (Ohashi Sokei, 1555-1634)
終生名人制shuusei meijin-sei Lifetime Meijin system (1612-1937)
実力名人制jitsuryoku meijin-sei Real Strength Meijin system (1937- )
日本将棋連盟Nihon Shoogi Renmei Japan Shogi Federation (established in Tokyo, 8-9-'24)
支部 shibu local branch, local club
新進棋士奨励会Shinshin Kishi Shoorei-kaiApprentice Professionals' Association
女流育成会Joryuu Ikusei-kai Women's Training Association

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9.2) Periodicals of the J.S.F

将棋世界Shoogi Sekai(monthly)
将棋マガジンShoogi Magajin(monthly)
将棋(支部機関誌) Shoogi (Shibu Kikanshi) (Local Branch Quarterly)
将棋年鑑Shoogi NenkanShogi Yearbook
週間将棋Shuukan ShoogiShogi Weekly
将棋ジャーナルShogi Journal(monthly)

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9.3) Teacher and pupil

師(匠) shi(shoo)master, teacher
師弟関係shitei-kankeiteacher-pupil relationship
我が師の恩waga shi no onthe kindness of my (our) teacher, the obligation to my (our) teacher
弟子、門人deshi, monjinpupil
弟弟子 otooto deshiyounger pupil
内弟子 uchi deshiprivate pupil (living in)
修業時代shuugyoo jidaithe years of study
名手 meishu expert (also: famous move)
若手 wakashu young player
専門棋士semmonkishiprofessional player
勝負士 shoobushiprofessional player

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9.4) Ranking

kyuu kyu (lower grade)
dan dan (higher grade)
A級順位戦A-kyuu junisenA-class Ranking Match (winner becomes Meijin challenger) (professional dan grades, from 4th to 9th dan are determined by the various Ranking Matches)
~世名人-- yo meijin-- Lifetime Meijin (hon. title, nowadays awarded after winning the Meijin title five times)
前名人 zen-meijinformer meijin
贈名人 zoo-meijinpostumous meijin
名誉名人meiyo-meijinhonorary meijin

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9.5) Title matches and tournaments

9.5.1) Major matches and tournaments

竜王戦 Ryuuoo-sen(first held in 1988) (Ryuo...Kio are the seven major titles)
名人戦 Meijin-sen(1937)
棋聖戦 Kisei-sen(Fall 1962)
王位戦 Ooi-sen (1960)
王座戦 Ooza-sen(1953)
王将戦 Ooshoo-sen(1950)
棋王戦 Kioo-sen(1974)
新人王戦Shinjin-oo-senNew Stars' King (1970)
全日本プロトーナメント Zen-Nihon Puro ToonamentoAll Japan Pro (1982-2001)
天王戦 Tennoo-sen(1985)
オールスター勝抜戦 Ooru-staa Kachi-nuki sen All Stars Tournament (1978)
若獅子戦Waka Shishi-senYoung Lions (1977)
若駒戦 Waka Goma-senYoung Colts (1978)
日本シリーズNihon ShiriizuJapan Series (1980)
早指し選手権戦Hayasashi Senshukensen Quick Shogi Championship (1972)
早指し新鋭戦Hayasashi Shineisen Quick Shogi New Pick (1982)
NHK杯争奪戦NHK Hai Soodatsusen NHK (Nihon Hoosoo Kai) Cup (1951)
女流名人位戦Joryuu Meijin'i-sen Women's Meijin Match (1974)
女流王将戦Joryuu Ooshoo-sen Women's Osho Match (1978)
女流王位戦Joryuu Ooi-senWomen's Oi Match (1989)
レディース.オーペン.トーナメント Rediisu Oopun ToonamentoLadies Open Tournament (1987)
十段戦 Juudan-senTenth Dan Match (1962-1987)
九段戦 Kyuudan-senNinth Dan Match (1950-1961)
名将戦 Meishou-sen(1964-1978)
IBM杯順位戦昇級者 IBM Hai JunisenIBM Cup Battle of the Ranking
激突戦いShookyuusha Gekitotsu sen Match Promotions (1989)
富士通杯アマ.プロトーナメント戦 Fujitsuu Hai Ama-puro Toonamento-sen Fujitsu Cup Amateur-ProTournament (1989)

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9.5.2) Setting

公式棋戦kooshiki kisenformal (title) match
公開対局kookai taikyokupublic game
お好み対局o-konomi taikyoku friendly game
大会 taikai tournament (amateur)
タイトルマッチtaitoru matchititle match
優勝 yuushoo championship
選手権戦senshukensenchampionship, title match
予戦 yosen elimination match, primary heats
一次予戦ichiji yosenthe first (elimination) round
挑戦 choosen candidate match
本戦 honsen the actual (title) match
覇を競り合うha o seriauvie, compete for the championship
十連覇 juu rempawinning the championship ten times in a row
kammuri crown, major title
三,四,五冠王san-, yon-, go- kan'oo holding 3, 4, 5 titles
失冠(-)shikkan loss of major title
カド番 kado-banmatch point
一,二位ichi-, ni-ifirst, second place
襲位 shuui succession to the title
防衛 booei defending the title
奪取 dasshu taking the title, winning the title
降級(-)kookyuu degradation
陥落(-)kanraku degradation; fall; defeat
出場者 shutsubashaparticipant(s)
タイトル保持者taitoru hojishatitle holder
挑戦者 choosenshachallenger
優勝者 yuushooshawinner, champion
敗者 haisha loser
記録係 kiroku-kakariperson in charge of the game record
読み上げの人yomi-age no hito time keeper (reading off seconds during byoyomi)
控室 hikaeshitsuanteroom
主催紙 shusaishisponsoring newspaper

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9.5.3) Time keeping

時間 jikan time; an hour
(1) tokitime, moment
(2) ji hour
fun minute(s)
byoo second(s)
秒読み byooyomireading off the seconds
持ち時間mochijikanavailable time
消費時間shoohijikanused time
残りの時間nokori no jikanremaining time
時間切れjikangireout of time, expiration of (available) time
一分将棋ippun shoogione minute Shogi (having only one minute left for each move)
ノータイムでnoo taimu dein 'no time' (playing a move in less than one minute, so no time is substracted from the available time)
報時するhooji surureport the time

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9.6) Special awards

将棋栄誉賞Shoogi Eiyo-shoo the Award of Honor (awarded by the JSF after 600 wins in official tournaments)
将棋大賞Shoogi DaishooThe Great Shogi Award
最優秀棋士賞Saiyuushuu Kishi Shoo Award for the Best Player of the Year
殊勲賞 ShukunshooAward for Best Performance
敢闘賞 KantooshooAward for Fighting Spirit
技能賞 GinooshooAward for Technique

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10) Shogi proverbs

10.1) Gyoku/King

Oote wa oote
Check your checks (lit. A check is a chasing move)
Oote yori mo shibari (to hisshi)
Squeeze (and hisshi) first, check later
Gyoku no mamori wa kin gin sammai
Defend the king with three generals
Gyoku hi chikasubekarazu
Don't put king and rook close to each other
Gyoku to hisha wa hantai no ichi e
Move king and rook to opposite squares
Gyoku wa kakusuji o sake yo
Don't put the king on the bishop's diagonal
Gyoku no hayanige wa hatte no toku ari
Early escape of the king gains eight moves
Gyoku no kobin o nerae
Aim at the king's ears
Gyoku wa tsutsumu yoo ni yose yo
Approach the king by surrounding him
Gyoku no tairo o tate
Cut off the king's escape route
Gyoku wa gedan ni otose
Drive the king to the back rank
Gyoku no hara kara gin o ute
Drop a silver at the king's belly
Igyoku wa sake yo
Avoid a sitting king (a sitting king is a sitting duck)
Hashigyoku ni wa hashifu
Against the edge king push the edge pawn
Igyoku ni wa hisha yori kaku
Against a sitting king the bishop is stronger than the rook
Ichidan-gyoku ni wa nidan-hisha
Against the king on the first rank, the rook on the second rank
Tekihi no ichi o mite jigyoku o kakoe
Castle your king after seeing where the rook moves to

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10/2) Fu/Pawn

Ichifu senkin
A pawn is worth a thousand golds
Nifu senkin
A double pawn is worth a thousand golds. (Apocryphal version of (1), from the cartoon 'Tokin no Shoo-chan' by Shintamo Atsushi.)
San-fu mottara tsugifu to hashizeme
With three pawns in hand, look for a joining pawns attack or an edge attack
Fu no nai shoogi wa makeshoogi
Without pawns (in hand) the game is lost
Fuzume ni tsumi ari
If there is a mate with a pawn drop, there is a legal mate too
Shikake wa fu no tsukisute kara
Start the fight with a pawn sacrifice
Te no nai shoogi wa hashifu o tsuke
If you're stuck for moves, push the edge pawn
Hashi ni te ari
There is always a move at the edge
Chuuai ni myooshu ari
Interposing a pawn makes a splendid move
Nimaigae nara fu to mose yo
Take two pieces for one even if they are pawns
Tokin no osohaya
The tokin is faster than you think
Go-san no tokin ni make nashi
A tokin on 5c cannot lose
Hisaki no kookan mittsu no toku ari
Exchanging the rook pawn has three advantages
Kinsoko no fu wa iwa yori katashi
A pawn-anchored gold is more solid than a rock
Fugoshigin wa fu de uke yo
Against the silver in front of its pawns, defend with a pawn
Fugoshigin wa kyuusen, fu-uchikin wa jikyuusen
Silver in front of its pawns -- quick attack, gold behind its pawns -- slow game
Yaguragakoi ni hashifu o tsuku na
In the Yagura, don't push the edge pawn
Yaguragakoi ni hashifu o tsukubeshi
In the Yagura, push the edge pawn
Yokofu sannen no wazurai
To take the side-pawn is to grasp the nettle (obs.)
Yokofu o tore
Just take the side pawn
Kakugawari shoogi ni go suji o tsuku na
In the Bishop Exchange, don't push the central pawn
Kuge no kuraidaore
A vanguard pawn is difficult to maintain (lit. The court noble can not live up to his rank)
Go-go no kurai wa Tennoozan
The 5e vanguard pawn is the Tenno Mountain
Awasefu de kurai o dakkan
Recapture the vanguard pawn with the opposing pawn (tesuji)
Minoogakoi ni wa hashizeme
Against the Mino, an edge attack
Yagura ni wa tsugifuzume
Against the Yagura, the joining pawns attack
Shooten ni fu o ute
Drop a pawn on the focal point

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10.3) Kei to kyoo/Knight and Lance

Keima no takatobi fu no ejiki
The knight that jumps far falls prey to a pawn
Keima wa hikaete ute
Drop the knight towards the rear
San-kei areba tsumanu koto nashi
With three knights in hand, there must be a mate
Kyoo wa gedan kara ute
Drop the lance on the back rank
Kyoo wa hanashite ute
Drop the lances at a distance

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10.4) Kin to gin/Gold and Silver

Kin nashi shoogi ni uke-te nashi
Without gold in hand there is no defence
Kin wa todome ni nokose
Save the gold till the end (for the coup the grace)
Kin wa naname ni sasoe
Entice the gold diagonally forwards
Kin-gin no gyakukei wa musuji nari
With gold and silver reversed (gold standing above silver), you're bound to get in trouble
Ichidan kin ni hishasute ari
With a gold on your back rank you can sacrifice the rook
Gin wa chidori ni tsukae
Use the silver like a plover (moving zigzag)
Kabegin o naose
Mend the wall-silver
Keisaki no gin jooseki nari
Silver at the head of the (opponent's) knight is the standard move

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10.5) Hi to kaku/Rook and Bishop

Oogoma wa chikazukete uke yo
Defend against major pieces by drawing them closer
Oogoma no sute-dokoro kanyoo nari
Don't be afraid to sacrifice major pieces
Hi-kaku no suteba kanjin nari
Don't be afraid to sacrifice rook or bishop
Joban wa hisha yori kaku
In the opening the bishop is more important than the rook
Ryuu wa tekijin ni, uma wa jijin
The dragon to the enemy camp, the horse to your own
Hisha no yokogiki uke ni tsuyoshi
The sideways action of the rook is strong in defence
Hisha to gyoku wa kobin ga yowai
Rook and king are weak at the ears
Hisha no shuhei wa gin
The rook's page is the silver
Furibisha ni wa kakukookan o nerae
Against the ranging rook aim at bishop exchange
Kaku ni wa kaku de taikoo
Oppose bishop with bishop (Against bishop resist with bishop)
Toomi no kaku ni myooshu ari
With a watchtower bishop there is bound to be a brilliant move
Jikyuusen ni wa kaku ga shuuyaku
In a slow game the bishop has the leading role

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10.6) Other

Teki no uchitai tokoro e ute
Drop where your opponent wants to drop
Ryootori nigeru ni oyobazu
Don't run from a fork
Ryootori nigerubekarazu
Don't run from a fork
Asobigoma o katsuyou se yo
Activate idle pieces
Ukigoma o nerae
Aim at floating pieces
Hanaregoma ni te ari
If there are loose pieces, you won't be stuck for a move
Shuuban (yose) wa koma no sondoku yori sokudo
In the endgame (yose) speed is more important than material
Semeru wa mamoru nari
Attack is the best defence
Seme nai shoogi ni kachime nashi
Without attack, there is no chance of winning
Seme no ashiba o nokose
Keep the foothold for the attack
Kachishoogi wa oni no gotoshi
A won game is like a devil
Umasugiru yomisuji ni wa chuui se yo
Take heed of too skillful lines
Akushu wa akushu o yobu
A bad move invites more bad moves
Zokute ni myooshu ga ari
A vulgar move may be brillian
Okame hachimoku
The bystander sees the best of the game (Lookers-on always see more than the players)
Seme wa hi kaku gin kei
Attack with rook, bishop, silver and knight
Yose wa zokute de
In the endgame a vulgar move is alright
Tsumi yori hisshi
Hisshi (brinkmate) is better than mate

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1 stroke

1.1b, 1.3m, 3.1t, 3.1b, 3.2.2t, 4.2b, 5.2.2b, 6.1m, 6.2m, 7.3m 9.5.2m, 9.5.2b, 9.5.3b

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2 strokes

1.4b, 7.4.1b
1.1b, 1.3m, 9.5.1b
1.5b, 3.2.4m, 4.3.3b, 4.4.3b, 9.5.2m
1.6t, 1.7b, 3.2.1m, 3.2.3t, 3.2.4t, 5.1.3m
1.1b, 4.2m, 5.2.2m
4.5b, 7.4.1t, 9.5.1b, 9.5.2m

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3 strokes

1.3m, 1.5b, 3.2.1m, 4.3.1t, 5.1.1t, 7.2b
2.3.3t, 3.1t, 4.3.2m, 9.5.2m
1.5b, 1.7t, 3.2.1m, 5.1.1t, 6.2b
1.1m, 1.4m, 2.2t, 3.1b, 4.1t, 5.1.1m, 7.3m, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1b, 7.4.2m, 9.5.2t
4.3.4b, 9.1b, 9.5.1m
1.4b, 2.3.1m, 5.1.2t, 6.1b, 7.4.2t
5.2.2m, 8.2t
5.1.1b, 5.2.3t

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4 strokes

1.7t, 2.1b, 2.2m, 3.2.2b, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3t, 5.2.4m, 7.3m, 7.4.2m, 7.4.2b, 8.1m, 8.1b
1.1t, 1.3t, 3.2.1m, 4.3.2t, 4.5t, 5.1.1t, 5.1.1b, 5.1.2t, 5.2.1t
8.2m, 9.5.2t
4.2b, 7.1t, 8.2m, 9.5.3t
3.2.4m, 4.1m, 5.2.2b
5.2.3b, 7.4.2m
1.6m, 6.1m, 6.2t
1.2.2b, 4.4.1b, 5.1.2m, 9.5.1m
1.1m, 7.4.1m
1.7m, 3.2.1m, 5.1.3b
7.4.1b, 8.1b
1.4m, 1.5t, 2.2b, 3.1t, 3.2.2m, 4.1m, 4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.2b, 5.2.2b, 5.2.4m, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m
6.2m, 9.1b
4.1m, 5.1.1t
1.1t, 9.1m, 9.5.1m
3.2.1m, 5.2.1b, 6.1b, 6.2m
4.4.1t, 4.4.2m
1.4t, 3.1m, 5.1.1m, 9.5.1t

Back to top

5 strokes

1.6m, 2.1b, 4.5b, 5.2.3t, 7.4.1m
4.1b, 9.5.2b
2.3.3t, 3.2.4m, 3.2.4b, 4.5m, 5.2.2b
1.7t, 2.1t, 3.2.2t, 5.2.1b, 6.1m, 6.1b
4.1m, 5.2.1t
1.2.2t, 1.2.2m, 2.2b, 3.1m, 4.1m, 4.2m, 7.1b, 9.5.2m
2.3.1t, 3.2.1t, 3.2.1m, 9.5.2m
2.2m, 3.1b, 7.4.1t
3.2.1m, 4.3.1t
1.4t, 2.2m, 3.2.3m, 4.3.1b, 4.5b, 5.1.2t
3.2.1b, 6.1m
1.7t, 5.1.3t, 5.2.2m
4.3.4t, 5.2.3t
5.2.2m, 7.4.1b, 8.2t, 8.2m
1.7m, 4.3.2m, 5.1.1t, 5.1.3m
1.3t, 1.3m, 4.1m, 5.2.3b, 5.2.4b, 7.4.2m
3.2.3m, 4.5t
4.3.3t, 4.4.2t
2.3.1b, 4.3.2b
1.3t, 4.3.2m, 4.3.3b, 4.4.1m, 9.5.2m
4.3.1b, 4.3.2b, 4.3.4b, 4.4.3m, 4.5b, 5.1.2b
5.2.4m, 7.3b, 8.1m, 9.5.2m
2.3.1t, 3.2.1t, 5.2.2m, 7.4.1m, 9.5.2b
1.7m, 4.4.1b, 5.1.1t
3.1b, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1b
1.5b, 4.3.2t

Back to top

6 strokes

5.1.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.1b
1.7b, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 4.1b, 4.5t, 5.1.3t
5.2.2m, 6.1t
3.2.4b, 7.4.1m
1.7b, 3.2.1t, 3.2.1m
5.1.1t, 9.5.1m
1.5m, 6.1t, 6.2t
1.4m, 1.7t, 3.2.2b, 4.5t, 5.2.4t
5.2.2m, 7.4.1t
3.1m, 3.2.4t
1.1m, 2.2b, 5.1.3b, 5.2.1t, 6.2m, 7.4.1m, 9.5.1m
1.7b, 4.3.3m, 7.3t
1.1b, 7.3m, 7.4.1t
2.1b, 6.2b
1.3t, 4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.1t, 5.2.4b, 7.1b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.1b, 8.2m
4.3.3m, 4.5b
3.1t, 5.2.1b
1.2.2b, 5.2.3m
5.1.1m, 7.3m
3.1m, 6.2t, 9.5.2b
5.1t, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2b
9.3b, 9.4t, 9.4b, 9.5.1t, 9.5.1m
3.2.1m, 4.3.2b
3.2.3b, 5.2.2b, 6.2m
1.3t, 4.3.1b, 5.1.1m, 5.1.2t
1.5t, 3.1m, 4.1m, 4.1b, 4.5t, 5.2.3m, 8.1t, 9.5.2t

Back to top

7 strokes

4.1t, 6.1b
4.2t, 7.4.1b, 8.1b, 9.3t
4.3.1b, 5.1.2m, 5.1.3m
2.2t, 4.1t
3.2.1m, 3.2.4m, 8.1t
3.2.3m, 5.2.2m
1.6b, 3.2.2b, 7.2m
2.2b, 5.2.3t, 6.2b
4.1b, 9.6b
5.2.2b, 6.2t
2.2b, 7.3t
1.6m, 7.4.2m, 8.1b
3.2.3t, 4.4.1t, 4.4.2t, 5.2.2t
5.2.1b, 8.1m
5.2.3b, 8.1b
1.5t, 4.1m, 5.2.2b, 6.2m
2.2t, 7.2
4.1t, 8.2t, 8.2b, 9.5.2t
寿 2.3.3b
3.1b, 4.1b
1.6m, 2.2t, 2.3.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.2m
5.1.1m, 7.3m
4.1m, 7.4.1t
1.5t, 5.1.1m
1.6t, 2.1t, 2.2b
1.1b, 2.2m, 3.1m, 8.2t
3.1m, 4.1m, 5.1.2m, 6.1t
3.2.4m, 5.2.4t, 6.1m, 7.4.1m
1.3b, 1.4t, 3.2.4b, 4.3.1b, 4.3.4m, 4.5m, 5.1.2t
5.2.2b, 6.2t
5.2.2m, 6.1m
1.6b, 4.1m, 5.1.1m, 8.2b

Back to top

8 strokes

9.5.1m, 9.5.1b
5.1.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.2m
1.4m, 4.5t, 4.5m, 5.1.3b
1.2.3b, 2.2b, 5.2.2m, 8.2t
2.2m, 4.1m, 6.2t
3.1t, 4.1m
3.2.3m, 4.5t
3.1b, 4.3.4t, 6.1t
2.2t, 4.1t, 5.2.4t, 7.1b, 9.1m
3.2.2b, 4.3.1m, 4.4.3b, 5.1.2m
4.1b, 4.4.1b, 5.2.2b, 6.1t, 7.2b
2.1t, 3.2.3t, 4.5t, 6.1m
3.2.4t, 4.1b
1.4t, 2.3.1m, 4.3.4b, 4.4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.3b
4.1t, 7.4.2m, 8.2t
9.3b, 9.5.1m
3.2.1m, 4.3.1t, 4.3.1b, 5.1.3t, 5.1.3b
退 3.2.1m, 4.5b, 5.2.2t, 6.2m
2.2b, 3.2.1m, 6.1m, 6.2m
3.2.1m, 4.5b, 5.2.4m, 6.2m
3.2.3m, 5.2.2m
7.4.2b, 8.1b
5.2.3b, 5.2.4b
5.2.2t, 6.1b, 6.2m

Back to top

9 strokes

1.5m, 4.3.1t, 4.3.2b, 7.4.1m
5.2.2m, 7.3b, 9.5.2b
1.3m, 9.4t
5.2.2m, 9.4b
1.1b, 4.3.2t
4.1m, 7.4.1m
4.2m, 5.1.1m
2.2b, 4.2m, 4.3.1m, 5.2.2b
4.4.1t, 5.1.2m
3.1m, 6.2m
5.1.2m, 5.2.3t
1.1m, 3.2.1m
1.5m, 3.2.1m, 5.2.1m, 5.2.2t, 8.1m
1.4m, 4.5m
1.6m, 2.3.2t, 3.1m, 3.2.2t, 4.1m, 4.5t, 5.1.1m, 5.2.1m
6.1b, 6.2b
5.2.2m, 5.2.3m, 8.1m
4.1m, 6.1t, 7.4.1m
7.4.1b, 8.2t
3.2.2m, 4.5m, 5.1.1b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m, 8.2b
4.1t, 4.3.3t, 5.1.2m, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2b
4.1m, 9.5.2m
5.1.1b, 6.1m, 8.1m
1.6b, 9.5.2m
1.1t, 1.5t, 2.2t, 3.2.1t
5.2.3b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m
1.3b, 1.4t, 2.3.1m, 3.2.3m, 3.2.4m, 4.3.3b, 4.5m, 4.5b
1.4b, 1.6t, 2.2m, 2.3.2m, 4.1t, 4.1b, 9.5.3m
6.1m, 9.5.2m, 9.5.2b

Back to top

10 strokes

1.1t, 1.2.1t, 2.3.3m, 4.2m,7.3b, 9.1t, 9.6t
6.2b, 8.1b
2.3.2t, 3.2.4t
4.3.1m, 4.3.2t, 4.4.3m
5.2.4m, 6.1m
3.1m, 4.1m
3.1b, 4.3.4t
5.1.2b, 5.2.2m, 7.4.2t, 8.1t
3.2.4m, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2t
6.1m, 8.1b
3.2.1t, 7.3m
1.2.2t, 1.2.3t
1.2.1b, 5.1.2t
1.5m, 3.2.3b, 4.3.2b
3.2.4m, 4.5b
4.1m, 4.4.1m, 4.5m
3.2.1m, 5.2.2t
1.2.1b, 9.5.3
1.2.1b, 1.2.2m
1.2.2m, 1.4t, 4.5m
2.1b, 6.2b, 8.1m, 9.5.3m
1.4m, 2.3.2b, 7.4.2b
1.4m, 2.3.2b, 9.5.1t
3.2.4b, 4.3.1t, 5.1.3t
4.2t, 4.4.2b
5.2.2m, 7.4.2b, 9.5.3m

Back to top

11 strokes

3.2.1t, 8.2b
4.1m, 5.1.2m, 7.2t
5.2.2m, 7.4.1m
1.2.2b, 3.2.1m, 5.2.2t
1.7m, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 5.2m
3.1m, 4.1m
4.5t, 6.1b
6.2b, 7.4.1m
5.2.1t, 5.2.1b, 9.1t
3.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.1t, 6.1m, 7.4.1t, 8.1t
4.1m, 7.3b
3.1t, 5.2.2t
3.1b, 4.1m, 7.4.2t
1.6b, 3.1b, 5.1.1m, 9.5.2b
4.5m, 5.2.2b, 9.5.2b
3.2.1b, 5.2.2b
1.1t, 5.2.1m
5.2.2m, 7.4.1m
5.1.1b, 5.1.3t
2.2m, 7.2t
4.1t, 6.1b
1.1b, 5.1.1m, 7.1m, 8.2m

Back to top

12 strokes

3.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.1m
3.2.2m, 4.5m
4.3.1b, 4.4.3t
2.1m, 3.1b, 5.2.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.2m
1.1t, 5.1.2m
1.6t, 3.1m, 3.1b, 5.1.1m, 7.3b, 9.3b, 9.5.1m
1.5b, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 7.4.1b
4.1m, 9.4m
3.1m, 7.4.1m, 7.4.1b, 7.4.2b, 8.2b
3.2.1m, 5.1.3b
1.1, 1.2.1t, 5.1.1m, 7.1m, 9.5.1t
4.5t, 7.3t
4.3.1m, 4.3.4b, 5.1.3b
3.1m, 5.2t, 5.2.1m
5.1.2b, 5.2.2m, 5.2.4b,7.4.2m
4.5t, 4.5b, 5.1.2m, 5.2.2m
5.2.2m, 7.4.1t, 8.1m
2.3.1b, 4.1m, 5.2.2m, 7.4.1b, 7.4.2t, 7.4.2b
3.2.2m, 7.4.2m
1.3b, 4.1m, 4.3.1m, 4.3.1b

Back to top

13 strokes

1.4b, 2.2m
4.1m, 7.4.2m, 8.1t
2.3.1t, 5.1.3m
3.1b, 7.3m, 7.4.1m
2.2m, 7.1t
4.1t, 8.1t, 8.2m
1.6t, 2.1t, 2.2t, 2.2b, 2.3.3m, 3.2.1m, 5.2.2m
1.5t, 4.1t, 4.1m, 8.2m
1.4b, 3.2.3b, 5.2.2b
3.1m, 9.1b, 9.5.1t
椿 1.2.2m
1.6m, 7.4.1m, 8.1m
3.1m, 9.5.2t
8.1m, 8.2m
2.1b, 5.2.2m
1.6m, 2.2m
4.5t, 5.2.1m

Back to top

14 strokes

6.1m, 9.5.2m
2.2t, 5.2.2t, 8.2b
3.1b, 7.4.2t, 8.2m
5.2.4b, 7.4.2t
7.1b, 9.5.2b
1.2.2m, 1.4t, 4.3.2t, 4.3.3t, 4.3.3b, 4.4.1t, 4.4.1m, 4.4.2b, 4.4.3t, 4.4.3b, 4.5m, 5.1.3b

Back to top

15 strokes

3.1b, 5.2.2m, 7.4.2t
調 4.1b, 7.1t
1.1b, 1.3t, 5.1.1t
3.2.4b, 5.1.3t
4.3.1m, 5.1.1b
5.2.2b, 6.2m
1.2.1m, 1.2.2t, 1.2.2b, 1.5b, 2.2b, 2.3.1m, 3.2.4b
1.2.1t, 1.3t, 1.4b, 2.2m, 2.3.1t, 5.1.1t
4.1m, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3b

Back to top

16 strokes

5.2.3m, 7.4.1b
6.1m, 7.4.1t
5.2.2m, 7.4.2m
4.5m, 5.1.2t, 5.1.3b

Back to top

17 strokes and more

1.6m, 5.1.1m, 7.3m, 9.5.2t, 9.5.2b
4.1t, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2m
1.1m, 1.3t
3.2.4b, 4.5b, 5.1.3t
6.1m, 9.5.2m
6.1t, 9.5.2m