Hans Geuns' Basic Shogi Vocabulary
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the portal to the wonderful world of Shogi
- General Terms
- Shogi and Shogi variants
- Playing equipment
- Shogi set and other utensils
- Artisans and materials
- Script
- The Shogi board
- Pieces
- Games
- Victory and defeat
- Abbreviations in game scores
- Tsume Shogi
- Mate and brinkmate
- Tsume Shogi
- Mate compositions
- Compositions
- Special techniques
- Classics
- Moves and movements
- Moves
- Movements
- Simple movements and actions
- Drops and promotion
- Single pieces
- Capture, exchange and sacrifices
- Strategy and tactics
- General terms
- Systems and variations
- Opening strategies
- Static rook
- Ranging rook
- Yagura
- Surprise openings
- Castles
- Mino group
- Yagura group
- Other castles
- Tesuji
- Position and development
- Position
- Overall position
- Single points
- Single pieces
- Development
- Begin, middle, end
- Developments
- Opportunity and danger
- Success and failure
- Attack and defence
- Attack
- Defence
- Analysis
- Common terms
- Diagrams
- Comparison
- Evaluation
- Positive
- Negative
- Psychology
- Feelings
- Thoughts
- Professional Shogi
- Organization
- Periodicals of the J.S.F
- Teacher and pupil
- Ranking
- Title matches and tournaments
- Major matches and tournaments
- Setting
- Time keeping
- Special awards
- Shogi proverbs
- Gyoku/King
- Fu/Pawn
- Kei to kyoo/Knight and Lance
- Kin to gin/Gold and Silver
- Hi to kaku/Rook and Bishop
- Other
- Index
©1995 Copyright Hans Geuns.
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hon. | honorary |
iv | intransitive verb |
iv:tv | verb pair, the first verb intransitive, the second transitive |
Jap. | Japanese |
JSF | Japan Shogi Federation |
lit. | literally |
n | noun |
obs. | obsolete |
opp. | opposite |
p. | page; piece |
posth. | posthumous |
v | verb |
ZK | Shoogi Zukoo, problem number -- |
(-) | dummy verb "suru" can be added |
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1) General Terms
1.1) Shogi and Shogi variants
将棋 | shoogi | Shogi; game; style |
象戯 | shoogi | Shogi (old way of writing this word) |
将棋を指す | shoogi o sasu | play Shogi |
将棋道 | shoogidoo | the Way of Shogi |
将棋道場 | shoogidoojoo | Shogi playing hall |
将棋の日 | shoogi no hi | Shogi day (November 17th) |
中将棋 | chuu shoogi | Middle Shogi (12x12 board, 92 pieces) |
大将棋 | dai shoogi | Great Shogi (15x15 board, 130 pieces) |
大大将棋 | dai-dai shoogi | Great-Great Shogi (17x17 board, 92 pieces) |
マカ大大将棋 | maka dai-dai shoogi | Ultra-Great-Great Shogi
(19x19 board, 192 pieces) |
太将棋 | tai shoogi | Grand Shogi
(25x25 board, 354 pieces; the
biggest existing chesstype
game) |
鳥将棋 | tori shoogi | Tori (Bird) Shogi
(7x7 board, 32 pieces) |
天竺将棋 | tenjiku shoogi | Tenjiku (Indian) Shogi
(16x16 board, 156 pieces) |
早指し将棋 | hayasashishoogi | quick Shogi |
超早指し将棋 | choosoosashishoogi | lightning Shogi |
リレー将棋 | riree shoogi | relay Shogi (4 players) |
ついたて将棋 | tsuitate shoogi | screen Shogi (blind Shogi) |
通信将棋 | tsuushin shoogi | postal Shogi |
棋界 | kikai | the Shogi world |
棋士 | kishi | Shogi player (pro) |
棋敵 | kiteki | opponent |
棋譜 | kifu | game record |
棋風 | kifuu | Shogi style |
棋力 | kiryoku | Shogi strength |
棋理 | kiri | Shogi theory |
アマ, アマチュア | ama, amachua | amateur |
プロ, プロフェシォナル | puro, purofeshonaru | pro, professional |
初心者 | shoshinsha | beginner |
初級者 | shokyuusha | beginning kyu player |
有段者 | yuudansha | dan player |
一級~九級 | ikkyuu-kyuukyuu | 1st-9th kyu (player)
(lower grades) |
初段~九段 | shodan-kudan | 1st-9th dan (player)
(higher grades) |
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1.2) Playing equipment
1.2.1) Shogi set and other utensils
棋具 | kigu | playing equipment |
将棋盤セット | shoogiban setto | the Shogi board and set |
盤 | ban | board |
駒 | koma | piece(s) |
駒台 | komadai | stand |
駒袋 | komafukuro | bag for pieces |
駒箱 | komahako | box for pieces |
脇息 | kyoosoku | armrest |
桐蓋 | kiributa | paulownia cover (for big board) |
時計 | tokei | clock |
チェスクロック | chesu-kurokku | chess clock |
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1.2.2) Artisans and materials
駒師 | komashi | master woodworker |
駒銘 | komamei | signature of artisan
(at the side of the king) |
書家 | shoka | calligrapher |
材 | -zai -wood |
本つげ | hontsuge | real Japanese boxwood |
さつまつげ | Satsuma tsuge | Satsuma boxwood |
みくら島つげ | Mikurajima tsuge | boxwood from Mikurajima
(a very small island 200 km
south of Tokyo) |
かや | kaya | kaya (Torreya nucifera) |
本場物 | hombamono | the real thing (kaya from
Miyazaki prefecture) |
椿 | tsubaki | camellia |
銀杏 | ichoo | gingko, maidenhair tree
(Gingka bilboa) |
桂 | katsura | Japanese Judas tree
(Cercidiphyllum Jap.) |
けやき | keyaki | keyaki (Zelkova serrata) |
桐 | kiri | paulownia |
桑 | kuwa | mulberry |
まさ(目) | masa(me) | straight grain |
板目 | itame | curved grain |
赤まさ | akamasa | red grain |
天地まさ | tenchimasa | Heaven-and-Earth grain |
糸まさ | itosama | fine grain (smaller than 1mm) |
虎ふ | torafu | tiger stripes (thick,
wavy, reddish lines) |
彫駒 | horigoma | engraved pieces |
彫まい駒 | choomai-goma | pieces engraved and filled
with lacquer |
盛上 | moriage | intaglio repeatedly filled
with lacquer |
バンタロ駒 | bantarogoma | pieces on which the name is
written with brush (inferior) |
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1.2.3) Script
書体 | shotai | (style of) script |
書せき | shoseki | handwriting (specimen) |
錦旗 | kinki | imperial standard |
水無瀬 | minase | minase |
源平 | genpei | genpei (genji and heike;
(name black; promotion name
red) |
源兵衛清安 | genbei kiyoyasu | genbei kiyoyasu |
細字の清安 | saiji no kiyoyasu | small character kiyoyasu |
巻のりょう湖 | maki no ryooko | maki no ryooko (famous
calligrapher in latter
Tokugawa days) |
長ろく | chooroku | chooroku |
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1.3) The Shogi board
盤面、譜面 | banmen, fumen | board (surface) |
マス目 | masume | square |
地点 | chiten | field, square |
四天王 | shitennoo | the four Heavenly Kings
(the four dots on the
Shogi board) |
自陣 | jijin | own camp |
敵陣 | tekijin | opponent`s camp |
段 | dan | rank (horizontal) |
中段 | chuudan | centre rank(s) |
下段 | gedan | back rank |
一段目~九段目 | ichidamme-kyuudamme | 1st rank - 9th rank |
筋 | suji | file; diagonal |
一筋~九筋 | ichi suji-kyuu suji | 1st file - 9th file |
中央 | chuuoo | centre |
端 | hashi | edge |
スミ(隅) | sumi | corner |
セっチン | setchin | corner square(s)
(lit. watercloset) |
飛(車)先 | hi(sha)saki | rook file; rook pawn |
角筋、角道 | kakusuji, kakumichi | bishop`s diagonal |
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1.4) Pieces
王将、王 | ooshoo, oo | king |
玉将、玉 | gyokushoo, gyoku | king (Jade General) |
飛車、飛 | hisha, hi | Rook (Flying Chariot) |
角行、角 | kakugyoo, kaku | Bishop (Horned Chariot) |
金将、金 | kinshoo, kin | Gold (Gold General) |
銀将、銀 | ginshoo, gin | Silver (Silver General) |
桂馬、桂 | keima, kei | Knight (Laurel Horse) |
香車、香 | kyoosha, kyoo | Lance (Fragrant Chariot) |
歩兵、歩 | fuhyoo, fu | Pawn (Foot soldier) |
成~、ナリ~ | nari- | promoted- |
と金、と | tokin, to | tokin, promoted pawn |
竜王、竜 | ryuuoo, ryuu | Dragon (Dragon King),
promoted rook |
竜馬、馬 | ryuume, uma | Horse (Dragon Horse),
promoted bishop |
持駒、手駒 | mochigoma, tegoma | pieces in hand |
置駒、盤駒 | okigoma, bangoma | pieces on the board |
大駒 | oogoma | major pieces (rook and bishop) |
小駒 | kogoma | minor pieces (all pieces
except king, rook and bishop) |
跳駒 | tobigoma | long range pices
(rook, bishop, knight, lance) |
~枚 | -mai | counter for pieces |
~丁 | -choo | counter for rooks |
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1.5) Games
局、対局 | kyoku, taikyoku | game |
お好み対局 | o-konomi taikyoku | friendly game |
指導対局 | shidoo taikyoku | teaching game,
simultaneous game |
練習対局 | renshuu taikyoku | practise game |
戦、対戦 | sen, taisen | game, fight; match |
相手、敵 | aite, teki | opponent |
振り駒 | furigoma | toss (by throwing five
pawns) |
先手 | sente | Black; sente, the initiative |
後手 | gote | White; gote, giving the
initiative to the opponent |
手番 | teban | turn to play |
平手戦 | hiratesen | even game |
駒落戦 | koma'ochisen | handicap game |
~落ち | -ochi | -handicap |
二枚落ち | nimai ochi | two piece handicap |
平香交落 | hira-kyoo-majiriochi | alternating even game with
lance handicap (obs.) |
上手 | uwate | handicap giver |
下手 | shitate | handicap taker |
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1.6) Victory and defeat
詰む | tsumu | mate (v.) |
即詰み | sokuzumi | forced mate |
千日手 | sennichite | draw by repetition of moves |
入玉 | nyuugyoku | entering king |
持将棋 | jishoogi | impasse |
勝つ | katsu | win |
勝ち、勝利 | kachi, shoori | victory |
勝負 | shoobu | victory or defeat, a game |
勝負手 | shoobute | an interesting move in a
disadvantageous position on
which one wagers the outcome
of the game |
勝敗 | shoohai | victory or defeat, the
issue (of the game) |
必勝 | hisshoo | sure win |
完勝 | kanshoo | complete victory |
楽勝、快勝 | rakushoo, kaishoo | easy, quick victory |
連勝 | renshoo | winning streak |
勝率 | shooritsu | winning percentage |
勝機 | shooki | opportunity to win |
勝目(なし) | kachime (nashi) | (there are no) chances
of winning |
勝星 | kachiboshi | winning mark (O in the table
of results) |
辛勝 | shinshoo | narrow victory |
優勝を飾る | yuushoo o kazaru | win the championship |
勝因 | shoo'in | cause of victory |
負ける | makeru | loss, be defeated |
負け | make | loss, defeat |
反則負け | hansoku make | loss because of an illegal
move |
勿論負け | mochiron make | automatic loss (illegal move) |
負かす | makasu | defeat (v) |
敗(戦) | hai(sen) | defeat |
敗北(-) | haiboku | defeat |
敗着 | haichaku | losing move |
敗因 | hai'in | cause of defeat |
敗る | yaburu | defeat (vt) |
形作り | katachizukuri | settling the shape,
finding a place to resign |
あきらめる | akirameru | give up; resign |
投了(-) | tooryoo | resignation |
投げ場 | nageba | point of resigning |
降伏(-) | koofuku | resignation |
降る;降す | kudaru; kudasu | surrender; defeat (vi; vt) |
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1.7) Abbreviations in game scores
打 | uchi | drops |
成 | nari | promotes |
不成 | narazu | does not promote |
生 | narazu | does not promote |
上 | agaru | moves up |
引 | hiku | draws back |
左 | hidari | from the left |
右 | migi | from the right |
寄 | yoru | moves sideways (horizontal) |
直 | sugu | moves straight (vertical) |
入 | hairu | enters the promotionzone |
同 | doo | takes (and moves to the
square just mentioned) |
合 | au; ai | interposes any piece
(only used in solutions of
Tsume Shogi) |
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2) Tsume Shogi
2.1) Mate and brinkmate
詰む | tsumu | mate(v), be checkmated |
詰み | tsumi | mate(n) |
詰み上がり | tsumi-agari | checkmating |
即詰み | sokuzumi | forced mate |
打歩詰み | uchifuzumi | mate with pawn drop (illegal) |
突歩詰み | tsukifuzumi | mate with pawn push |
詰ます | tsumasu | mate (v) |
詰めろ (詰めよ) | tsumero (tsume yo) | threatmate |
詰めろをかける | tsumero o kakeru | threaten mate |
詰め | tsume | tsume, mating problem |
詰手、着手 | tsumete, chakushu | the first checking move |
不詰 | fuzume, tsumazu | (there is) no mate |
必死 | hisshi | brinkmate, hisshi |
必死がかかる | hisshi ga kakeru | set up a brinkmate |
死ぬ | shinu | die |
トン死 | tonshi | sudden death |
残る | nokoru | remain, be spared |
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2.2) Tsume Shogi
詰将棋 | tsume shoogi | Tsume Shogi, checkmate problems |
指将棋 | sashi shoogi | game Shogi (as opposite of
Tsume Shogi) |
趣向詰将棋 | shukoo tsume shoogi | mate compositions (with
additional restrictions or
special devices) |
大道詰将棋 | daidoo tsume shoogi | Street Tsume Shogi (e.g. in
popular city districts) |
実戦型詰 | jissenkei tsume | actual game type problem |
構想型詰 | koosookei tsume | ideal type problem (opp. of
actual game type) |
詰物、図式 | tsumemono, zushiki | checkmate problem |
作物 | tsukurimono | checkmate problem |
古典図式 | koten zushiki | classic problem |
古作物 | kosakubutsu | ancient problem (usually
without known author) |
作者 | sakusha | maker, author |
作品、創作 | sakuhin, soosaku | work, product, creation |
完全作 | kanzensaku | complete (indefective)
problem |
不完全作 | fukanzensaku | defective problem |
盗作 | toosaku | stolen problem, plagiarism |
類似作 | ruijisaku | similar problem (strongly
resembling an existing problem) |
作意 | sakui | the intended mating sequence |
問、問題 | mon, mondai | problem |
候補手 | koohote | candidate moves |
解答 | kaitoo | answer, solution |
正解 | seikai | correct solution |
解説 | kaisetsu | explanation |
詰上り図 | tsumi-agarizu | mate diagram |
玉方、受方 | gyokugate, ukekata | the king's side, defending
side |
攻方 | semekata | the attacking side |
初形 | shokei | original position |
駒配り | komakubari | startposition of the pieces |
置駒、盤駒 | okigoma, bangoma | pieces on the board |
持駒、手駒 | mochigoma, tegoma | pieces in hand |
飾り駒 | kazarigoma | embellishing pieces
(without function in the
mating sequence) |
手数 | tesuu | number of moves |
手一枚 | te-ippai | using all pieces in hand |
手余り | te-amari | still having pieces in
hand (after mating) |
駒余り | koma-amari | id. |
伏線手 | fukusenshu | preparation move |
即詰め、追い詰め | sokuzume, oizume | straight and (too) simple
mate (problem) |
本詰、本手順 | honzume, hontejun | the proper mating sequence |
別詰 | betsuzume | different mate |
余詰 | yozume | additional mate (defective
problem) |
早詰 | hayazume | earlier mate (flawed problem
or wrong solution) |
変化 | henka | variation |
変化長手数 | henka chootesuu | longer variation (mate
delayed by interposing pieces,
but actual mate is the same) |
変更 | henkoo | variation (alternative first
move; should not result in
mate) |
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2.3) Mate compositions
2.3.1) Compositions
曲詰 | kyokuzume | mate composition |
盤面曲詰 | bammen kyokuzume | Board Composition (problem
diagr. shows a character,
figure or letter) |
アブリ出し曲詰 | aburidashi kyokuzume | Invisible Ink Composition
(mating diagr. shows a figure
or letter) |
立体詰 | rittaizume | Three dimensional Tsume
(both bammen en aburidashi
kyokuzume {rare}) |
裸玉 | ragyoku, hadakagyoku | Naked King (first example
by Ito Kanju, Z.K. 98) |
還元玉 | kangengyoku | Original Position King
(king is mated on his
original square) |
煙詰 | kemurizume | Smoke Tsume (problem shows
39 p. on the board; solution
shows only 3 p.) (first
example by Ito Kanju, Z.K. 99)
(very rare) |
駒一揃い詰 | komahitosoroizume | One of Each (problem shown one
of each of the p., attacking
side has no pieces in hand) |
都詰 | miyakozume | Mate in the Capital (5e) |
たすき詰 | tasukizume | X Tsume (mating diagr.
shows X-shape; tasuki, a
cord used for tucking up
kimono sleeves) |
豆腐図式 | toofu zushiki | Tofu Problem (problem diagr.
shows only king, pawns and
tokins) |
飛角図式 | hikaku zushiki | Rook and Bishop Problem |
小駒図式 | kogoma zushiki | Minor Pieces Problem |
金銀図式 | kingin zushiki | Gold and Silver Problem
貧乏図式 | bimboo zushiki | Poor Man`s Problem
(without any gold or silver) |
無防備図式 | muboobi zushiki | No Defence Problem
(problem diagr. shows only
king and p. of the attacking
side) |
無仕掛図式 | mushikake zushiki | No Foothold Problem
(attacking side has no
pieces on the board;
extreme version is the
Naked King) |
無掛図式 | mugakari zushiki | id. |
石垣図式 | ishigaki zushiki | Stone Wall Problem
(king completely walled in
in the mating diagr.) |
陣型図式 | jinkei zushiki | Original Formation Problem
(all White's p. on the
first rank occupy the same
position as at the start of
a game) (first example by
Ito Kanju, Z.K. 97) (very
rare) |
完全実戦初形 | kanzen jissen shokei | Complete Original Formation
Problem (all White's p.
occupy the same position as
at the start of a game)
(first example by Naito
Kunio) (extremely rare) |
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2.3.2) Special techniques
剥し | hagashi | rip off (the device of over
and again taking away pieces
around the king at the same
連取り | rentori | successively taking pieces
with rook or bishop (at
different squares)
持駒変換 | mochigoma-henkan | exchanging pieces in hand
for pieces on the board
馬ノコ(鋸) | uma-noko(giri) | Horse Saw (moving zig-zag
in order to take a piece at
the other side of the board,
while continuing to give check)
竜追い | ryuu-oi | Dragon Chase (hunting the king
all over the board with the
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2.3.3) Classics
三代伊藤宗看 | Sandai Itoo Sookan | Ito Sokan III (7th Meijin)
伊藤看寿 | Itoo Kanju | Ito Kanju (posth. Meijin)
(1719-1760), younger
brother of Ito Sokan III
将棋無双 | Shoogi Musoo | Unparalleled Shogi Problems
(Ito Sokan III's classical
masterpiece, in 1735 offered
to the shogun as Shoogi
Tsukurimono, Shogi Problems)
詰むや詰まざるや | Tsumu ya tsumazaru ya | Mate or No Mate? (alternative,
popular title of Shoogi Musoo)
将棋図巧 | Shoogi Zukoo | Ingenious Shogi Problems
(Ito Kanju`s genial masterpiece
in 1756 offered to the shogun
as Shoogi Zushiki, Shogi
寿 | Kotobuki | Long Life (Z.K. 100, a 611
move tsume, made by Kanju
when he was 13 years old;
not surpassed until 1955)
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3) Moves and movements
3.1) Moves
手 | te | move; tempo
一手 | itte | a move; the only move;
one tempo
一手の一手 | itte no itte | move-by-move (endgame)
次の一手 | tsugi no itte | the next move; next move
狙いの一手 | nerai no itte | the intended move
三手一組 | san-te hitokumi | a three move combination
一手スキ | itte suki | one move (tempo)
breathing space (endgame)
手番 | teban | turn to play
手数 | tesuu | number of moves
手応、応手 | tegotae, ooshu | answer
手順 | tejun | sequence of moves
手順前後 | tejun zengo | reverse order of moves
(usually wrong)
手筋、筋 | tesuji, suji | tactics, tactical move,
(standard) combination
手抜き | tenuki | move elsewhere
手作り | tezukuri | creating moves
手詰まり | tezumari | Zugzwang, being short of
手拍子 | tebyooshi | reflex moves
手待ち | temachi | waiting move
手勝ち | tekachi | winning by one move (tempo),
winning the semeai
手得 | tedoku | gain of tempo
手損 | tezon | loss of tempo
手遅れ | teokure | lagging a move behind
初手 | shote | first move
禁手 | kinte | illegal move
封じ手 | fuujite | sealed move
防手 | booshu | defence move
攻手 | kooshu | attacking move
王手 | oote | check
開き王手 | aki-oote | discovered check
王手飛車 | ootebisha | fork on king and rook
準王手飛車 | jun-ootebisha | indirect fork on king and
rook (bishop pinning down
the rook)
連続王手 | renzoku oote | successive checks
両王手 | ryoo-oote | double check
本手 | honte | the proper move
勝負手 | shoobute | the game move (interesting
move in a disadvantageous
position on which one wagers
the outcome of the game)
新手 | shinshu | new move
常識手 | jooshiki te | common sense move
しゃれた手 | shareta te | stylish move
秘手 | hishu | concealed, hidden move
絶対手 | zettaishu | forced move
好手 | kooshu | good move
悪手 | akushu | bad move
大悪手 | daiakushu | blunder
最善手 | saizenshu | the best move
絶好の一手 | kekkoo no itte | the best move
軽手 | keishu | light move
強手 | kyooshu | forcing move; strong move
巧手 | kooshu | ingenious move
ハメ手 | hamete | trick move, trap
鬼手 | kishu | devilish move
妙手 | myooshu | splendid, brilliant move
微妙手 | bimyooshu | (very) subtle move
絶妙手 | zetsumyooshu | absolutely brilliant move
奇手 | kishu | strange (dubious) move;
surprise move
疑問手 | gimonte | dubious (bad) move
俗手 | zoku-te | vulgar move
緩い手 | yurui te | slack, weak move
着、一着 | chaku, itchaku | (one) move
正着 | seichaku | the correct move
敗着 | haichaku | losing move
勝着 | shoochaku | winning move
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3.2) Movements
3.2.1) Simple movements and actions
指す | sasu | play; move
指し手、差し手 | sashite | move (n)
指し回し | sashimawashi | playing (around), actions
指し方 | sashikata | way of playing
指し過ぎ | sashisugi | overplay
指し切り | sashikiri | being out of moves
指し直す | sashinaosu | play a new game (after a
指せる | saseru | have a satisfactory game
(better than opponent)
動く | ugoku | move; come into action
動き | ugoki | move(ment); action
行動(-) | koodoo | movements, action
出動(-) | shutsudoo | mobilization, action
立つ | tatsu | set up, place
立ち直す | tachinaosu | reposition
据える | sueru | place
据えつける | suetsukeru | place, set up
かかる;かける | kakaru; kakeru | place, start, attack,
move (vi; vt)
並ぶ | narabu | line up (the pieces at the
beginning of a game)
居る | iru | remain, stay
行く | iku | go
来る | kuru | come
上がる;上げる | agaru; ageru | go up; take, bring up (vi; vt)
下がる;下げる | sagaru; sageru | go down; bring down (vi; vt)
下ろす | orosu | bring, pull down
落ちる;落とす | ochiru; otosu | come down; bring down (vi; vt)
寄る | yoru | move sideways; approach the
king, bring the king near mate
出る;出す | deru; dasu | go out; send out (vi; vt)
入る;入れる | hairu; ireru | go in, enter; send, put in
(vi; vt)
~出す | -dasu | (verb)-out
~込む | -komu | (verb)-in
進む | susumu | advance, develop
引く | hiku | retreat, pull back
戻る;戻す | modoru; modosu | return (vi; vt)
引き戻す | hikimodosu | return to
退く | hiku; shirizoku | retreat
退出する | taishutsu suru | retreat
後退する | kootai suru | retreat
近づく | chikazuku | approach, come closer
近づける | chikazukeru | let (make) approach
遠ざかる | toozakaru | stay at a distance,
stay away from
遠ざける | toozakeru | keep (put) at a distance
へこます(凹ます) | hekomasu | dent, make hollow
詰まる;詰める | tsumaru; tsumeru | become shorter; shorten
(the edge by pushing the pawn
to the 6th rank) (vi; vt)
盛り上げる | moriageru | build up (high)
釣り上げる | tsuri-ageru | draw up, hook up
吊り出す | tsuri-dasu | entice out, lure out
引っ張る | hipparu | draw, pull
引っ張り出す | hippari-dasu | draw, pull out (into)
抜く | nuku | pull out; move elsewhere
(also: take, capture)
抜け出る | nuke-deru | come out (of)
追う | ou | chase, follow, pursue
追い出す;追いやる | oidasu; oiyaru | chase off
逃げる | nigeru | run away, escape
逃れる | nogareru | escape
向う | mukau | confront, oppose
合わせる | awaseru | oppose (drop a pawn right
in front of opponent's pawn)
中合する | chuuai suru | interpose, block
止める | tomeru | stop, block
通す | toosu | let pass, pass through;
通じる | tsuujiru | pass, be opened
ぶつかる;ぶつける | butsukaru; butsukeru | collide (oppose a piece with
the same kind of piece)
(vi; vt)
包む | tsutsumu | surround
包囲する | hooi suru | encircle, siege
しばる | shibaru | squeeze, restrict
はさむ | hasamu | pincer, attack from two sides
釘付けにする | kugizuke ni suru | pin down, tie down
釘を打つ | kugi o utsu | pin down (lit. pound in
a nail)
クサビを打ち込む | kusabi o utchikomu | drive in a wedge
移る;移す | utsuru; utsusu | shift, transfer (vi; vt)
移行する | ikoo suru | switch over (to)
転じる;転ずる | tenjiru; tenzuru | turn (around),
be transferred
転換する | tenkan suru | convert, switch, transpose
転用する | tenyoo suru | convert
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3.2.2) Drops and promotion
打つ | utsu | drop
打ち | uchi | drop (n)
打ち据える | uchisueru | drop
打ち込む | uchikomu | drop inside the promotion
zone, invade
一打 | ichida | a blow, a drop
連打 | renda | successive drops
痛打 | tsuuda | painful blow, drop
割打ち | wari-uchi | stab-in-the-back (silver
drop forking two pieces
from behind)
重ね打ち | kasane-uchi | drop-on-top (e.g. a lance
drop above the lance on the
手放す | tebanasu | let go, drop (also: give
away a piece)
投入する | toonyuu suru | throw into, drop
成る | naru | promote
成り | nari | promotion; promoted-
不成り | funari- | unpromoted-
カラ成り(空成り) | karanari | empty promotion (not
capturing a piece)
成り込む | nari-komu | enter and promote
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3.2.3) Single pieces
玉を囲う | gyoku o kakou | castle the king
玉と入城する | gyoku to nyuujoo suru | bring the king inside the
突く | tsuku | push (pawn) (also: thrust,
突き込む | tsuki-komu | push and enter
(the promotionzone)
突き越す | tsuki-kosu | push on
突き合う | tsuki-au | push (pawns) mutually
(on the same file)
突き違い | tsuki-chigai | counterpush (on another file)
突き捨てる | tsuki-suteru | push and sacrifice
突っ切り | tsukkiri | (pawn) sacrifice push
伸す;延ばす | nobasu | extend (with pawn push)
伸び過ぎる | nobisugiru | overextend
タタク (叩く) | tataku | strike (drop a pawn right
in front of an enemy piece)
タラす(垂らす) | tarasu | dangle (drop a pawn before the
target field, threatening
promotion next)
繰り出す | kuridasu | send out (a general)
飛ぶ | tobu | fly, rush (rook)
跳ぶ | tobu | jump (knight)
跳ねる | haneru | jump (knight)
ハネ | hane | knight move
走る | hashiru | rush (forwards) (rook, lance)
回る (廻る);回す | mawaru; mawasu | turn (sidewards, around) (rook)
ひねる | hineru | twist, switch over (to the
other side) (rook)
振る | furu | range (to and fro, on the same
rank) (rook)
のぞく | nozoku | peep (bishop)
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3.2.4) Capture, exchange and sacrifices
取る | toru | (threaten to) take (also:
take up a position)
~取り | -tori | threat to capture-, fork
両取り | ryootori | fork
タダで取る | tada de toru | simply capture (and gain
a piece)
取り合い | toriai | exchange, mutual capture
取り込む | torikomu | take and approach, take and
取り返す | torikaesu | take back
討ち取る | uchitoru | take
掠め取る | kasumetoru | take away, pocket
入手する | nyuushu suru | get in hand
払う | harau | wipe off
剥す | hagasu | tear off
はずす | hazusu | take off
捕まえる | tsukamaeru | capture
捕獲する | hokaku suru | capture
抜く | nuku | take
素抜ける | sunukeru | can take simply (without any
素抜き | sunuki | pure, clean profit
排除する | haijo suru | remove
清算(-) | seisan | liquidation, cleaning up
どける | dokeru | remove (obstacle), get
(obstacle) out of the way
換わる;換える | kawaru; kaeru | exchange (pieces or moves)
(vi; vt)
換わり | kawari | exchange (n)
~換え | -kae (gae) | exchange of-
二枚換え | nimaigae | two-for-one, exchanging
one (major) piece for two
(minor) pieces
交換(-) | kookan | exchange (n)
替える、代える | kaeru | exchange; change; substitute
捨てる | suteru | sacrifice
見捨てる | mi-suteru | abandon, forsake
渡す | watasu | hand over (pieces or the
ギセイ(犠牲)にする | gisei ni suru | make a sacrifice
犠打 | gida | sacrifice drop
切る | kiru | sacrifice, exchange, get
(own piece) out of the way
(usually: sacrifice the
exchange, i.e. exchange a
major piece for a minor piece)
見切る | mi-kiru | abandon
角切る | kakukiri | exchanging the bishop for a
minor piece
飛切り | hikiri | exchanging the rook for a
minor piece
浮く | uku | float, stand loose
浮き駒 | ukigoma | loose piece, floating piece
離れる | hanareru | seperate, get loose
離れ駒 | hanaregoma | loose piece
質駒 | shichigoma | hostage piece (to be captured
any time)
当たる;当てる | ataru; ateru | threaten to take (vi; vt)
当たり | atari | threat to capture
かわす | kawasu | dodge
ヒモ(紐)をつける | himo o tsukeru | protect, defend (a piece)
代償 | daishoo | compensation
駒割 | komawari | balance of material
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4) Strategy and tactics
4.1) General terms
戦 | sen | fight; game; match
戦う | tatakau | fight (v)
戦い、闘い | tatakai | fight (n)
実戦 | jissen | actual game
感想戦 | kansoosen | post mortem
急戦 | kyuusen | quick attack, early fight
持久戦 | jikyuusen | slow game
決戦 | kessen | decisive fight
苦戦 | kusen | hard, difficult game
難戦 | nansen | difficult game
乱戦 | ransen | wild, rough game
大混戦 | taikonsen | chaotic battle
大熱戦 | oo-atsusen | fierce, heated fight
戦法 | sempoo | opening (strategy)
作戦、策戦 | sakusen | strategy
作戦勝ち | sakusenkachi | strategical victory
作戦負け | sakusenmake | strategical loss
陽動作戦 | yoodoosakusen | feint strategy
戦略 | senryaku | strategy (plan)
戦術 | senjutsu | strategy (art)
高等戦術 | kootoo-senjutsu | higher strategy
戦端 | sentan | hostilities
戦端を開く | sentan o hiraku | start hostilities
戦線 | sensen | front, battle line
戦線を広げる | sensen o hirogeru | broaden the front
戦場 | senjou | place of the fight, front
狙う、目指す | nerau, mezasu | aim at
狙い筋 | neraisuji | the move or tesuji one aimed
at, the intended move
目的、的 | mokuteki, mato | aim, object
目標 | mokuhyoo | target
仕方、方法 | shikata. hoohoo | method, way
攻め方 | semekata | the way to attack
受け方 | ukekata | the way to defend
手段 | shudan | means, measures, way
常套手段 | jootooshudan | common means, old trick
策(-) | saku | plan, stratagem
対策 | taisaku | counter-plan
得策 | tokusaku | profitable, wise plan
秘策 | hissaku | secret plan
窮余の一策 | kyuuyo no issaku | the last (desperate) resort
手順、順 | tejun, jun | sequence (of moves)
手順前後 | tejun-zengo | reverse order of moves
(usually wrong)
順序 | junjo | (right) order of moves
定跡 | jooseki | standard (opening)
sequence of moves
手筋、筋 | tesuji, suji | tesuji, tactic, tactical move
or sequence, petite
筋の良い | suji no yoi | tactically good
筋の悪い | suji no warui | tactically bad
本筋 | honsuji | the proper move
無理筋 | murisuji | unreasonable move
切れ筋 | kiresuji | failed move, failed tactics
寄り筋 | yorisuji | endgame tesuji (bringing the
king near mate)
はまり筋 | hamarisuji | trap
はめる | hameru | ensnare, trap
ハメテ | hamete | trap, trick move
ワナ(罠)にはまる | wana ni hamaru | walk into a trap
ワナにかける | wana ni kakeru | trap
術中 | jutchuu | trap (n)
術中に陥る | jutchuu ni ochiiru | fall into a trap
落し穴 | otoshiana | trap, pitfall
陥れる | otoshiireru | ensnare, fall into a trap
トリック | torikku | trick
エサ(餌) | esa | bait, lure(n)
エジキ(餌食) | ejiki | prey, victim
形 | katachi | (good) shape; formation,
好形、良い形 | kookei, yoi katachi | good shape
悪形 | akukei | bad shape
基本形 | kihon katachi | basic position
凝り形 | korikatachi | stiff, inflexible,
overconcentrated shape
おかしい形 | okashii katachi | funny (ridiculous) shape
寄り形 | yorikatachi | near mate position
形作り | katachizukuri | settling the shape,
finding a place to resign
厚み、厚味 | atsumi | thickness (solid shape)
連絡(-) | renraku | connection (between pieces)
連絡の(ない) | renraku no (nai) | (un)connected
合作(-) | gassaku | cooperation
協力 | kyooryoku | cooperation
味 | aji | potential (for attack)
(lit. flavour, taste)
味の良い | aji no yoi | having good aji
味消し | ajikeshi | elimiating aji
嫌味 | iyami | unpleasant, nasty aji
イヤ(嫌)な味 | iya na aji | unpleasant, nasty aji
タイミング | taimingu | timing
スピード | supiido | speed
速度 | sokudo | speed
ペース | peesu | pace, upperhand. initiative
主導権 | shudooken | initiative
主導権を握る | shudooken o nigiru | take hold of the initiative
逆先 | gyakusen | winning back the initiative
バランス | baransu | balance (between Black and
White, attack and defence,
right side and left side etc.)
バランスを取る | baransu o toru | retain the balance
バランスを持つ | baransu o motsu | keep the balance
つり合い | tsuriai | balance
兼ね合い、均衡 | kaneai, kinkoo | balance
技 | waza | technique; art; skill
荒技 | arawaza | wild, fierce technique
技術 | gijutsu | art; technique; skill
妙技 | myoogi | beautiful technique
特技 | tokugi | special ability (of a piece)
芸当 | geitoo | art; feat
コツ | kotsu | knack, special skill
調子 | chooshi | manner, way, style, condition
(also: condition of a player)
調子がいい | chooshi ga ii | in good style; with good
prospects; in good condition
好調に | koochoo ni | favourably, smoothly
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4.2) Systems and variations
~型 | -kei (kata) | -formation, -line
~式 | -shiki | -systems, -style
~流 | -ryuu | -style, -school, way of-
流れ | nagare | flow
我流 | garyuu | one's own way (depreciatory)
田舎流 | inaka-ryuu | boorish style
自然流 | shizenryuu | natural style (Nakahara
Makoto`s style)
手将棋 | te-shoogi | free Shogi (avoiding
established joseki patterns)
力将棋 | chikara shoogi | power Shogi
マネ将棋 | mane shoogi | mirror Shogi
ヘボ将棋 | hebo shoogi | crackpot Shogi
(absolute beginner`s)
本譜、本局 | hompu, honkyoku | the main line, the game
変化、変更 | henka, henkoo | variation
変型 | henkei | irregular formation
変調 | henchoo | variation; irregularity
変わる;変える | kawaru; kaeru | change, play a variation
(vi; vt)
ライン | rainu | line
システム | shisutemu | system
スタイル | sutairu | style
パターン | pataan | pattern
一本道 | ippommichi | one straight way
一直線 | itchokusen | one straight line
岐路 | kiro | crossroads
岐れ道;分かれ道 | wakaremichi | crossroads, branch, variation
分かれる | wakareru | divide (into)
分かれ目 | wakareme | turning point
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4.3) Opening strategies
4.3.1) Static rook
居飛車 | ibisha | Static Rook
相懸り(戦法) | aigakari (sempoo) | Double Wing Attack (opening)
相掛り | aigakari | Double Wing Attack (opening)
(相)浮飛車 | (ai)ukibisha | (Double) Floating Rook
(相)下段飛車 | (ai)gedanbisha | (Double) Back Rank Rook
腰掛銀 | koshikakegin | Reclining Silver
ガッチャン銀 | gatchan gin | Clanging Silvers
駅馬車定跡 | ekibisha jooseki | Stagecoach Joseki
凹凸型 | oo-totsu-kei | Hump-Slump System
鎖鎌銀 | kusarikama-gin | Sickle-and-chain Silver
筋違角 | sujichigai-kaku | Wrong Diagonal Bishop
なまくら筋違角 | namakura suji-chigai kaku | Blunt Wrong Diagonal Bishop
横歩取り | yokofudori | Side Pawn
変則横歩取り | hensoku yokofudori | Irregular Side Pawn
空中戦 | kuuchuusen | Aereal Fight
縦歩取り | tatefudori | Rook on Pawn
純粋縦歩取り | junsui tatefudori | Pure Rook on Pawn
ネコの縦歩取り | neko no tatefudori | the Cat's Rook on Pawn
ひねり飛車 | hineribisha | Twisting Rook
たこ金 | takokin | Kite Gold (Masuda`s counter
against the Twisting Rook)
棒銀 | boogin | Climbing Silver
原始棒銀 | genshi boogin | Primitive Climbing Silver
角換り | kakugawari | Bishop Exchange
地下鉄飛車 | chikatetsubisha | Subway Rook (contra rightside
king in Bishop Exchange)
袖飛車 | sodebisha | Sleeve Rook
居飛車穴熊 | ibisha anaguma | Static Rook Bear-in-the-hole
玉頭位取り | gyokutooguraidori | King`s Head Vanguard Pawn
5筋位取り | go-suji kuraidori | Central Vanguard Pawn
雁木 | gangi | Snowroof
鷺宮定跡 | saginomiya jooseki | Heron Palace Joseki
山田流 | Yamada-ryuu | Yamada System
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4.3.2) Ranging rook
振飛車 | furibisha | Ranging Rook
中飛車 | nakabisha | Central Rook
原始中飛車 | genshi nakabisha | Primitive Central Rook
平目 | hirame | Flatfish
風車 | kazeguruma | Windmill
ツノ銀 | tsunogin | Silver on the Horns
四間飛車 | shikenbisha | Fourth File Rook
右四間飛車 | migi shikenbisha | Right Side Fourth File Rook
三間飛車 | sangenbisha | Third File Rook
石田流升田式 | Ishida-ryuu Masuda-shiki | Masuda Style Ishida (System)
向飛車 | mukaibisha | Opposing Rook
升田式向飛車 | Masuda-shiki mukaibisha | Masuda Style Opposing Rook
相振飛車 | aifuribisha | Double Ranging Rook
振飛車穴熊 | furibisha anaguma | Ranging Rook Bear in the Hole
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4.3.3) Yagura
矢倉(戦法) | yagura (sempoo) | Yagura (opening) (yagura,
arrow depository)
急戦矢倉 | kyuusen yagura | Quick Attack Yagura
矢倉腰掛銀 | yagura koshikakegin | Yagura Reclining Silver
矢倉中飛車 | yagura nakabisha | Yagura Central Rook
矢倉袖飛車 | yagura sodebisha | Yagura Sleeve Rook
米長矢倉 | Yonenaga yagura | Yonenaga Yagura
同型矢倉 | dookei yagura | Symmetrical Yagura
雀刺し | suzumezashi | Spearing the Sparrow
飛先不突 | hisaki-fuzuki | Not Pushing the Rook Pawn
カニカニ銀 | kanikanigin | Crab Silver
二十八手組み | nijuuhattegumi | the 14-Move Set (a well-known
joseki resulting in a
symmetrical position)
四手角 | yonte kaku | the 4-Move Bishop
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4.3.4) Surprise openings
奇襲 | kishuu | surprise attack
鬼殺し | onikoroshi | Demon Killer
鬼殺し封じ | onikoroshi fuuji | Demon Killer Block
可章馬 | kashooma | Demon Killer
女(流)殺しドッカン飛車 | onna koroshi(joryuu koroshi) | Lady Killer Rushing Rook
角頭歩突き | kakutoo-fuzuki | Bishop`s Head Pawn Push
金開き | kin-hiraki | Spread-out Golds
珍玉 | chin gyoku | Strange King
森安流棒玉穴熊 | Moriyasu-ryuu boogyoku anaguma | Moriyasu Style Climbing King Bear in the Hole
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4.4) Castles
4.4.1) Mino group
美濃囲い | minoo-gakoi | Mino castle
片美濃 | kata-minoo | Incomplete Mino
銀美濃 | gin-minoo | Silver Mino
金美濃 | kin-minoo | Gold Mino
四枚美濃 | yo(m)mai-minoo | Four Generals Mino
木村美濃 | Kimura minoo | Kimura's Mino
チョンマゲ美濃 | chommage minoo | Topknot Mino (usually
the result of a
feinting static rook)
銀冠 | ginkanmuri | Silver Crown
高美濃 | taka-minoo | High Mino
左美濃 | hidari minoo | Left(side) Mino
逆美濃 | gyaku minoo | Reverse Mino
天守閣美濃 | tenshukaku minoo | Castle Tower Mino
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4.4.2) Yagura group
矢倉囲い | yagura-gakoi | Yagura Castle
金矢倉 | kin-yagura | Gold Yagura (Common Yagura)
銀矢倉 | gin-yagura | Silver Yagura
片矢倉 | kata-yagura | Incomplete Yagura
総矢倉 | soo-yagura | Complete Yagura
流れ矢倉 | nagare yagura | Flow Yagura
銀立ち矢倉 | gintachi-yagura | High Silver Yagura
しゃがみ矢倉 | shagami-yagura | Crouching Yagura
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4.4.3) Other castles
舟囲い | funagakoi | Boat Castle
カニ囲い | kanigakoi | Crab Castle
箱入り娘 | hakoiri musume | Daddy's Dearest
(Well-protected Daughter)
銀雲雀 | gin-hinari | Silver Skylark
雁木 | gangi | Snowroof
菱囲い | hishi-gakoi | Lozenge Castle
穴熊 | anaguma | Bear-in-the-Hole
原田流穴熊 | Harada-ryuu anaguma | Harada Style Bear-in-the-Hole
銀冠穴熊 | ginkanmuri anaguma | Silver Crown Bear-in-the-Hole
空中穴熊 | kuuchuu anaguma | Air Castle (Bear-in-the-Air)
(in the middle of the board,
floating like)
二枚金 | nimai-kin | Double-Gold
銀多伝 | gintaden | Silver Tandem (a castle in
2-piece handicap)
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4.5) Tesuji
タレ(垂れ)歩 | tarefu (tesuji) | dangling pawn (tesuji)
(drop one square before the
target square in the
継ぎ歩 | tsugifu | joining pawns
タタキ(叩き)歩 | tataki no fu | striking pawn (drop)
連打の歩 | renda no fu | successive (striking) pawn
合わせの歩 | awase no fu | opposing pawn (drop)
成り捨ての歩 | narisute no fu | pawn sacrfice promotion
突き捨ての歩 | tsukisute no fu | sacrifice push
突き違うの歩 | tsukichigai no fu | counter-push (on another file)
飛車止めの歩 | hishadome no fu | rook block
中合いの歩 | chuuai no fu | interposed pawn
焦点の歩 | shooten no fu | focal point pawn (drop)
好型を崩す歩 | kookei o kuzusu fu | pawn demolishing the good
shape (e.g. shooten no fu)
銀バサミの歩 | ginbasami no fu | silver-pincer pawn
(push or drop)
高とびの桂 | takatobi no kei | advanced (high jumping)
控えの桂 | hikae no kei | knight (drop) towards the
つなぎ桂 | tsunagi-kei | connected, linked knights
つぎ桂 | tsugi-kei | joining knights
ハネ違い桂 | hanechigai no kei | counter-jump (not taking the
opponent's knight)
しばりの桂 | shibari no kei | squeezing knight
手懸かりの桂 | tegakari no kei | knight foothold
歩頭桂 | futoo-kei | knight (sacrifice) at the
head of the pawn (endgame)
金頭の桂 | kintoo no kei | knight (sacrifice) at the
head of the gold
重ねの香 | kasane no kyoo | piled-up lances
歩の代りの香 | fu no kawari no kyoo | lance exchange for a pawn
割打の銀 | wariuchi no gin | stab-in-the-back (silver drop
forking two pieces from behind)
桂先の銀 | keisaki no gin | silver at the head of the
しばりの金 | shibari no kin | squeezing gold
送りの金 | okuri no kin | send-off gold
しかり(叱り)の金 | shikari no kin | reproving gold (chasing off a
major piece that gave check,
thus gaining a tempo)
頭金 | atama-kin | gold at the head (of the king,
自陣角(馬) | jijin-kaku (uma) | bishop (horse) in the own camp
十字飛車 | juujibisha | corssroads rook (forking two
pieces horizontally and
離し飛車 | hanashibisha | detached rook (drop) (coming
closer and promoting on the
next move) (endgame)
米長玉 | Yonenaga gyoku | Yonenaga king (edge king)
焦点の捨て駒 | shooten no sutegoma | sacrifice (drop) at the
focal point
退路への捨て駒 | tairo no sutegoma | sacrifice at the loophole
(of the king) (endgame)
限界点の捨て駒 | genkaiten no sutegoma | id.
穴ふさぎ | anafusagi | sealing off the loophole
逃げ場の先着 | nigeba ni senchaku | arriving first at the loophole
(by sacrificing a piece letting
the opponent plug up the king's
escape route)
詰めろを逃れの詰めろ | tsumero o nogare no tsumero | threatmate to escape threatmate
必死を逃れの必死 | hisshi o nogare no hisshi | hisshi (brinkmate) to escape hisshi
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5) Position and development
5.1) Position
5.1.1) Overall position
盤面全体 | bammen zentai | the whole board
盤面全部 | bammen zenbu | the whole board
上部 | joubu | upper part
下部 | kabu | lower part
中央 | chuuoo | centre
左翼 | sayoku | left flank
右翼 | uyoku | right flank
自陣 | jijin | own camp, formation
敵陣 | tekijin | enemy camp, formation
方、方面 | kata, hoomen | direction
方向 | hookoo | direction, course
八方 | happoo | all directions
そっぽ | soppo | wrong direction, out of play
周辺、辺り | shuuhen, atari | neighbourhood
からめて | karamete | from the rear, from behind
地帯 | chitai | zone, region
危険地帯 | kiken chitai | danger zone
安全地帯 | anzen chitai | safety zone
大海 | taikai, ooumi | the wide sea, the open board
~様 | -- yoo | position, shape of --
王様 | ooyoo | position of the king,
the king's formation
模様 | moyoo | pattern, structure, situation
様子 | yoosu | situation, circumstance
様子を見る | yoosu o miru | sound out the situation,
see how the opponent will react
~型 | -- kei, -- kata | -- system, -- position
理想型 | risookei | ideal shape
大局 | taikyoku | total position
大局観 | taikyokusan | whole-board perception
大勢 | taisei | total position
局面、局勢 | kyokumen, kyokusei | position
棋勢、形成 | kisei, keisei | position
優勢 | yuusei | better position, better
prospects, advantage
劣勢 | ressei | inferior position
勝勢 | shoosei | won position
非勢 | hisei | bad position
敗勢 | haisei | lost position
陣容、陣立て | jinyoo, jindate | formation, position
布陣 | fujin | formation, position
利く(効く) | kiku | act on, bear down on;
work, be effective
利かす | kikasu | force, effectuate
利かし | kikashi | forcing move
横効き(横利き) | yokogiki | sideways effect, action (rook)
効き目 | kikime | effectivity, acting on
ニラむ | niramu | bear down on (with bishop)
(lit. stare at)
連絡(-) | renraku | connection (between pieces)
連絡がつく | renraku ga tsuku | connect
働く | hataraku | work, be active, be activated
遊ぶ | asobu | idle, be out of play
響く | hibiku | influence (v)
響き、影響 | hibiki, eikyoo | influence (n)
威力 | iryoku | power, might, influence
勢力 | seiryoku | power, influence, force
勢力範囲 | seiryoku han`i | sphere of influence
勢力争い | seiryoku arasoi | power struggle, fight for
positional advantage
中央制圧 | chuuoo-seiatsu | control of the centre
圧する | assuru | apply pressure, oppress,
圧力 | atsuryoku | pressure
圧迫(-) | appaku | pressure, coercion
重圧 | juuatsu | heavy pressure
プレシャーを与える | pureshaa o ataeru | apply pressure
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5.1.2) Single points
頭 | -- too, atama | head of --
小ビン | kobin | ears (lit. side locks)
コメカミ | komekai | the temple
腹 | hara | belly
脇(の下) | waki (no shita) | armpits
背中 | senaka | back
玉頭 | gyokutoo | head of the king
角頭 | kakutoo | head of the bishop
玉のフトコロ | gyoku no futukoro | the king's bosom (free
space around the king)
地点 | chiten | point, square
拠点 | kyoten | basis (for attack)
焦点 | shooten | focal point (the point
on which most pieces work)
位地、位置 | ichi | position
基地 | kichi | basis
ところ(所) | tokoro | place
場所 | basho | place
急所 | kyuusho | vital point
要所 | yooshoo | important,strategical point
中住所 | chuujuusho | central position (king at
5a or 5b/5i or 5h)
いき場 | ikiba | place to go to
足場 | ashiba | basis, foothold
攻め足 | seme-ashi | foothold for the attack
天王山 | Tennoozan | the Tenno Mountain;
vantage point (usually 5e)
かなめ(要) | kaname | rivet (critical point)
美濃かなめ | Minoo-kaname | the rivet of the Mino
(the gold on 6a)
穴 | ana | hole
空間 | kuukan | empty square(s), space
欠点 | ketten | weakness
欠陥 | kekkan | weakness, insufficiency
キズ(傷) | kizu | weakness, defect, flaw
スキ(隙) | suki | hole (weakness; loophole;
a tempo breathing space)
間隙 | kangeki | hole
弱点 | jakuten | weak point
手薄 | teusu | weakness
泣きどころ | nakidokoro | vulnerable point
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5.1.3) Single pieces
合駒 | aigoma | interposed piece
合わせ駒 | awasegoma | opposing piece (pawn)
邪魔駒 | jamagoma | obstacle, blocking piece
浮き駒 | ukigoma | floating piece
離れ駒 | hanaregoma | loose piece
孤立した駒 | koritsu shita koma | isolated piece
ごとく駒 | gotokugoma | isolated piece
質駒 | shichigoma | pawned piece (can be taken
ナマ(生)駒 | namagoma | raw piece (just standing
somewhere without function)
遊び駒 | asobigoma | idling, inactive piece
居玉 | igyoku | sitting king, sitting duck
右玉 | migigyoku | rightside king
裸玉 | ragyoku (hadaka gyoku) | naked king
入玉 | nyuugyoku | entering king
位 | kurai | vanguard pawn (position)
位を張る | kurai o haru | take up a vanguard position
底歩 | sokofu | anchor pawn
金底の歩 | kinsoko no fu | pawn-anchored gold
歩切れ | fugire | out of pawns, no pawns in hand
壁金(銀) | kabekin (gin) | wall gold (silver)
棒銀(金) | boogin (kin) | climbing silver (gold)
早繰り銀 | hayakurigin | rushing silver
歩越し銀 | fukoshigin | silver in front of its pawns
単駒銀 | tangomagin | lone silver
銀バサミ(挟み) | ginbasami | silver pincer
頭金 | atamakin | gold at the head (of the king,
マムシのと金 | mamushi no tokin | viperous tokin, snake in the
居角 | ikaku | static bishop
引角 | hikaku | retreating bishop (B7i or B3a)
遠見の角 | toomi no kaku | watchtower bishop
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5.2) Development
5.2.1) Begin, middle, end
序盤 | joban | opening
中盤 | chuuban | middlegame
終盤 | shuuban | end-game
開戦(-) | kaisen | start of the fight
終戦(-) | shuusen | end of the fight
仕掛ける | shikakeru | initiate a fight,
start of the middle game
仕掛け | shikake | the first fight,
start of the middle game
早仕掛け | hayashikake | early fight, early start
of the middle game
寄せる | yoseru | approach the king
寄せ切る | yosekiru | finish off the king
寄せ | yose | getting access to the king,
bringing the king near mate,
(late) endgame
寄せ合い | yoseai | mate race
道程 | dootei, michinori | process, path
始める | hajimeru | begin
着手(-) | chakushu | start (n)
開始(-) | kaishi | start, begin
継ぐ | tsugu | follow
続く;続ける | tsuzuku; tsuzukeru | continue (vi; vt)
継続(-) | keizoku | continuation
連続 | renzoku | succession, series
次の、後続の | tsugi no, koozoku no | following, next
終る | owaru | end
終了(-) | shuuryoo | end
終始 | shuushi | from start to end; beginning
and end
済む | sumu | end; do without, avoid
済ます | sumasu | finish up, settle; make do
止まる;止める | tomaru, tomeru | stop (vi; vt)
打ち切る | uchikiru | end, close, discontinue
収束する | shuusoku suru | tie up (the game)
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5.2.2) Developments
進む;進める | susumu; susumeru | advance, progress;
develop (vi; vt)
進行、進歩(-) | shinkoo, shimpo | advance
進出 | shinshutsu | advance, expansion
進展 | shinten | development
退く | hiku, shirizoku | retreat
退ける | shirizokeru | drive away
退治する | taiji suru | subjugate, control, exterminate
後退(-) | kootai | retreat
展開にする | tenkai ni suru | develop
展開になる | tenkai ni naru | be developed
組む | kumu | build, arrange
組上がる | kumi-agaru | build up, develop (vi)
組み立てる | kumi-tateru | build up, erect
組み直す | kumi-naosu | rearrange, reposition
組み合わせる | kumi-awaseru | combine, dovetail,
join together
築く | kizuku | build
構える | kamaeru | build up
盛り上げる | mori-ageru | build up (high) (vt)
囲う | kakou | enclose, castle
捌く | sabaku | achieve sabaki, develop,
dispose of, disentangle
捌き | sabaki | sabaki, development,
disposing of pieces (by
exchanging them getting them
in hand)
押える(抑える) | osaeru | restrain, contain, hold down,
constrain (opposite of sabaku)
押え込む | osae-komu | restrain, suppress
押し込む | oshikomu | restrain, shut up in, push
down in
事前工作 | jizen koosaku | preparations
前提工作 | zentei koosaku | preparations
整う;整える | totonou; totonoeru | be prepared, be arranged;
prepare, arrange, settle
(vi; vt)
用意する | yooi suru | prepare, take care
不用意な | fuyooi na | unprepared, uncareful
満を持する | man o jissuru | watch for an opportunity,
be in full readiness
運び | hakobi | arrangements, paving the way,
完成する | kansei suru | (make) complete
完了する | kanryoo suru | (make) complete
充実する | juujitsu suru | (make) complete
生きてくる | ikite kuru | come to live, become
effective, be activated
活かす、生かす | ikasu | revive (e.g. aji)
活動する | katsudoo suru | activate, deploy
活用する | katsuyoo suru | activate, bring into play
活躍する | katsuyaku suru | activate, bring into play
消える;消す | kieru; kesu | disappear, go away; make
disappear, neutralize
(bad aji) (vi; vt)
広がる;広げる | hirogaru; hirogeru | extend, reach to; expand,
widen (vi; vt)
狭まる;狭める | sebamaru; sebameru | become narrow; narrow down
(vi; vt)
窮屈する | kyuukutsu suru | be cramped
窮する | kyuusuru | be cornered; suffer
伸ばす(延す) | nobasu | extend (e.g. the edge by a
pawn push)
詰まる;詰める | tsumaru; tsumeru | be shortened; shorten
(the edge file) (vi; vt)
強まる;強める | tsuyomaru; tsuyomeru | become stronger;
strengthen (vi; vt)
弱まる;弱める | yowamaru; yowameru | become weaker; weaken,
undermine (vi; vt)
弱る | yowaru | weaken
力を溜める | chikara o tameru | gather strength, assemble
(more) force
補強する | hokyoo suru | strengthen
強化する | kyooka suru | strengthen
固める;堅める | katameru | strengthen, stabilize
確保する | kakuho suru | secure, maintain, ensure
整備する | seibi suru | consolidate
治まる | osamaru | become settled, fixed
まとめる | matomeru | settle, fix (e.g. the shape)
緩む | yurumu | be weak
薄れる | usureru | become thin, become weaker
集中する | shuuchuu suru | centralize, concentrate
制圧する | seiatsu suru | (bring under) control,
間に合う | ma ni au | be in time
遅れる | okureru | be (too) late, be slow
遅らせる | okuraseru | defer, delay
保留する | horyuu suru | reserve, defer
待つ | matsu | wait
ユーヨ、ユウヨ | yuuyo | delay, postponement
ためらう | tamerau | hesitate
一息をつく | hito-iki o tsuku | take a pause
一段落 | ichidan-raku | a pause
長びかせる | nagabikaseru | slow down, draw out
ぐずぐずできない | guzuguzu dekinai | one cannot be irresolute,
one should not lose time
急ぐ、急す | isogu, sekasu | hurry, make haste
急がせる | isogaseru | hurry (somebody), press
焦せる | aseru | be in a hurry, be (too)
eager for
迫まる | semaru | urge, push on, force
催促する | saisoku suru | press for, urge on, speed up
よどむ | yodomu | stagnate
立ち往生する | tachi-oojoo suru | come to a standstill
頓挫する | tonza suru | come to a deadlock
省く、省略する | habuku, shooryaku suru | omit
放る | hooru | leave (as it is)
放置する | hoochi suru | leave (standing as it is),
無視する | mushi suru | ignore, disregard
だまる(黙る) | damaru | keep quiet, do nothing
控える | hikaeru | refrain from; hold back, wait
迎える | mukaeru | wellcome
誘う | sasou | invite, induce
誘い出す | sasoidasu | lure away, lure out
誘導する | yuudoo suru | induce, entice
許す | yurusu | permit, allow
拒否する | kyohi suru | refuse, reject
かわす | kawasu | dodge
避ける | sakeru, yokeru | avoid, evade
回避する | kaihi suru | avoid, dodge
忌避する | kihi suru | avoid, dodge
変わる;変える | kawaru; kaeru | change (vi; vt)
変更する | henkoo suru | change, modify, play a
代える | kaeru | exchange, substitute
改める;改まる | aratameru, aratamaru | correct, renew (vi; vt)
転じる | tenjiru | shift, be transferred,
逆転 | gyakuten | (sudden) reversal, turnover
(of an advantageous position
in a disadvantageous
position by a mistake in the
late middle-game or end-game)
逆用(-) | gyakuyoo suru | use against
ウッチャリ | utchari | reversal (at the last moment)
切り返し | kirigaeshi | switch back, rebound (n)
跳ね返る;~返す | hane-kaeru; hane-kaesu | rebound, spring back;
kick back (vi; vt)
やぶえびになる | yabuebi ni naru | boomerang, rebound
シッペー返し(-) | shippeegaeshi | retaliation
~に対して | -- ni taishite | against --, in answer to
~に応じて | -- ni oojite | in reponse to
応じる;応える | oojiru, kotaeru | answer, respond
応対する | ootai suru | deal with, respond to
手応え | tegotae | answer, resistance
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5.2.3) Opportunity and danger
試す;試みる | tamesu, kokoromiru | try
可能になる | kanoo ni naru | become impossible
不可能 | fukanoo | impossible
必要、必然 | hitsuyoo, hitsuzen | necessity
要る、要する | iru, yoosuru | need, be necessary
求める | motomeru | seek
尋ねる | tazuneru | seek, ask for
つかむ | tsukamu | grab, take hold of
つけこむ | tsukekomu | take advantage of
余裕 | yoyuu | opportunity, scope, room
余裕を与える | yoyuu o ataeru | give (the opponent) the
opportunity to
機、機会 | ki, kikai | chance
待機する | taiki suru | wait for one's chance
好機に | kooki ni | at the right moment, when the
opportunity arrives
チャンス | chansu | chance
チャンスを窺う | chance o ukagau | look for a chance
手がかり | tegakari | clue
糸口、アヤ | itoguchi, aya | clue
アヤを求める | aya o motomeru | look for a clue, seek
急務 | kyuumu | urgent task, first priority
危険 | kiken | danger
危機 | kiki | crisis, emergency
綱渡り | tsunawatari | danger, tightrope walking
厄介(千万) | yakkai (semban) | (ten million) difficulties
難局 | nankyoku | difficult, tough position
(or: game)
窮地 | kyuuchi | dilemma, predicament
面倒 | mendoo | trouble
困難 | konnan | trouble
困まる | komaru | have trouble
煩う | wazurau | have trouble
迷惑 | meiwaku | trouble
もつれ | motsure | tangle, difficulty
もつれる | motsureru | get tangled
うき目 | ukime | misery, misfortune
うき目を見る | ukime o miru | have trouble
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5.2.4) Success and failure
成否 | seihi | success and/or failure
成功(-) | seikoo | success
成立(-) | seiritsu | realization
成り立つ | naritatsu | realize
功績 | kooseki | success, merit, achievement
実る | minoru | bear fruit, be successful
実現(-) | jitsugen | realization
達する | tassuru | attain, realize;
be experienced
達成する | tassei suru | achieve, attain
奏功(-) | sookoo | success, fruition
見つかる;見つける | mitsukaru; mitsukeru | be found, discovered;
find, discover (vi; vt)
見出す | midasu | discover, find out
見当る | mi-ataru | notice, be found
見逃す | minogasu | overlook, let pass
見損なう | misokonau | miss, misjudge
見落す | mi-otosu | miss, overlook
発見(-) | hakken | discovery
発揮(-) | hakki | realization
不発 | fuhatsu | misfire
逃す | nogasu, nigasu | miss; let escape
逸する | issuru | miss
逸機 | ikki | missed chance, missed
手落ち | te'ochi | oversight
盲点 | mooten | blind spot
ミス | misu | a miss, oversight, failure
ミソ | miso | a mess, failure
(also: the point)
失敗 | shippai | mistake
ポカ | poka | blunder (cock-up)
破綻 | hatan | failure
挫折(-) | zasetsu | failure, collapse, set-back
災い | wazawai | calamity, disaster
自滅 | jimetsu | suicide
間違える | machigaeru | make a mistake
誤る | ayamaru | err, mistake
仕損う | shisokonau | blunder (v)
誤算(-) | gosan | miscalculation
犯す | okasu | commit (a mistake)
咎める | togameru | punish (a mistake)
罪する | tsumi suru | punish
迷う | mayou | lose one's way, be at a loss
迷い | mayoi | delusion
目がくらむ | me ga kuramu | be blinded by
紛れる | magireru | distract, mislead, confuse
紛れ | magire | confusing move
錯覚 | sakkaku | hallucination
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6) Attack and defence
6.1) Attack
攻める | semeru | attack
攻め | seme | attack (n)
攻め口 | semguchi | opening, clue for the attack
攻め足 | semeashi | foothold for the attack
攻め合い | semeai | semeai, mutual attack,
attacking race
攻防 | kooboo | attack and defence
攻勢 | koosei | the offensive, attacking
攻略 | kooryaku | invasion, capture
先制攻撃 | sensei-koogeki | first strike
速攻 | sokukoo | quick, speedy attack
猛攻 | mookoo | wild, furious attack
襲う | osou | attack
襲い掛かる | osoi-kakaru | rush on, swoop down on
奇襲 | kishuu | surprise attack
強襲(-) | kyooshuu | assault, storming
逆襲 | gyakushuu | counter attack
撃つ | utsu | attack, destroy
迎え撃つ | mukae-utsu | ambush, await and attack
the approaching enemy
迎撃 | geigeki | ambush
反撃、逆攻撃 | hangeki, gyakukoo-geki | counter attack
突く | tsuku | attack, thrust
(also: push a pawn)
突入する | totsunyuu suru | rush in, plunge into
突破(-) | toppa | breakthrough
衝突 | shoototsu | clash, collision
激突 | gekitotsu | clash, collision
激闘 | gekitoo | hard fight
争う | arasou | contend, contest, compete
競争(-) | kyoosoo | competition, contest
競り合う | seri-au | compete, vie for, contend with
けんか(-) | kenka | fight, quarrel
挑む | idomu | challenge
挑戦する | choosen suru | challenge, provoke
いじめる | ijimeru | tease, bully
いびる | ibiru | tease
悩ます | nayamasu | trouble, annoy
見せる | miseru | threaten (to take a piece;
to play)
威す、脅す | odosu | threaten
威し、脅し | odoshi | threat, bluff
威迫、威嚇 | ihaku, ikaku | threat
脅い | kyooi | threat
脅かす | obiyaksu | threaten, force
強いる | shiiru | (en)force, press for
強要する | kyooyoo suru | enforce, coerce
迫まる | semaru | force, press for, enroach upon
害(-)、被害(-) | gai, higai | damage (n)
害う | sokonau | damage (v)
パンチ | panchi | punch, hit
ノックアウト | nokku-auto | knock-out
一発、一弾 | ippatsu, ichidan | a shot, a charge
奪う | ubau | take away
奪回(-) | dakkai | recapture, recover
奪還(-) | dakkan | recapture, recover
打開する | dakai suru | break open
打ち込む | uchi komu | invade; drop inside the
侵入する | shinnyuu suru | invade
閉め込む | shime komu | shut in
はさむ(挟む) | hasamu | pincer, attack from both sides
挟み撃ち | hasami-uchi | pincer attack
絞る | shiboru | squeeze
包む | tsutsumu | surround, encircle
追う、追いかける | ou, oi kakeru | chase, pursue
追い回す | oi mawasu | chase around
追い討ち | oi-uchi | pursuit, attack
追撃 | tsuigeki | pursuit, attack
破る | yaburu | break, destroy;
破壊力 | hakairyoku | destructive power
打破(-) | daha | destruction
打ち破る | uchiyaburu | destroy
打ち砕く | uchikudaku | smash, crush
崩す | kuzusu | demolish
崩壊 | hookai | collapse
潰す | tsubusu | crush
押し潰す | oshitsubusu | crush
こわれる;こわす | kowareru; kowasu | break, destroy (vi; vt)
乱す;乱る | midasu; midaru | put in disorder, tear apart
乱れる | midareru | be disorganized, be torn apart
乱暴 | ramboo | violence
ごちゃごちゃする | gochagochasuru | make into a mess, jumble up
混乱 | konran | chaos, confusion
腕力 | wanryoku | brute force. muscle
暴れる | abareru | rage, rave
食いつく | kuitsuku | fasten one's teeth on
殺す | korosu | kill
殺到する | sattoo suru | rush in, storm, swoop down on
斬る | kiru | kill
小刻み | kokizami | mincing, choppping into
little pieces
止めを刺す | todome o sasu | give the coup de grace,
finish off
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6.2) Defence
受ける | ukeru | defend; parry
受け | uke | defence
受けなし | uke nashi | there is no defence
先受 | sakiuke | defence in advance
受け身の態勢 | ukemi no taisei | defensive position
受け身になる | ukemi ni naru | be pushed into the defensive
受かる | ukaru | be able to defend
防ぐ、拒ぐ | fusegu | defend against, prevent,
keep off
防御、防衛 | boogyo, booei | defence, protection
守る | mamoru | defend, protect
守備 | shubi | defence, protection
守勢 | shusei | the defensive (position)
備える | sonaeru | prepare against
応戦する | oosen suru | accept the challenge
反応 | hannoo | reaction
反する | hansuru | resist, go against
反発(-) | hampatsu | repulsion, resistance
反発力 | hampatsuryoku | repulsive force
反対(-) | hantai | resistance
対抗(-) | taikoo | resistance
抵抗(-) | teikoo | resistance
対応策 | taioosaku | counter-measures
助ける、援ける | tasukeru | help, support, save
一助 | ichijo | a support
支える | sasaeru | support
支え切れない | sasaekirenai | cannot be saved
援軍を送る | engun o okuru | send support troops
止める | tomeru | block, shut off, stop
封じる | fuujiru | block, seal off
封じ込む | fuuji-komu | shut in, seal in
封鎖(-) | fuusa | blockade
完封(-) | kampuu | blockade
断る、断つ | kotowaru, tatsu | cut off; refuse, decline
断ち切る | tachikiru | cut off, block
遮る | saegiru | interrupt, block
遮断する | shadan suru | interrupt, block
支障 | shishoo | obstacle
阻む | habamu | prevent, keep off
阻止する | shoshi suru | prevent, keep off
押し返す | oshi-kaesu | push back
押し戻す | oshi-modosu | push back
制する | seisuru | control, keep under control
牽制する | kensei suru | check, restrain, constrain
収拾する | shuushuu suru | control; save the situation
追う | ou | pursue, chase (away, off)
追い出す、追いやる | oi-dasu, oiyaru | chase off
避ける | yokeru, sakeru | prevent, avoid, dodge
回避(-) | kaihi | evasion, avoiding, dodging
かわす | kawasu | avoid, dodge
逃げる、逃れる | nigeru, nogareru | run away, escape
逃げ道 | nigemichi | escape route
早逃げ | hayanige | early escape (of king)
退路 | tairo | escape (retreat) route
免れる | manugareru | escape from, avoid
脱する | dassuru | escape, break free
脱け出す、抜け出す | nuke-dasu | escape, break free
脱け道 | nukemichi | escape route, loophole
脱出(-) | dasshutsu | escape (n)
上部脱出 | joobu dasshutsu | escape up the board
浴びる | abiru | be flooded with
食う、喫する | kuu, kissuru | get blows, have to swallow
凌ぐ | shinogu | endure, weather (the attack),
tide over
いい凌ぎ | ii shinogi | good endurance, tiding it
(the attack) over well
救出(-) | kyuushutsu | rescue, deliverance
救い出す | sukui-dasu | help, rescue
死ぬ | shinu | die (be captured)
起死回生 | kishi kaisei | revival
残る;残す | nokoru; nokosu | remain, be spared; leave
behind (vi; vt)
余される | amasareru | be saved, remain
粘る | nebaru | stick to, persist, keep
putting up some resistance
頑張る | gambaru | do one's best, persist, do not
resign (against all the odds)
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7) Analysis
7.1) Common terms
紹介(-) | shookai | introduction
解説(-) | kaisetsu | explanation, commentary
説明(-) | setsumei | explanation, elucidation
分析(-) | bunseki | analysis
研究(-) | kenkyuu | investigation
検討(-) | kentoo | investigation, experiment
調べる | shiraberu | investigate
探る | saguru | investigate
掘り下げる | horisageru | dig out
理論 | riron | theory
理解(-) | rikai | understanding
理由 | riyuu | reason
棋理 | kiri | Shogi theory
結論 | ketsuron | conclusion
結果論 | kekkaron | discussion about results;
結果 | kekka | result, effect
評価(-) | hyooka | evaluation
棋譜 | kifu | game record
実戦譜 | jissenfu | record of an actual game
本譜 | hompu | this game, the game
会心譜 | kaishimpu | favourite game
自戦記 | jisenki | commentary of own game
観戦記 | kansenki | commentary of other's game
読む | yomu | read; analysis, see ahead
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7.2) Diagrams
図 | zu | diagram
問題図 | mondaizu | problem diagram
基本図 | kihonzu | basic diagram
参考図 | sankoozu | reference diagram
途中図 | tochuuzu | intermediate diagram
再掲図 | saikeizu | repeat diagram
投了図 | tooryoozu | resign diagram
図までの指して | zu made o sashite | moves up to the diagram
図以下の指して | zu ikka no sashite | move from the diagram onwards
上下逆にした | jooge gyaku ni shita | with Black and White reversed
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7.3) Comparison
比べる;較べる | kuraberu | compare
比する | hisuru | compare
比較(-) | hikaku | comparison
比較検討 | hikaku-kentoo | comparitive analysis
区別(-) | kubetsu | difference
似る | niru | resemble
異なる | kotonaru | differ from; be wrong
違う | chigau | differ from; be wrong
同じの | onaji no | the same
別の | betsu no | other, different
ほかの(他の) | hoka no | other alternative
差 | sa | difference
大差 | taisa | big difference
微差 | bisa | slight difference
優劣 | yuuretsu | superiority and inferiority,
better and/or worse
優る | masaru | be better
劣る | otoru | be worse
優勢 | yuusei | better position
劣勢 | ressei | worse position
有利 | yuuri | advantage, profit
不利 | furi | disadvantage
利点 | riten | advantage
一利一害 | ichiri-ichigai | advantages and disadvantages
プラス | purasu | plus point
マイナス | mainasu | minus point
互角 | gokaku | equal, balanced
いい勝負 | ii shoobu | a good game, equal chances
これからの将棋 | kore kara no shoogi | equal position
得 | toku | profit, gain (of material)
損 | son | loss
丸得 | marudoku | pure profit
丸損 | maruzon | pure loss
得る | eru | get, gain
得する | tokusuru | profit, gain
得意の | tokui no | favourite
損ずる | sonzuru | loss
損う | sokonau | injure, spoil, miss
(an opportunity)
失う | ushinau | lose
なくす | nakusu | lose, get rid of
保つ | tamotsu | keep
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7.4) Evaluation
7.4.1) Positive
良い、いい | yoi, ii | good
大きい | ookii | big
うまい | umai | skillful, good
巧みな | takumi na | ingenious, smart
強い | tsuyoi | strong
有力な | yuuryoku na | powerful
有利な | yuuri na | profitable, advantageous
有効な | yuukoo na | effective
手際よい | tegiwa yoi | efficient
厳しい | kibishii | severe
激しい | hageshii | severe, violent
正しい | tadashii | correct, right
正当な | seitoo na | correct
適当な | tekitoo na | suitable, proper
至当な | shitoo na | suitable, reasonable
相当な | sootoo na | adequate, suitable
十分な、充分な | juubun na | sufficient
満足な | manzoku na | satisfactory, sufficient
大切な、大事な | taisetsu na, daiji na | important
肝心な | kanjin na | essential
肝要な | kanyoo na | necessary
必要な | hitsuyoo na | necessary
早い、速い | hayai | early, quick
軽い | karui | light
柔らかい、軟らかい | yawarakai | gentle, flexible
厚い | atsui | thick, solid
重厚な | juukoo na | thick, solid
太い | futoi | thick, massive
堅い、手固い | katai, tegatai | solid, strong
綺麗な | kirei na | nice, pretty
見事な | migoto na | beautiful
立派な | rippa na | excellent
素晴らしい | subarashii | splendid
絶妙な | zetsumyoo na | sublime, brilliant
微妙な | bimyoo na | subtle
渋い | shibui | shibui (quiet, sober, plain
and yet elegant)
しゃれた | shareta | stylish, smart
面白い | omoshiroi | interesting, favorable
楽しい、愉快な | tanoshii, yukai na | pleasant
明るい、明らかな | akarui, akiraka na | clear
やさしい | yasashii | easy
簡単な | kantan na | easy. simple
容易い、容易な | tayasui, yooi na | easy
自然の | shizen no | natural
当然の | toozen no | natural, proper
大丈夫な | daijoobu na | safe, alright, o.k.
無事な | buji na | safe, uneventful
安全な | anzen na | safe, secure
穏やかな | odayaka na | calm
おとなしい | otonashii | calm (mature)
着実な | chakujitsu na | calm, steady
沈着な | chinchaku na | calm, selfcomposed
静かな | shizukana | quiet
冷静な | reisei na | cool, cold-blooded
落ち着いた | ochitsuita | calm, quiet
慎重な | shinchoo na | careful
用心な | yoojin na | careful
自重な | jichoo na | prudent, careful
丁寧な | teinei na | careful
我慢強い | gamanzuyoi | patient
粘り強い | nebarizuyoi | tenacious, tough, persistent
心強い | kokorozuyoi | encouraging
大胆な | daitan na | courageous
果敢な | kakan na | bold, resolute
思い切った | omoikitta | determined, bold, drastic
機敏な | kibin na | shrewd, clever
軽妙な | keimyoo na | smart
巧妙な | koomyoo na | ingenious
積極的な | sekkyokuteki na | positive, active
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7.4.2) Negative
悪い | warui | bad
小さい | chiisai | small
うまくいかない | umaku ikanai | is not skillful, won't do
まずい | mazui | poor, bad
弱い | yowai | weak
無力な | muryoku na | powerless, impotent
無利な | muri na | unprofitable, unreasonable
甘い | amai | (too) lenient, lax, slack
緩い | yurui | weak, slack
素直な | sunao na | meek, tame
ダメ(駄目)な | dame na | bad
疑問の | gimon no | dubious, questionable
疑わしい | utagawashii | doubtful, dubious
間違った | machigatta | mistaken, wrong
誤った | ayamatta | mistaken, wrong
ぱっとしない | patto shinai | unsatisfactory
不満な | fuman na | unsatisfactory, insufficient
不要な | fuyoo na | not necessary
無用な | muyoo na | not necessary, no use, futile
ムダ(無駄)な | muda na | futile
遅い | osoi | slow, late
重い | omoi (omotai) | heavy (clumsy)
薄い、手薄い | usui, teusui | thin, not solid (also:
scarce, short of)
もろい | moroi | vulnerable, fragile
ひどい | hidoi | terrible
大変な | taihen na | terrible
目障りな | mezawari na | very ugly
つまらない | tsumaranai | boring, trifling, stupid
くだらない | kudaranai | worthless
厄介な | yakkai na | troublesome
面倒な | mendoo na | troublesome, difficult,
うるさい | urusai | irritating, annoying
不愉快な | fuyukai na | unpleasant
イヤな、嫌いな | iya na, kirai na | unpleasant
痛い | itai | painful
辛い | tsurai | painful, hard, bitter
苦しい | kurushii | painful, hard, strained
難しい | muzukashii | difficult
複雑な | fukuzatsu na | complicated
難解な | nankai na | difficult
危い | abunai | dangerous
危険な | kiken na | dangerous
際どい | kiwadoi | narrow, close; dangerous,
不気味な | fukimi na | ominous, uncanny
急しい、忙しい | isogashii | hasty
軽率な | keisotsu na | rash, hasty
無謀な | muboo na | reckless, thoughtless
うかつな | ukatsu na | careless, silly
懸命な | kenmei no | desperate, eager
メチャクチャな | mechakucha na | unreasonable, incoherent
ムチャクチャな | muchakucha na | crazy, disordered
命取の | inochitori no | fatal
怖い | kowai | fearful, frightening
臆病な | okubyoo na | cowardish, timid
ぐずぐずな | guzuguzu na | irresolute, wavering, slow
バカ(馬鹿)な | baka na | stupid
消極的な | shookyokuteki na | passive, negative
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8) Psychology
8.1) Feelings
気 | ki | mind, mood, spirit
気にする | ki ni suru | mind, care, take to heart
気になる | ki ni naru | weigh on the mind, get on
one`s nerves
気がつく | ki ga tsuku | be aware of, notice
気をつける | ki o tsukeru | be attentive of, take care of
気が抜ける | ki ga nukeru | be discouraged
気持 | kimochi | feeling, mood
気合い | kiai | feeling, temper
気合い抜け | kiainuke | discouragement
強気 | tsuyoki | braveness, strong spirit
弱気 | yowaki | fearfulness, weak spirit
感じる | kanjiru | feel, sense, have the
impression that
感動 | kandoo | impression, emotion
感覚 | kankaku | feeling, sensation
感心 | kanshin | admiration, wonder
好む | konomu | like
~が好きだ | -- ga suki da | like, be fond of
嫌う | kirau | dislike
楽しむ | tanoshimu | enjoy
楽しみになる | tanoshimi ni naru | look forward to
願う | negau | hope, wish
望む | nozomu | hope, wish
希望(-)、待望(-) | kiboo, taiboo | hope, expectation
待ち望む | machinozomu | expect, look forward to
絶望(-) | zetsuboo | despair
失望(-) | shitsuboo | disappointment, despair
欲望(-) | yokuboo | desire, appetite
欲張る | yokubaru | be covetous, be greedy
~がほしいだ | -- ga hoshii da | want --
満足(-) | manzoku | satisfaction
不満 | fuman | dissatisfaction
収まる | osamaru | be satisfied
威張る | ibaru | be proud, swagger
悔やむ | kuyamu | regret
後悔(-) | kookai | regret (n)
残念(-) | zannen | regret, chagrin
口悔しい | kuyashii | frustrating, regrettable
恥ずかしい | hazukashii | ashamed, shameful
驚く | odoroku | be surprised, frightened
ビックリする | bikkuri suru | be surprised, frightened
はっとする | hatto suru | be surprised, frightened
意表 | ihyoo | surprise (n)
意表をつける | ihyoo o tsukeru | surprise (v)
恐れる | osoreru | fear
恐怖 | kyoofu | fear
怖がる | kowagaru | fear
恐ろしい | osoroshii | frightening
怖い | kowai | frightening, fearful
心配(-) | shimpai | worry, apprehension
不安(-) | fuan | uneasiness, anxiety
安心(-) | anshin | relief
慌てる | awateru | be nervous, panic, hurry
困る | komaru | have problems, be in trouble
困難 | konnan | troubles
悩む | nayamu | suffer, be annoyed
辛抱(-) | shimboo | patience
我慢 | gaman | patience, endurance
凌ぐ | shinogu | endure, weather, tide over
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8.2) Thoughts
心境 | shinkyoo | mental attitude
初心 | shoshin | the beginner's heart, the
original attitude or
苦心 | kushin | trouble, toils, pains
用心(-) | yooshin | care, caution
決心(-) | kesshin | determination, resolution
思う | omou | think, have the opinion that
思い出す | omoidasu | remember
思い出 | omoide | memory, remembrance
思想 | shisoo | thought
考える | kangaeru | think (about), consider
長考 | chookoo | long deliberation (thinking
long about a move, usually
longer than about 30 minutes)
熟考(-) | jukukoo, jukkoo | due consideration, mature
熟慮(-) | jukuryo | id.
工夫(-) | kufuu suru | contrive, think of (a new plan,
a new move)
分かる | wakaru | be clear; understand
知っている | shitte iru | know
意 | i | idea, thought, meaning
意味 | imi | meaning
意志 | ishi | will
意地 | ichi | will-power, perseverance
意見 | iken | opinion
注意(-), 注目(-) | chuui, chuumoku | attention
用意(-) | yooi | care, preparation
留意(-) | ryuui | serious consideration
戦意 | seni | fighting spirit
意図、企図 | ito, kito | plan
信じる | shinjiru | trust, believe
信用(-) | shinyoo | trust, confidence
自信(がない) | jishin (ga nai) | (have no) (self-)confidence
疑う | utagau | doubt
想像 | soozoo | imagination
感想 | kansoo | impression
着想 | chakusoo | idea
理想 | risoo | ideal
予想 | yosoo | expectation
予想外 | yosoogai | unexpected
予定 | yotei | plan, expectation
予定通り | yotei-doori | as expected
はかる | hakaru | plan
判断する | handan suru | decide, judge, conclude
形勢判断 | keisei-handan | positional judgement
決まる;決める | kimaru; kimeru | be decided, be fixed;
decide, settle, fix (vi; vt)
決する | kessuru | decide, judge, settle
重視する | juushi suru | take into serious consideration
軽視する | keishi suru | slight, ignore, neglect
怠る | okotaru | neglect, be off guard
ボンヤリする | bonyari suru | be inattentive, careless
構う | kamau | care about, pay attention to
覚悟(-) | kakugo | insight, expectation,
察する | sasuru | guess, sense
察知 | satchi | deduction
推察(-) | suisatsu | guess, deduction
動機 | dooki | motive
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9) Professional Shogi
9.1) Organization
将棋所 | shoogidokoro | (Head of) the Board of Shogi
一世名人 | ichi-yo meijin | First Lifetime Meijin
(Ohashi Sokei, 1555-1634)
終生名人制 | shuusei meijin-sei | Lifetime Meijin system
実力名人制 | jitsuryoku meijin-sei | Real Strength Meijin system
(1937- )
日本将棋連盟 | Nihon Shoogi Renmei | Japan Shogi Federation
(established in Tokyo, 8-9-'24)
支部 | shibu | local branch, local club
新進棋士奨励会 | Shinshin Kishi Shoorei-kai | Apprentice Professionals' Association
女流育成会 | Joryuu Ikusei-kai | Women's Training Association
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9.2) Periodicals of the J.S.F
将棋世界 | Shoogi Sekai | (monthly)
将棋マガジン | Shoogi Magajin | (monthly)
将棋(支部機関誌) | Shoogi (Shibu Kikanshi) | (Local Branch Quarterly)
将棋年鑑 | Shoogi Nenkan | Shogi Yearbook
週間将棋 | Shuukan Shoogi | Shogi Weekly
将棋ジャーナル | Shogi Journal | (monthly)
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9.3) Teacher and pupil
師(匠) | shi(shoo) | master, teacher
師弟関係 | shitei-kankei | teacher-pupil relationship
我が師の恩 | waga shi no on | the kindness of my (our)
teacher, the obligation to
my (our) teacher
弟子、門人 | deshi, monjin | pupil
弟弟子 | otooto deshi | younger pupil
内弟子 | uchi deshi | private pupil (living in)
修業時代 | shuugyoo jidai | the years of study
名手 | meishu | expert (also: famous move)
若手 | wakashu | young player
専門棋士 | semmonkishi | professional player
勝負士 | shoobushi | professional player
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9.4) Ranking
級 | kyuu | kyu (lower grade)
段 | dan | dan (higher grade)
A級順位戦 | A-kyuu junisen | A-class Ranking Match
(winner becomes Meijin
(professional dan grades,
from 4th to 9th dan are
determined by the various
Ranking Matches)
~世名人 | -- yo meijin | -- Lifetime Meijin
(hon. title, nowadays awarded
after winning the Meijin title
five times)
前名人 | zen-meijin | former meijin
贈名人 | zoo-meijin | postumous meijin
名誉名人 | meiyo-meijin | honorary meijin
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9.5) Title matches and tournaments
9.5.1) Major matches and tournaments
竜王戦 | Ryuuoo-sen | (first held in 1988)
(Ryuo...Kio are the seven
major titles)
名人戦 | Meijin-sen | (1937)
棋聖戦 | Kisei-sen | (Fall 1962)
王位戦 | Ooi-sen | (1960)
王座戦 | Ooza-sen | (1953)
王将戦 | Ooshoo-sen | (1950)
棋王戦 | Kioo-sen | (1974)
新人王戦 | Shinjin-oo-sen | New Stars' King (1970)
全日本プロトーナメント | Zen-Nihon Puro Toonamento | All Japan Pro (1982-2001)
天王戦 | Tennoo-sen | (1985)
オールスター勝抜戦 | Ooru-staa Kachi-nuki sen | All Stars Tournament (1978)
若獅子戦 | Waka Shishi-sen | Young Lions (1977)
若駒戦 | Waka Goma-sen | Young Colts (1978)
日本シリーズ | Nihon Shiriizu | Japan Series (1980)
早指し選手権戦 | Hayasashi Senshukensen | Quick Shogi Championship (1972)
早指し新鋭戦 | Hayasashi Shineisen | Quick Shogi New Pick (1982)
NHK杯争奪戦 | NHK Hai Soodatsusen | NHK (Nihon Hoosoo Kai) Cup
女流名人位戦 | Joryuu Meijin'i-sen | Women's Meijin Match (1974)
女流王将戦 | Joryuu Ooshoo-sen | Women's Osho Match (1978)
女流王位戦 | Joryuu Ooi-sen | Women's Oi Match (1989)
レディース.オーペン.トーナメント | Rediisu Oopun Toonamento | Ladies Open Tournament (1987)
十段戦 | Juudan-sen | Tenth Dan Match (1962-1987)
九段戦 | Kyuudan-sen | Ninth Dan Match (1950-1961)
名将戦 | Meishou-sen | (1964-1978)
IBM杯順位戦昇級者 | IBM Hai Junisen | IBM Cup Battle of the Ranking
激突戦い | Shookyuusha Gekitotsu sen | Match Promotions (1989)
富士通杯アマ.プロトーナメント戦 | Fujitsuu Hai Ama-puro Toonamento-sen | Fujitsu Cup Amateur-ProTournament (1989)
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9.5.2) Setting
公式棋戦 | kooshiki kisen | formal (title) match
公開対局 | kookai taikyoku | public game
お好み対局 | o-konomi taikyoku | friendly game
大会 | taikai | tournament (amateur)
タイトルマッチ | taitoru matchi | title match
優勝 | yuushoo | championship
選手権戦 | senshukensen | championship, title match
予戦 | yosen | elimination match,
primary heats
一次予戦 | ichiji yosen | the first (elimination)
(準)決勝戦 | (jun)kesshoosen | (semi)finals
挑戦 | choosen | candidate match
本戦 | honsen | the actual (title) match
覇を競り合う | ha o seriau | vie, compete for the
十連覇 | juu rempa | winning the championship
ten times in a row
冠 | kammuri | crown, major title
三,四,五冠王 | san-, yon-, go- kan'oo | holding 3, 4, 5 titles
失冠(-) | shikkan | loss of major title
カド番 | kado-ban | match point
一,二位 | ichi-, ni-i | first, second place
襲位 | shuui | succession to the title
防衛 | booei | defending the title
奪取 | dasshu | taking the title, winning the
昇級(-) | shookyuu | promotion
降級(-) | kookyuu | degradation
陥落(-) | kanraku | degradation; fall; defeat
出場者 | shutsubasha | participant(s)
タイトル保持者 | taitoru hojisha | title holder
挑戦者 | choosensha | challenger
優勝者 | yuushoosha | winner, champion
敗者 | haisha | loser
立ち合い人 | tachiaijin | referee
記録係 | kiroku-kakari | person in charge of the game
読み上げの人 | yomi-age no hito | time keeper (reading off
seconds during byoyomi)
控室 | hikaeshitsu | anteroom
主催紙 | shusaishi | sponsoring newspaper
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9.5.3) Time keeping
時間 | jikan | time; an hour
時 | (1) toki | time, moment
| | (2) ji | hour
分 | fun | minute(s)
秒 | byoo | second(s)
秒読み | byooyomi | reading off the seconds
持ち時間 | mochijikan | available time
消費時間 | shoohijikan | used time
残りの時間 | nokori no jikan | remaining time
時間切れ | jikangire | out of time, expiration of
(available) time
一分将棋 | ippun shoogi | one minute Shogi (having
only one minute left for
each move)
ノータイムで | noo taimu de | in 'no time' (playing a
move in less than one
minute, so no time is
substracted from the
available time)
報時する | hooji suru | report the time
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9.6) Special awards
将棋栄誉賞 | Shoogi Eiyo-shoo | the Award of Honor
(awarded by the JSF after
600 wins in official
将棋大賞 | Shoogi Daishoo | The Great Shogi Award
最優秀棋士賞 | Saiyuushuu Kishi Shoo | Award for the Best Player of
the Year
殊勲賞 | Shukunshoo | Award for Best Performance
敢闘賞 | Kantooshoo | Award for Fighting Spirit
技能賞 | Ginooshoo | Award for Technique
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10) Shogi proverbs
10.1) Gyoku/King
- 王手は追う手
- Oote wa oote
Check your checks (lit. A check is a chasing move)
- 王手よりもばり(と必死)
- Oote yori mo shibari (to hisshi)
Squeeze (and hisshi) first, check later
- 玉の守りは金銀三枚
- Gyoku no mamori wa kin gin sammai
Defend the king with three generals
- 玉飛近すべからず
- Gyoku hi chikasubekarazu
Don't put king and rook close to each other
- 玉と飛車は反対の位置へ
- Gyoku to hisha wa hantai no ichi e
Move king and rook to opposite squares
- 玉は角筋を避けよ
- Gyoku wa kakusuji o sake yo
Don't put the king on the bishop's diagonal
- 玉の早逃げは八手の得あり
- Gyoku no hayanige wa hatte no toku ari
Early escape of the king gains eight moves
- 玉のコビンを狙え
- Gyoku no kobin o nerae
Aim at the king's ears
- 玉は包むように寄せよ
- Gyoku wa tsutsumu yoo ni yose yo
Approach the king by surrounding him
- 玉の退路を断て
- Gyoku no tairo o tate
Cut off the king's escape route
- 玉は下段に落とせ
- Gyoku wa gedan ni otose
Drive the king to the back rank
- 玉の腹から銀を打て
- Gyoku no hara kara gin o ute
Drop a silver at the king's belly
- 居玉は避けよ
- Igyoku wa sake yo
Avoid a sitting king (a sitting king is a sitting duck)
- 端玉には端歩
- Hashigyoku ni wa hashifu
Against the edge king push the edge pawn
- 居玉には飛車より角
- Igyoku ni wa hisha yori kaku
Against a sitting king the bishop is stronger than the rook
- 一段玉には二段飛車
- Ichidan-gyoku ni wa nidan-hisha
Against the king on the first rank, the rook on the second rank
- 敵飛の位置を見て自玉を囲え
- Tekihi no ichi o mite jigyoku o kakoe
Castle your king after seeing where the rook moves to
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10/2) Fu/Pawn
- 一歩千金
- Ichifu senkin
A pawn is worth a thousand golds
- 二歩千金
- Nifu senkin
A double pawn is worth a thousand golds. (Apocryphal version of (1),
from the cartoon 'Tokin no Shoo-chan' by Shintamo Atsushi.)
- 三歩持ったら継ぎ歩と端攻め
- San-fu mottara tsugifu to hashizeme
With three pawns in hand, look for a joining pawns attack or an
edge attack
- 歩のない将棋は負け将棋
- Fu no nai shoogi wa makeshoogi
Without pawns (in hand) the game is lost
- 歩詰めに詰みあり
- Fuzume ni tsumi ari
If there is a mate with a pawn drop, there is a legal mate too
- 仕掛けは歩の突き捨てから
- Shikake wa fu no tsukisute kara
Start the fight with a pawn sacrifice
- 手のない将棋は端歩を突け
- Te no nai shoogi wa hashifu o tsuke
If you're stuck for moves, push the edge pawn
- 端に手あり
- Hashi ni te ari
There is always a move at the edge
- 中合に妙手あり
- Chuuai ni myooshu ari
Interposing a pawn makes a splendid move
- 二枚換えなら歩ともせよ
- Nimaigae nara fu to mose yo
Take two pieces for one even if they are pawns
- と金のおそ早
- Tokin no osohaya
The tokin is faster than you think
- 5三のと金に負けなし
- Go-san no tokin ni make nashi
A tokin on 5c cannot lose
- 飛先の交換三つの得あり
- Hisaki no kookan mittsu no toku ari
Exchanging the rook pawn has three advantages
- 金底の歩は岩より固し
- Kinsoko no fu wa iwa yori katashi
A pawn-anchored gold is more solid than a rock
- 歩越銀は歩で受けよ
- Fugoshigin wa fu de uke yo
Against the silver in front of its pawns, defend with a pawn
- 歩越銀は急戦、歩内金は持久戦
- Fugoshigin wa kyuusen, fu-uchikin wa jikyuusen
Silver in front of its pawns -- quick attack, gold behind its
pawns -- slow game
- 矢倉囲に端歩を突くな
- Yaguragakoi ni hashifu o tsuku na
In the Yagura, don't push the edge pawn
- 矢倉囲に端歩を突くべし
- Yaguragakoi ni hashifu o tsukubeshi
In the Yagura, push the edge pawn
- 横歩三年のわずらい
- Yokofu sannen no wazurai
To take the side-pawn is to grasp the nettle (obs.)
- 横歩を取れ
- Yokofu o tore
Just take the side pawn
- 角換わり将棋に5筋を突くな
- Kakugawari shoogi ni go suji o tsuku na
In the Bishop Exchange, don't push the central pawn
- 公郷の位倒れ
- Kuge no kuraidaore
A vanguard pawn is difficult to maintain (lit. The court noble
can not live up to his rank)
- 5五の位は天王山
- Go-go no kurai wa Tennoozan
The 5e vanguard pawn is the Tenno Mountain
- 合せ歩で位を奪還
- Awasefu de kurai o dakkan
Recapture the vanguard pawn with the opposing pawn (tesuji)
- 美濃囲いには端攻め
- Minoogakoi ni wa hashizeme
Against the Mino, an edge attack
- 矢倉には継ぎ歩攻め
- Yagura ni wa tsugifuzume
Against the Yagura, the joining pawns attack
- 焦点に歩を打て
- Shooten ni fu o ute
Drop a pawn on the focal point
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10.3) Kei to kyoo/Knight and Lance
- 桂馬の高とび歩の餌食
- Keima no takatobi fu no ejiki
The knight that jumps far falls prey to a pawn
- 桂馬は控えて打て
- Keima wa hikaete ute
Drop the knight towards the rear
- 三桂あれば詰まぬことなし
- San-kei areba tsumanu koto nashi
With three knights in hand, there must be a mate
- 香は下段から打て
- Kyoo wa gedan kara ute
Drop the lance on the back rank
- 香は離して打て
- Kyoo wa hanashite ute
Drop the lances at a distance
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10.4) Kin to gin/Gold and Silver
- 金なし将棋に受け手なし
- Kin nashi shoogi ni uke-te nashi
Without gold in hand there is no defence
- 金は止めに残せ
- Kin wa todome ni nokose
Save the gold till the end (for the coup the grace)
- 金は斜めに誘え
- Kin wa naname ni sasoe
Entice the gold diagonally forwards
- 金銀の逆形は無筋なり
- Kin-gin no gyakukei wa musuji nari
With gold and silver reversed (gold standing above silver), you're
bound to get in trouble
- 一段金に飛車捨てあり
- Ichidan kin ni hishasute ari
With a gold on your back rank you can sacrifice the rook
- 銀は千鳥に使う
- Gin wa chidori ni tsukae
Use the silver like a plover (moving zigzag)
- 壁銀を直せ
- Kabegin o naose
Mend the wall-silver
- 桂先の銀定跡なり
- Keisaki no gin jooseki nari
Silver at the head of the (opponent's) knight is the standard move
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10.5) Hi to kaku/Rook and Bishop
- 大駒は近づけて受けよ
- Oogoma wa chikazukete uke yo
Defend against major pieces by drawing them closer
- 大駒の捨てどころ肝要なり
- Oogoma no sute-dokoro kanyoo nari
Don't be afraid to sacrifice major pieces
- 飛角の捨て場肝腎なり
- Hi-kaku no suteba kanjin nari
Don't be afraid to sacrifice rook or bishop
- 序盤は飛車より角
- Joban wa hisha yori kaku
In the opening the bishop is more important than the rook
- 竜は敵陣に、馬は自陣
- Ryuu wa tekijin ni, uma wa jijin
The dragon to the enemy camp, the horse to your own
- 飛車の横利き受けに強し
- Hisha no yokogiki uke ni tsuyoshi
The sideways action of the rook is strong in defence
- 飛車と玉はコビンが弱い
- Hisha to gyoku wa kobin ga yowai
Rook and king are weak at the ears
- 飛車の手兵は銀
- Hisha no shuhei wa gin
The rook's page is the silver
- 振飛車には角交換を狙え
- Furibisha ni wa kakukookan o nerae
Against the ranging rook aim at bishop exchange
- 角には角で対抗
- Kaku ni wa kaku de taikoo
Oppose bishop with bishop (Against bishop resist with bishop)
- 遠見の角に妙手あり
- Toomi no kaku ni myooshu ari
With a watchtower bishop there is bound to be a brilliant move
- 持久戦には角が主役
- Jikyuusen ni wa kaku ga shuuyaku
In a slow game the bishop has the leading role
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10.6) Other
- 敵の打ちたいところへ打て
- Teki no uchitai tokoro e ute
Drop where your opponent wants to drop
- 両取り逃げるに及ばず
- Ryootori nigeru ni oyobazu
Don't run from a fork
- 両取り逃げるべからず
- Ryootori nigerubekarazu
Don't run from a fork
- 遊び駒を活用せよ
- Asobigoma o katsuyou se yo
Activate idle pieces
- 浮き駒を狙え
- Ukigoma o nerae
Aim at floating pieces
- 離れ駒に手あり
- Hanaregoma ni te ari
If there are loose pieces, you won't be stuck for a move
- 終盤(寄せ)は駒の損得より速度
- Shuuban (yose) wa koma no sondoku yori sokudo
In the endgame (yose) speed is more important than material
- 攻めるは守るなり
- Semeru wa mamoru nari
Attack is the best defence
- 攻めない将棋に勝目なし
- Seme nai shoogi ni kachime nashi
Without attack, there is no chance of winning
- 攻めの足場を残せ
- Seme no ashiba o nokose
Keep the foothold for the attack
- 勝ち将棋は鬼の如し
- Kachishoogi wa oni no gotoshi
A won game is like a devil
- うますぎる読み筋には注意せよ
- Umasugiru yomisuji ni wa chuui se yo
Take heed of too skillful lines
- 悪手は悪手をよぶ
- Akushu wa akushu o yobu
A bad move invites more bad moves
- 俗手に妙手があり
- Zokute ni myooshu ga ari
A vulgar move may be brillian
- 岡目八目
- Okame hachimoku
The bystander sees the best of the game (Lookers-on always see
more than the players)
- 攻めは飛角銀桂
- Seme wa hi kaku gin kei
Attack with rook, bishop, silver and knight
- 寄せは俗手で
- Yose wa zokute de
In the endgame a vulgar move is alright
- 詰みより必死
- Tsumi yori hisshi
Hisshi (brinkmate) is better than mate
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1 stroke
一 |
1.1b, 1.3m, 3.1t, 3.1b, 3.2.2t, 4.2b, 5.2.2b, 6.1m, 6.2m, 7.3m
9.5.2m, 9.5.2b, 9.5.3b
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2 strokes
丁 | 1.4b, 7.4.1b
九 | 1.1b, 1.3m, 9.5.1b
二 | 1.5b, 3.2.4m, 4.3.3b, 4.4.3b, 9.5.2m
入 | 1.6t, 1.7b, 3.2.1m, 3.2.3t, 3.2.4t, 5.1.3m
八 | 5.1.1t
力 | 1.1b, 4.2m, 5.2.2m
十 | 4.5b, 7.4.1t, 9.5.1b, 9.5.2m
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3 strokes
下 | 1.3m, 1.5b, 3.2.1m, 4.3.1t, 5.1.1t, 7.2b
丸 | 7.3b
千 | 1.6t
三 | 2.3.3t, 3.1t, 4.3.2m, 9.5.2m
上 | 1.5b, 1.7t, 3.2.1m, 5.1.1t, 6.2b
口 | 8.1m
大 | 1.1m, 1.4m, 2.2t, 3.1b, 4.1t, 5.1.1m, 7.3m, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1b,
7.4.2m, 9.5.2t
女 | 4.3.4b, 9.1b, 9.5.1m
小 | 1.4b, 2.3.1m, 5.1.2t, 6.1b, 7.4.2t
工 | 5.2.2m, 8.2t
山 | 4.3b
与 | 5.1.1b, 5.2.3t
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4 strokes
不 | 1.7t, 2.1b, 2.2m, 3.2.2b, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3t, 5.2.4m, 7.3m, 7.4.2m,
7.4.2b, 8.1m, 8.1b
中 | 1.1t, 1.3t, 3.2.1m, 4.3.2t, 4.5t, 5.1.1t, 5.1.1b, 5.1.2t, 5.2.1t
予 | 8.2m, 9.5.2t
互 | 7.3b
五 | 9.5.2m
分 | 4.2b, 7.1t, 8.2m, 9.5.3t
公 | 9.5.2t
内 | 9.3m
切 | 3.2.4m, 4.1m, 5.2.2b
勿 | 1.6b
区 | 7.3t
升 | 4.3.2m
厄 | 5.2.3b, 7.4.2m
反 | 1.6m, 6.1m, 6.2t
天 | 1.2.2b, 4.4.1b, 5.1.2m, 9.5.1m
太 | 1.1m, 7.4.1m
引 | 1.7m, 3.2.1m, 5.1.3b
心 | 7.4.1b, 8.1b
手 | 1.4m, 1.5t, 2.2b, 3.1t, 3.2.2m, 4.1m, 4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.2b, 5.2.2b,
5.2.4m, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m
支 | 6.2m, 9.1b
方 | 4.1m, 5.1.1t
日 | 1.1t, 9.1m, 9.5.1m
木 | 4.4.1m
欠 | 5.1.2b
止 | 3.2.1m, 5.2.1b, 6.1b, 6.2m
比 | 7.3t
水 | 1.2.3m
片 | 4.4.1t, 4.4.2m
王 | 1.4t, 3.1m, 5.1.1m, 9.5.1t
込 | 3.2.1m
辺 | 5.1.1t
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5 strokes
世 | 9.4m
必 | 1.6m, 2.1b, 4.5b, 5.2.3t, 7.4.1m
主 | 4.1b, 9.5.2b
代 | 2.3.3t, 3.2.4m, 3.2.4b, 4.5m, 5.2.2b
打 | 1.7t, 2.1t, 3.2.2t, 5.2.1b, 6.1m, 6.1b
仕 | 4.1m, 5.2.1t
払 | 3.2.4t
他 | 7.3m
本 | 1.2.2t, 1.2.2m, 2.2b, 3.1m, 4.1m, 4.2m, 7.1b, 9.5.2m
凧 | 4.3.1m
出 | 2.3.1t, 3.2.1t, 3.2.1m, 9.5.2m
正 | 2.2m, 3.1b, 7.4.1t
犯 | 5.2.4b
凹 | 3.2.1m, 4.3.1t
玉 | 1.4t, 2.2m, 3.2.3m, 4.3.1b, 4.5b, 5.1.2t
包 | 3.2.1b, 6.1m
圧 | 5.1.1b
甘 | 7.4.2t
収 | 6.2m
生 | 1.7t, 5.1.3t, 5.2.2m
可 | 4.3.4t, 5.2.3t
用 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.1b, 8.2t, 8.2m
古 | 2.2t
田 | 4.2t
右 | 1.7m, 4.3.2m, 5.1.1t, 5.1.3m
目 | 1.3t, 1.3m, 4.1m, 5.2.3b, 5.2.4b, 7.4.2m
叩 | 3.2.3m, 4.5t
矢 | 4.3.3t, 4.4.2t
叱 | 4.5m
石 | 2.3.1b, 4.3.2b
四 | 1.3t, 4.3.2m, 4.3.3b, 4.4.1m, 9.5.2m
穴 | 4.3.1b, 4.3.2b, 4.3.4b, 4.4.3m, 4.5b, 5.1.2b
失 | 5.2.4m, 7.3b, 8.1m, 9.5.2m
立 | 2.3.1t, 3.2.1t, 5.2.2m, 7.4.1m, 9.5.2b
左 | 1.7m, 4.4.1b, 5.1.1t
巧 | 3.1b, 7.4.1t, 7.4.1b
功 | 5.2.4t
布 | 5.1.1m
平 | 1.5b, 4.3.2t
広 | 5.2.2m
Back to top
6 strokes
交 | 3.2.4m
安 | 5.1.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.1b
伏 | 2.2b
守 | 6.2t
伊 | 2.3.3t
舟 | 4.4.3t
似 | 7.3t
近 | 3.2.1m
合 | 1.7b, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 4.1b, 4.5t, 5.1.3t
迎 | 5.2.2m, 6.1t
当 | 3.2.4b, 7.4.1m
会 | 7.1b
式 | 4.2t
企 | 8.2m
行 | 1.7b, 3.2.1t, 3.2.1m
全 | 5.1.1t, 9.5.1m
忙 | 7.4.2b
先 | 1.5m, 6.1t, 6.2t
成 | 1.4m, 1.7t, 3.2.2b, 4.5t, 5.2.4t
充 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.1t
両 | 3.1m, 3.2.4t
早 | 1.1m, 2.2b, 5.1.3b, 5.2.1t, 6.2m, 7.4.1m, 9.5.1m
同 | 1.7b, 4.3.3m, 7.3t
再 | 7.2m
曲 | 2.3.1t
有 | 1.1b, 7.3m, 7.4.1t
死 | 2.1b, 6.2b
自 | 1.3t, 4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.1t, 5.2.4b, 7.1b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.1b, 8.2m
気 | 8.1t
争 | 6.1m
邪 | 5.1.3t
至 | 7.4.1t
米 | 4.3.3m, 4.5b
次 | 3.1t, 5.2.1b
糸 | 1.2.2b, 5.2.3m
劣 | 5.1.1m, 7.3m
防 | 3.1m, 6.2t, 9.5.2b
危 | 5.1t, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2b
吊 | 3.2.1m
名 | 9.3b, 9.4t, 9.4b, 9.5.1t, 9.5.1m
向 | 3.2.1m, 4.3.2b
回 | 3.2.3b, 5.2.2b, 6.2m
因 | 1.6m
地 | 1.3t, 4.3.1b, 5.1.1m, 5.1.2t
好 | 1.5t, 3.1m, 4.1m, 4.1b, 4.5t, 5.2.3m, 8.1t, 9.5.2t
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7 strokes
乱 | 4.1t, 6.1b
我 | 4.2t, 7.4.1b, 8.1b, 9.3t
位 | 4.3.1b, 5.1.2m, 5.1.3m
戻 | 3.2.1m
作 | 2.2t, 4.1t
抜 | 3.2.1m, 3.2.4m, 8.1t
伸 | 3.2.3m, 5.2.2m
投 | 1.6b, 3.2.2b, 7.2m
余 | 2.2b, 5.2.3t, 6.2b
技 | 4.1b, 9.6b
来 | 3.2.1m
抑 | 5.2.2m
冷 | 7.4.1b
拒 | 5.2.2b, 6.2t
別 | 2.2b, 7.3t
足 | 5.1.2m
判 | 8.2b
辛 | 1.6m, 7.4.2m, 8.1b
助 | 6.2m
均 | 4.1b
囲 | 3.2.3t, 4.4.1t, 4.4.2t, 5.2.2t
収 | 5.2.1b, 8.1m
改 | 5.2.2b
困 | 5.2.3b, 8.1b
対 | 1.5t, 4.1m, 5.2.2b, 6.2m
図 | 2.2t, 7.2
材 | 1.2.2t
赤 | 1.2.2b
決 | 4.1t, 8.2t, 8.2b, 9.5.2t
寿 | 2.3.3b
沈 | 7.4.1b
妙 | 3.1b, 4.1b
求 | 5.2.3t
完 | 1.6m, 2.2t, 2.3.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.2m
利 | 5.1.1m, 7.3m
考 | 8.2t
豆 | 2.3.1m
肝 | 7.4.1m
走 | 3.2.3b
良 | 4.1m, 7.4.1t
局 | 1.5t, 5.1.1m
即 | 1.6t, 2.1t, 2.2b
岐 | 4.2b
芸 | 4.1b
災 | 5.2.4b
初 | 1.1b, 2.2m, 3.1m, 8.2t
攻 | 3.1m, 4.1m, 5.1.2m, 6.1t
見 | 3.2.4m, 5.2.4t, 6.1m, 7.4.1m
角 | 1.3b, 1.4t, 3.2.4b, 4.3.1b, 4.3.4m, 4.5m, 5.1.2t
希 | 8.1m
応 | 5.2.2b, 6.2t
迫 | 5.2.2m, 6.1m
序 | 5.2.1t
阻 | 6.2m
形 | 1.6b, 4.1m, 5.1.1m, 8.2b
快 | 1.6m
忌 | 5.2.2b
Back to top
8 strokes
事 | 5.2.2m
明 | 7.4.1m
免 | 6.2m
昇 | 9.5.2m
命 | 7.4.2b
板 | 1.2.2m
並 | 3.2.1m
枚 | 1.4b
弟 | 9.3m
杯 | 9.5.1m, 9.5.1b
周 | 5.1.1t
果 | 7.4.1b
制 | 5.1.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.2m
歩 | 1.4m, 4.5t, 4.5m, 5.1.3b
刺 | 6.1b
泣 | 5.1.2b
効 | 5.1.1m
長 | 1.2.3b, 2.2b, 5.2.2m, 8.2t
協 | 4.1m
限 | 4.5b
参 | 7.2t
治 | 5.2.2m
味 | 4.1m
注 | 8.2m
咎 | 5.2.4b
受 | 2.2m, 4.1m, 6.2t
固 | 5.2.2m
狙 | 3.1t, 4.1m
垂 | 3.2.3m, 4.5t
盲 | 5.2.4m
奇 | 3.1b, 4.3.4t, 6.1t
直 | 1.7.m
始 | 5.2.1m
知 | 8.2m
実 | 2.2t, 4.1t, 5.2.4t, 7.1b, 9.1m
空 | 3.2.2b, 4.3.1m, 4.4.3b, 5.1.2m
逆 | 4.1b, 4.4.1b, 5.2.2b, 6.1t, 7.2b
突 | 2.1t, 3.2.3t, 4.5t, 6.1m
取 | 3.2.4t, 4.1b
金 | 1.4t, 2.3.1m, 4.3.4b, 4.4.2t, 4.5m, 5.1.3b
苦 | 4.1t, 7.4.2m, 8.2t
若 | 9.3b, 9.5.1m
定 | 4.1m
虎 | 1.2.2b
居 | 3.2.1m, 4.3.1t, 4.3.1b, 5.1.3t, 5.1.3b
退 | 3.2.1m, 4.5b, 5.2.2t, 6.2m
追 | 2.2b, 3.2.1m, 6.1m, 6.2m
底 | 5.1.3m
逃 | 3.2.1m, 4.5b, 5.2.4m, 6.2m
延 | 3.2.3m, 5.2.2m
送 | 4.5m
怖 | 7.4.2b, 8.1b
迷 | 5.2.3b, 5.2.4b
所 | 5.1.2m
非 | 5.1.1m
抵 | 6.2m
拠 | 5.1.2m
押 | 5.2.2t, 6.1b, 6.2m
放 | 5.2.2m
Back to top
9 strokes
信 | 8.2m
相 | 1.5m, 4.3.1t, 4.3.2b, 7.4.1m
俗 | 3.1b
栄 | 9.6t
保 | 5.2.2m, 7.3b, 9.5.2b
柔 | 7.4.1m
侵 | 6.1m
段 | 1.3m, 9.4t
前 | 5.2.2m, 9.4b
活 | 5.2.2m
冠 | 9.5.2m
狭 | 5.2.2m
風 | 1.1b, 4.3.2t
珍 | 4.3.4b
厚 | 4.1m, 7.4.1m
発 | 5.2.4m
単 | 5.1.3m
省 | 5.2.2m
型 | 4.2m, 5.1.1m
研 | 7.1t
変 | 2.2b, 4.2m, 4.3.1m, 5.2.2b
秒 | 9.5.3m
級 | 9.4t
奏 | 5.2.4t
美 | 4.4.1t, 5.1.2m
孤 | 5.1.3t
背 | 5.1.2t
封 | 3.1m, 6.2m
荒 | 4.1b
専 | 9.3b
要 | 5.1.2m, 5.2.3t
巻 | 1.2.3b
負 | 1.6m
廻 | 3.2.3b
通 | 1.1m, 3.2.1m
後 | 1.5m, 3.2.1m, 5.2.1m, 5.2.2t, 8.1m
香 | 1.4m, 4.5m
連 | 1.6m, 2.3.2t, 3.1m, 3.2.2t, 4.1m, 4.5t, 5.1.1m, 5.2.1m
食 | 6.1b, 6.2b
待 | 5.2.2m, 5.2.3m, 8.1m
速 | 4.1m, 6.1t, 7.4.1m
思 | 7.4.1b, 8.2t
途 | 7.2m
怠 | 8.2b
重 | 3.2.2m, 4.5m, 5.1.1b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m, 8.2b
急 | 4.1t, 4.3.3t, 5.1.2m, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2b
陥 | 4.1m, 9.5.2m
威 | 5.1.1b, 6.1m, 8.1m
降 | 1.6b, 9.5.2m
指 | 1.1t, 1.5t, 2.2t, 3.2.1t
面 | 5.2.3b, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2m
飛 | 1.3b, 1.4t, 2.3.1m, 3.2.3m, 3.2.4m, 4.3.3b, 4.5m, 4.5b
持 | 1.4b, 1.6t, 2.2m, 2.3.2m, 4.1t, 4.1b, 9.5.3m
挑 | 6.1m, 9.5.2m, 9.5.2b
柾 | 1.2.2m
Back to top
10 strokes
修 | 9.3m
浴 | 6.2b
候 | 2.2m
将 | 1.1t, 1.2.1t, 2.3.3m, 4.2m,7.3b, 9.1t, 9.6t
兼 | 4.1b
凌 | 6.2b, 8.1b
特 | 4.1b
剥 | 2.3.2t, 3.2.4t
留 | 8.2m
原 | 4.3.1m, 4.3.2t, 4.4.3m
破 | 5.2.4m, 6.1m
容 | 7.4.1m
秘 | 3.1m, 4.1m
害 | 6.1m
紐 | 3.2.4b
展 | 5.2.2t
鬼 | 3.1b, 4.3.4t
師 | 9.3t
純 | 4.3.1m
弱 | 5.1.2b, 5.2.2m, 7.4.2t, 8.1t
紛 | 5.2.4b
素 | 3.2.4m, 7.4.1m, 7.4.2t
悔 | 8.1m
罠 | 4.1m
悩 | 6.1m, 8.1b
差 | 3.2.1t, 7.3m
恐 | 8.1b
書 | 1.2.2t, 1.2.3t
恥 | 8.1m
脇 | 1.2.1b, 5.1.2t
振 | 1.5m, 3.2.3b, 4.3.2b
脅 | 6.1m
捕 | 3.2.4t
袖 | 4.3.1b
捨 | 3.2.4m, 4.5b
被 | 6.1m
挟 | 6.1m
討 | 3.2.4t
高 | 4.1m, 4.4.1m, 4.5m
記 | 9.5.2b
挫 | 5.2.4m
起 | 6.2b
捌 | 5.2.2t
進 | 3.2.1m, 5.2.2t
時 | 1.2.1b, 9.5.3
週 | 9.2b
桐 | 1.2.1b, 1.2.2m
逸 | 5.2.4m
桂 | 1.2.2m, 1.4t, 4.5m
都 | 2.3.1m
桑 | 1.2.2m
釘 | 3.2.1b
残 | 2.1b, 6.2b, 8.1m, 9.5.3m
馬 | 1.4m, 2.3.2b, 7.4.2b
竜 | 1.4m, 2.3.2b, 9.5.1t
殊 | 9.6m
殺 | 6.1b
浮 | 3.2.4b, 4.3.1t, 5.1.3t
流 | 4.2t, 4.4.2b
消 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.2b, 9.5.3m
Back to top
11 strokes
牽 | 6.2m
望 | 8.1m
動 | 3.2.1t, 8.2b
異 | 7.3t
基 | 4.1m, 5.1.2m, 7.2t
盗 | 2.2m
堅 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.1m
盛 | 1.2.2b, 3.2.1m, 5.2.2t
寄 | 1.7m, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 5.2m
猛 | 6.1t
移 | 3.2.1b
常 | 3.1m, 4.1m
策 | 4.1m
崩 | 4.5t, 6.1b
粘 | 6.2b, 7.4.1m
張 | 5.1.3m
細 | 1.2.3b
彫 | 1.2.2b
終 | 5.2.1t, 5.2.1b, 9.1t
強 | 3.1b, 5.2.2m, 6.1t, 6.1m, 7.4.1t, 8.1t
鳥 | 1.1m
黄 | 1.2.2t
得 | 4.1m, 7.3b
組 | 3.1t, 5.2.2t
術 | 4.1m
紹 | 7.1t
悪 | 3.1b, 4.1m, 7.4.2t
脱 | 6.2b
愉 | 7.4.1m
菱 | 4.4.3m
据 | 3.2.1m
許 | 5.2.2b
掠 | 3.2.4t
敗 | 1.6b, 3.1b, 5.1.1m, 9.5.2b
排 | 3.2.4m
貧 | 2.3.1m
控 | 4.5m, 5.2.2b, 9.5.2b
軟 | 7.4.1m
探 | 7.1t
斬 | 6.1b
掘 | 7.1m
転 | 3.2.1b, 5.2.2b
雀 | 4.3.3m
道 | 1.1t, 5.2.1m
雪 | 1.3b
運 | 5.2.2m
推 | 8.2b
遅 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.1m
救 | 6.2b
達 | 5.2.4t
断 | 6.2m
遊 | 5.1.1b, 5.1.3t
欲 | 8.1m
釣 | 3.2.1m
清 | 3.2.4m
問 | 2.2m, 7.2t
混 | 4.1t, 6.1b
閉 | 6.1m
済 | 5.2b
陽 | 4.1t
渋 | 7.4.1m
隅 | 1.3b
理 | 1.1b, 5.1.1m, 7.1m, 8.2m
Back to top
12 strokes
備 | 6.2t
絶 | 3.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.1m
割 | 3.2.2m, 4.5m
絞 | 6.1m
創 | 2.2t
結 | 7.1m
雁 | 4.3.1b, 4.4.3t
着 | 2.1m, 3.1b, 5.2.1m, 7.4.1m, 8.2m
喫 | 6.2b
場 | 1.1t, 5.1.2m
勝 | 1.6t, 3.1m, 3.1b, 5.1.1m, 7.3b, 9.3b, 9.5.1m
報 | 9.5.3b
富 | 9.5.1b
腕 | 6.1b
尋 | 5.2.3t
落 | 1.5b, 3.2.1m, 4.1m, 7.4.1b
順 | 4.1m, 9.4m
補 | 5.2.2m
御 | 1.2.2t
覚 | 8.2b
慌 | 8.1b
評 | 7.1m
換 | 3.2.4m
象 | 1.1t
援 | 6.2m
超 | 1.1m
敢 | 9.6b
軽 | 3.1m, 7.4.1m, 7.4.1b, 7.4.2b, 8.2b
替 | 3.2.4m
最 | 3.1m
遠 | 3.2.1m, 5.1.3b
棋 | 1.1, 1.2.1t, 5.1.1m, 7.1m, 9.5.1t
違 | 4.5t, 7.3t
番 | 9.5.2m
棒 | 4.3.1m, 4.3.4b, 5.1.3b
開 | 3.1m, 5.2t, 5.2.1m
検 | 7.1t
間 | 5.1.2b, 5.2.2m, 5.2.4b,7.4.2m
森 | 4.3.4b
渡 | 3.2.4m
焦 | 4.5t, 4.5b, 5.1.2m, 5.2.2m
満 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.1t, 8.1m
無 | 2.3.1b, 4.1m, 5.2.2m, 7.4.1b, 7.4.2t, 7.4.2b
集 | 5.2.2m
痛 | 3.2.2m, 7.4.2m
筋 | 1.3b, 4.1m, 4.3.1m, 4.3.1b
Back to top
13 strokes
働 | 5.1.1b
続 | 5.2.1m
傷 | 5.1.2b
置 | 1.4b, 2.2m
催 | 5.2.2m
罪 | 5.2.4b
勢 | 5.1.1b
腰 | 4.3.1t
嫌 | 4.1m, 7.4.2m, 8.1t
腹 | 5.1.2t
奨 | 9.1b
裸 | 2.3.1t, 5.1.3m
微 | 3.1b, 7.3m, 7.4.1m
解 | 2.2m, 7.1t
慎 | 7.4.1b
試 | 5.2.3t
感 | 4.1t, 8.1t, 8.2m
詰 | 1.6t, 2.1t, 2.2t, 2.2b, 2.3.3m, 3.2.1m, 5.2.2m
想 | 8.2m
戦 | 1.5t, 4.1t, 4.1m, 8.2m
跳 | 1.4b, 3.2.3b, 5.2.2b
較 | 7.3t
損 | 7.3b
適 | 7.4.1t
新 | 3.1m, 9.1b, 9.5.1t
遮 | 6.2m
椿 | 1.2.2m
隙 | 5.1.2b
楽 | 1.6m, 7.4.1m, 8.1m
際 | 7.4.2b
準 | 3.1m, 9.5.2t
意 | 8.1m, 8.2m
源 | 1.2.3m
頑 | 6.2b
溜 | 5.2.2m
頓 | 2.1b, 5.2.2m
煩 | 5.2.3b
飾 | 1.6m, 2.2m
煙 | 2.3.1t
禁 | 3.1m
積 | 7.4.1b
継 | 4.5t, 5.2.1m
Back to top
14 strokes
奪 | 6.1m, 9.5.2m
察 | 8.2b
構 | 2.2t, 5.2.2t, 8.2b
模 | 5.1.1m
疑 | 3.1b, 7.4.2t, 8.2m
端 | 1.3b
練 | 1.5t
綱 | 5.2.3m
綺 | 7.4.1m
複 | 7.4.2m
説 | 7.1t
誤 | 5.2.4b, 7.4.2t
読 | 7.1b, 9.5.2b
選 | 9.5.2m
銀 | 1.2.2m, 1.4t, 4.3.2t, 4.3.3t, 4.3.3b, 4.4.1t, 4.4.1m, 4.4.2b,
4.4.3t, 4.4.3b, 4.5m, 5.1.3b
静 | 7.4.1b
駄 | 7.4.2t
駅 | 4.3.1t
Back to top
15 strokes
影 | 5.1.1b
緩 | 3.1b, 5.2.2m, 7.4.2t
衝 | 6.1m
調 | 4.1b, 7.1t
撃 | 6.1t
誘 | 5.2.2b
敵 | 1.1b, 1.3t, 5.1.1t
質 | 3.2.4b, 5.1.3t
暴 | 6.1b
賞 | 9.6
横 | 4.3.1m, 5.1.1b
趣 | 2.2t
様 | 5.1.1m
還 | 2.3.1t
潰 | 6.1b
避 | 5.2.2b, 6.2m
熱 | 4.1t
鎖 | 4.3.1t
黙 | 5.2.2m
餌 | 4.1m
熟 | 8.2t
駒 | 1.2.1m, 1.2.2t, 1.2.2b, 1.5b, 2.2b, 2.3.1m, 3.2.4b
盤 | 1.2.1t, 1.3t, 1.4b, 2.2m, 2.3.1t, 5.1.1t
確 | 5.2.2m
穏 | 7.4.1b
窮 | 4.1m, 5.2.2m, 5.2.3b
箱 | 4.4.3t
Back to top
16 strokes
凝 | 4.1m
壁 | 5.1.3m
機 | 5.2.3m, 7.4.1b
整 | 5.2.2m
激 | 6.1m, 7.4.1t
窺 | 5.2.3m
築 | 5.2.2t
縦 | 4.3.1m
薄 | 5.2.2m, 7.4.2m
頭 | 4.5m, 5.1.2t, 5.1.3b
錦 | 1.2.3t
錯 | 5.2.4b
鋸 | 2.3.2b
薩 | 1.2.2t
Back to top
17 strokes and more
優 | 1.6m, 5.1.1m, 7.3m, 9.5.2t, 9.5.2b
厳 | 7.4.1t
犠 | 3.2.4m
総 | 4.4.2b
臆 | 7.4.2b
簡 | 7.4.1m
観 | 7.1b
贈 | 9.4b
闘 | 4.1t
難 | 4.1t, 5.2.3m, 7.4.2m
類 | 2.2m
繰 | 3.2.3b
覇 | 9.5.2m
譜 | 1.1m, 1.3t
離 | 3.2.4b, 4.5b, 5.1.3t
響 | 5.1.1b
願 | 8.1m
懸 | 7.4.2b
競 | 6.1m, 9.5.2m
驚 | 8.1m
襲 | 6.1t, 9.5.2m
鷺 | 4.3.1b